Why Do I Yawn Before Exercising

What causes excessive yawning while doing gym exercises?

Yawning has been one of the great medical mysteries, with the predominant explanation being one of “compelled inspiration” and increased gas exchange (oxygen for carbon dioxide). Unfortunately data has not borne that theory out, and the best explanation I’ve seen lately is that yawning helps “cool” the brain by drawing in outside air over the soft palate. Here’s one citation: Do we yawn to cool the brain? Yawning frequencies of people vary with temperature of the seasonExercise certainly increases core temperature and heat exchange, so maybe that’s your connection. You’re a brainy lifter!

Is it normal to yawn during exercise?

no. you probably have a severe diesease called "Yawnitus" you could die within the month.

IM JOKING. its totally normal to yawn while doing a form of martial art. its basically like working out. and you will get tired after a while.

Why do I yawn when I exercise - from the start to the end - even if I am not sleepy?

Despite claims that yawning is only thermo-regulatory, or that it’s only to improve oxygenation, I believe it has several functions. I don’t agree with the idea that a complex reflexive action can only have one function.Typically when you yawn, you also stretch your upper body a bit, rolling your shoulders slightly (or more than slightly) and you tense then relax other muscles.This will increase blood flow, it will increase the depth of an inhale and exhale cycle, it will load and de-load the nerves in the breathing, shoulder, back and neck areas, and it seems to trigger a mild adrenal system pulse, at least, I usually feel a slight adrenaline response after yawning. The reset in muscle tenseness is also an interesting feature.I think it’s a social reflex (you can make other people yawn by yawning in front of them) so it’s also a signalling mechanism that can communicate fatigue or waning interest. We are not the only species that yawns, and I’ve triggered a yawn reflex in cats and dogs at times.However, none of this explains why you would yawn through your entire workout. Does this happen when you’re doing other physical activities? Does it happen when you’re in your gym and nowhere else? Does it happen there if you are NOT working out?If it’s something to do with your gym environment, then it might be that they have poor air circulation.Of course, if it interferes with you getting in exercise or bothers you then talk with your doctor about it.

Why do we yawn?

Found an interesting article on this...

Yawning is a unique breathing act, which is different from the usual practice of breathing. During yawning, the mouth involuntarily opens due to the spasm of mastoid muscles. These spasms, without your permission, force you to take a deep breath. It also involves many other muscles of your body, such as abdominal muscles. Lung ventilation increases, sending oxygen to the brain. Extra blood is pushed from the liver and spleen to the brain stem. During yawning, intellectual activity stops and for a moment we cannot think. We usually start yawning when we are very tired, before sleep, when we are too excited, or extremely serious.

There is a yawn center in our brain that makes this act a reflex like coughing or swallowing. The yawning reflex is very contagious, forcing people to imitate it. This phenomenon even has a fancy name: alolomimea. Yawning can be easily conditioned to become a bad habit. If you fight the urge to yawn, it will return in a similar situation. Yawning is what your body develops to get a “time out” to recharge for a brief moment. It is a signal that we are running out of gas, it is a signal to rest.

This is a great compensatory mechanism, without which we would drop into sleep suddenly without warning, as in patients with narcolepsy.

When I'm at the gym I can't stop yawning? Why?

I'm not tired but the entire time I'm on a machine or doing cardio I cannot stop yawning. Once I leave it stops and it isnt a problem beforehand either. Does this mean something?

Why do I yawn when I'm working out?

are you drinking enough water?
are you eating the right food? proper protein intake and carbohydrates with enough calorie requirement?
do u enjoy workout? is it intense? or do u just go and walk around and think u can lose some of that unwanted fat?

Be determined, Sleep 8 hours maximum per day, drink 2 litres of water and eat atleast 2000 calories with 1gram protein per pound of what you weigh same for carbs and keep it clean, meaning no junk or sugars.

youll see an improvement hopefully within 6 weeks if your dedicated

Why do I yawn so much at the gym?

I always used to notice this at basketball practice, so I did a little research.Basically, it seems like we don't understand ALL that much about yawning (on any level), but some researchers think yawning can be triggered by transition states -- gearing up for a hard workout, getting ready for bed, sitting down in a class, etc. Yawns may facilitate transitions either because of increased oxygen intake, or because of the compounds and neurotransmitters associated with yawning -- including dopamine, excitatory amino acids, acetylcholine, serotonin, nitric oxide and oxytocin -- and the effect they have on the brain. Argiolas and Melis have demonstrated and interaction between these compounds and different parts of the hypothalamus, which regulates things like body temperature, fatigue, sleep and hunger/thirst.It could simply be that yawning increases respiration when they're low -- which could happen during a workout. It seems that yawns can also be triggered by extreme emotions, such as anger, aggression, stress or anxiety. Lots of people have a "pump up" routine they do before a workout -- so this could also increase yawning. I don't know why yawning would happen for these emotions, though.Or maybe you just tend to work out at a time in the day when you're at one of those sleepy lows.

Why do I yawn during meditation?

I often yawn a LOT when I start to open up various regions of tightness.They could be muscular, emotional or over-focused consciousness on a certain topic.Arjen Van Den Eerenbeemt noted “The Relaxation Response” and that could definitely be the culprit.However, the way one of my guides has explained it is that it’s “opening up receptors” … which I always found hilariously nondescript. But the more I experienced the process, the more I came realise I tended to become more in tune with the object of my Awareness after the yawning process subsided.Your reason for yawning may be different.It could be an autonomic process trying to coax you away from meditation and into the joy of sleep. It could be you aren’t breathing enough and require oxygen. It could be aliens! ;)If it’s a consistently repeating thing, pay relaxed attention to the before, during and after states and find out where that takes you.As much as there is a map for meditation and many of us have similar experiences, there’s a lot of unique occurrences that seem to exist only to have explore more deeply. Do not assume there’s an easy write-off for any experience you have without exploring it on your own, especially if it’s something recurring that you find annoying / nagging. That’s an indicator begging for resolution, directly or indirectly.

I sleep a lot at night (7-9 hours). Why do I still yawn during the daytime?

Yawning does not always mean you're sleepy, it is your body's way of getting more oxygen into your lungs. For some reason, you're a shallow breather. All you need to do is breathe more deeply and the yawning will stop. It actually takes some concentration but it's definitely doable, and you'll notice a difference immediately. Also, do you exercise? The heavy breathing that accompanies exercising is great for expanding your lung capacity, allowing for more air to get in there.Try some deep breathing exercises, practice breathing through nostrils.Drink cold water in short intervals of time.Stick your tongue to the roof of your mouth. This action closes your mouth and makes it harder for the yawn to escape. It doesn't always work, but if you're in a work meeting and you don't have access to anything cold, you could give this a try and see if it will hold back the yawn.and last thing, Yawning is also process of induction, meaning if you see a person yawning you'll feel like yawning too, so during lectures avoid looking at people who are sleeping or yawning.Source :  Various sources include Tips to Avoid Yawn , Prevent Yawning , Excessive Yawning and What You Can Do About It , ,Contagious yawning, Psychologist on Yawning .