Why Do I Think Of Everyone As Idiots

Why do adults think kids are idiots?

Alright. I may sound like a whiny brat, but why is the media (and people in real life) convinced that anyone under the age of eighteen is stupid? I've just reached my teens, and trust me when I say I have much better spelling and grammar than half the adults I've seen. Also, I'm fairly sure I have more common sense than a large amount of adults, too.

I'm not trying to make a rant, because I honestly want your opinions on why you think kids are stupid. However, in order to see where I stand in this, I'll have to give a highly biased explanation. So...let's just see how that goes, shall we?

First off, the media. If aliens were to come here and see a 'pre-teen' TV show, they would scream and run away, vowing to take over an intelligent planet. Now, for detail. As an example, I'll be using Disney, one of the major offenders (and oddly enough, a giant source for innuendo). And before you say anything, yes, some of these shows are meant for early teenagers.

Despite what they seem to think, we don't need morals shoved down out throat. Can someone explain to me why you adults see the need to teach kids that doing drugs is wrong when they already know?

Also, the amount of sheer stupidity is appalling. For instance, I once saw a TV show that just...insulted every kid in the world's intelligence. I mean, the shows have merits, but they teach you the most obvious things. If an adult wants their child to learn, just shove them into skull, or better yet, teach them these things!

I'm not going any further, because I know this is, by all definitions, a rant. Oh, and...please don't report me. Please? I want some honest opinions and answers, and I want to know how kids look in an adult's eyes. Do you think we're stupid? Ignorant? Naive? Oh, and please none of that 'kids are young, therefore they're stupid' stuff. I don't care for those answers, and you won't get any credit for them.

Thank you, if you reply!

Why does everyone think Hunter is a stupid name?

My sons name is Hunter recently I have been hearing a lot of people saying I am stupid for naming my child Hunter and he is going to get bullied. Now I highly doubt he will get bullied as he is a gorgeous little boy and Hunter happens to be in the top 25 most popular names. It is also climbing in popularity as since my son was born I have met ten moms who also have a son named Hunter. So i want to know what makes this name so stupid and wierd?

Everyone thinks I'm an idiot?

So here's the thing, I'm kind of a loner, but the few friends I do have think I'm a total "idiot." I'm quiet and I'm bad at small talk. And the friends that I do have are pretty much complete opposites of me. I'm making straight a's and they make a's and b's, but grades don't really mean much to them, but it's the things I like to talk about and everything that make people think I'm stupid. For example, I like listening to classic rock and newer indie rock, my friends like modern alternative rock like Fall Out Boy and stuff, and they think I'm stupid, and one of my friends told me I didn't "understand creativity" because I couldn't get into the same music they did. I also like to wear really different things than most people and I overheard my friends talking about how weird my clothes were and how if I realized no body liked them, and I did realize that, I just decide not to care what people thought. I also LOVE philosophy and politics and one of my friends and I had a debate over gay marriage and I said I thought it should be legalized and stuff and she said "America isn't ready" and I told her it shouldn't matter what America's ready for and  blah blah, but anyways the debate ended up with my other friend joining in and siding with her and saying "you just don't really understand." Final thing, i go to an alternative school for depression and I'm going to graduate this year, which is 2 years early and I just really cant wait to go to college and get out of my town I'm in and it just makes me really depressed how my friends treat me like I'm unaware and don't understand stuff, and i know this is such a clichè  thing for teenager to say, but I feel so misunderstood and please help me and I live in a REALLY small town so it's hard to make other friends. Thank you for reading. And BTW, I'm not trying to turn this into a music or marriage debate, so please just comment on what I should do.

Why do people think Texans are idiots?

so you're saying you're smarter than Einstein? although he never took an IQ test, he was said to have been about a 168. your profile says you're a lesbian. so you're a 14 year old lesbian who's smarter than einstein? and you also claim that you and your friends all have a rare form of autism that only affects one or two out of every one thousand people, and you all live in the same small town? by the way, there is no such word as "bakas" or "baka" in the japanese language. sorry, but i wasn't born yesterday.

to answer your question, i have lived all over the country while in the military. i currently live in texas and have been here for over 10 years, and i can honestly say that on average, the people here are not as intelligent as they are in other parts of the country, particularly those up north. the public school systems here can't hold a candle to some of the ones up north. combine that with the fact that half of the people here can't speak english, and i think the stereotype holds up.

Why do people think that Donald Trump is an idiot?

Um, no. No not even a little bit. Sometimes I thought GW Bush was an idiot, but then I thought, really?  I mean, you really can't be that stupid and make it to the White House no matter whose backing you, you really can't.  Incompetent?  Sure.  An ex-junkie puppet with poor decision-making skills?  I'll go there, yeah.  But an Idiot?  I don't think so.  Trump?  He's one of the richest men in the world.  Again, you just can't get there and be an idiot.  You just can't.  I don't like the man.  I think he's a wrong-headed bigot who is trying to make economic policy plans while having no clue what the real ramifications would be on the economy or the people in this country.  He's playing to his own base and sometimes I think those people are the lowest common denominator.  But I can't agree that anyone really would consider him an Idiot; which would imply that he's stupid.  Is he an egotistical megalomaniac surrounded by yes-men who believes everyone will eventually bow to his will?  Sure seems like it.  Is he a showman and entertainer with no real political experience who believes that he will somehow get Congress to agree to build a 2000 mile wall while making another country pay for it while turning law enforcement into a gustapo as they hunt down 11 million people so they can prosecute, deport, and remove them from homes, family, friends, and jobs while removing their intake of $12 billion from yearly taxes and $13 billion in Social Security they provide and think that this is all, somehow, what America needs? ie.  is he Delusional?  You Betcha. But is he an Idiot?  I can't say that he is.

Is it bad that your boyfriend thinks everyone is stupid?

I hate to say it but more times than not I feel the same as he does at times about other people and how they behave. However I can understand that you don't like it when he says such things about your friends and it ruins conversations. But you have to realize that he is likely only calling them those names because he is picking up on cues from you to call them that. Meaning that whenever you talk about your friends to him is there any chance you are most likely telling him stories about the bad choices they make with picking boyfriends, or doing silly things at school/work that gets them into needless trouble?, or even if they engage in risky behaviors like drinking too much or going home with people they barely know? Cause if you are, then it is more than a little obvious that he thinks it is ok to call him those names because you feel the same way by what you are telling him about them. So I think you will have to switch up the stories you do tell him about them. Even add in some positive commentary like for instance if you have a friend had a great idea for a work or school assignment. Or how another one always is willing to be a designated driver when you all go out. See by changing up how you talk about your own friends could likely get him to see them in a new light. Probably even get you to do the same thing and not unconciously judge them.

Do you think people that can't spell are idiots?

No, I myself am an awful speller. However, I'm very intelligent in all my other areas, and I'm in all advanced classes. I have some classmates that are excellent speller, but are weaker in other subjects such as math. Everyone has different weaknesses.