Why Do L Berals Insist 0bama Is Not A Socialist And Yet Praise Him For Bringing Us Closer To

Why do liberals always confuse free market capitalism with Corporatism?

@Lib Avenger. Umm sorry but both parties are funded by wall street crooks and corporations. Obama is in the pockets of GE and Goldman Sachs

Another Lib smashed

Why are liberals and conservatives so hostile towards each other?

I have sometimes heard that in a democratic society the liberals are the engine and the conservative are the brakes, and the vehicle needs both if it is to function properly. In my youth, the country functioned reasonably well because liberals and conservatives agreed upon some basic principles.Dwight D. Eisenhower, no one’s idea of a liberal, was certainly ok with the concept of Social Security. He said “Should any political party attempt to abolish social security, unemployment insurance and eliminate labor laws and farm programs, you would not hear of that party again in our political history. There is a tiny splinter group, of course, that believes that you can do these things. Among them are a few Texas oil millionaires, and an occasional politician or businessman from other areas. Their number is negligible and they are stupid.”Today’s so-called conservatives are not merely the brakes, they want to put the vehicle into reverse! They would have us abolish Social Security, the ACA (which barely passes for a health care system), food stamps, meals on wheels, family planning, Medicare, Medicaid and anything else that uses tax money to help the needy. Their number may have been negligible in Eisenhower’s era, but now these deluded souls appear to make up some 40% of the population, many of whom are actually beneficiaries of these social programs!The Republican party has gone off the deep end and has lost touch with reality. They are no longer the other side of the coin. This is not your father’s Republican party.

Help an indecisive voter?

you must decide for yourself. It is a matter of what the parties stand for. Democrats, want free lunch for those who won't work, abortion on demand, higher taxes to pay for poorly run government projects, censorship on what we say and do, but freedom for every aspect of our lives, gay marriage, more socialist(communistic) programs and laws.The republicans want people to have opportunities to improve themselves, live in traditional modes of marriage, lower taxes on citizens, realistic government spending, heavy on defense,Peoples rights under the constitution, a better school system, and accountability in all things. Study the caucauses, and town hall meetings, all the programs that have the candidates on. I turned republican after reagan ran for office the 2nd time because I found that I agreed with the republican standards, but you must choose based on your beliefs. Please vote, I served in the marine corps to keep your rights intact, now vote your conscience to show I didn't serve in vain.

In one word, can you describe why you support or do not support Donald Trump?

Maybe.He is the first president who has not climbed the political ladder to get elected, and he's never been in public office before (congressman, govorner, etc). Hes not a career politician. He made his living entirely in the private sector where other politicians suck the American people dry making their living.He has proven he knows how to efficiently create and manage an organization. He took a million and made it 5 billion. He's objectively smart. He could be able to cut waste in government because he's used to doing it in business.He didn't need to run for president. He is only losing money in office (no company, donating his entire salary, paying for much of his campaign out of pocket). He therefore honestly must believe he will be able to do some good if he's willing to sacrifice personally for it.So far he's done a pretty damn good job at stimulating the economy. Even if you don't agree with his social views, objectively his presidency has added TONS of new jobs and THOUSANDS of points to the DOW.Who knows what the future will bring with him, but he seems to be a pretty down to earth kind of guy, which is admittedly a huge relief from they types of presidents we've had in the past. He'll speak his mind without carefully crafting a bull shit sentence that dodges questions like other politicians do.For these reasons I say maybe. Just maybe. Maybe he'll leave out county better off than before. Maybe he'll be able to fix things that previous administrations couldn't, simply because he's not a politician. Maybe he will make America great again. At least he's willing to try. Maybe. Just maybe.