Why Do Leos And Sagittarius Always Praise Aquarius Women

How Compatible are Leo Man and Sagittarius Woman?

Leo man is a proud person and considers himself above all others and pushes to show off this manner. Naturally, he requires adoration and praise by others and desires to remain in spotlight all along. Audience that he will like to have should be one of the admirers who would give him rapt attention to appease him.Sagittarius woman is a down to earth person and is humble and has pleasant manners. She remains away from arguments whenever and wherever a compromised is available and that is why in love her relationship with others will be longer than usual.Loyal by nature though stubborn, Leo man will always treat his lady love as a queen provided she dedicates herself to him unquestionably. Even though Sagittarius woman is blunt in expressing her feelings and opinion, she does it in a friendly manner without hurting the partner. Love relationship between Leo man and Sagittarius woman will be an unbreakable bond and whatever arguments ever crop up between them is only with the intention of testing each other. Loving each other with great passion and affection, they can take their relationship to an altogether different level as Leo man will court Sagittarius woman in love and Sagittarius woman will always try to improvise in love relationship.Downside of the relationship is that Sagittarius woman can become bored by the domineering nature of the Leo man and will consider his pride as conceit and may consider the man to be pretentious. It is all in the mental set up because if the Leo man and Sagittarius woman gets involved in a conflict at the inception, they may never come together mentally. On the other hand if the beginning is good, it is most likely to end well and culminate in an excellent love relationship. To make the relationship work and stand they have to accept each other with Leo man shedding some of his arrogance and Sagittarius woman shedding some of her skepticism working towards a common objective of love and harmony.

Why Leos always prefer Aries?

I am Sag and I usually don't like Arians. They are egoistic, too cocky, cynical. It's my personal opinion, so please no hate. However, I adore Leos. But they do always run after Aries and don't pay attention to us. Other Sags often choose Aries instead of Leo too. Everybody says we should work in love and friendship, but Leos always avoid Sags. There is something like a barrier between us.

Why is it always sagittarius people that bully me?

I'm a pisces and most people who are mean turn out to be sagittarius.

I try to be strong, but they just never take me seriously for some reason. It's always them who bully/disrespect me.

I have a phobia of spiders and there was a really big spider. It was on the wall. The sagittarius picked that spider up by its leg and kept showing it to me, I was running and he kept running after me, showing me that spider in my face.

He thought it was funny and was laughing when I was crying.

One time the father of my friend (who is a Sagittarius) started flirting with me! And he has a wife. He kept making dirty suggestive jokes.

Another time a sagittarius started mocking me, when I was talking about my old memories.

Another one said I'm useless and only good for one thing, and that girls are only born to please men. And then I slapped him (but not too hard). And then he picked me on his shoulder and was running around and threatened to throw me down the stairs if I don't say sorry. He thought it was funny.

Another time last year I had a Sagittarius coworker and I used to work at a store and he became a bit too friendly to the point he used to slap my butt when passing by or casually put his arms around my waist when he was close to me. I asked him why he did that, he said it's just a friendly gesture. Yeah right. Like, I'm not a slut! I was 16 and him 27.

These are just some of the examples. Idk why they are like that. Why are sagittarius like that?!

How do I make an Aquarius female happy?

Aquarius is the sign that says “I think”. Tell the Aquarius woman that you like the way she thinks and she will glow inside. If you watch closely right after you say this, she may freeze or pause for a moment, then she may either thank you or change the subject as though she hasn’t heard you, but watch her eyes and you should see a spark. Now that you have said you like how she thinks, be sure to listen and remember what she said.There is a good chance she is smarter than you. To kill the romance, all you you have to do is say she is too smart. This is as bad as saying you don’t love her. No - it is worse, because you are negating a vital part of her. She can be smarter than average in most things and may be genius in more than one thing. She may do something that is non-traditional, have some strange interests or have some odd friends she is not willing to give up for you. Be OK with this, or keep your opinions to yourself or be gone.An Aquarius female may be as happy without you as she is with you. She can be happy by herself, with old friends, new friends, or a stranger. If this makes you insecure and you get an attitude over it, she may feel disappointed that you do not understand and accept her and disappointed that she is not able to make YOU happy. She will leave you so you can find a person more to your liking. If you think her independence and friendships are because she is not happy with you, so you begin to look for a woman more focused on YOU to the exclusion of others, and Aquarius finds out, she will be deeply hurt. If you fall in love with her, that includes her independence, her friends, her own point of view and all of who she was before you.Mean what you say when you say it and don’t say things unless you mean them. Do not lie. An Aquarius woman does not like to be deceived. She would rather hear a terrible truth than a lame lie.

Aquarius female and Leo male couples?

In order to answer this question correctly, you need to compare the time, place, and date of birth of you and the other person.
It important to compare the degrees between the signs and planets of each chart also. Sun signs are notoriously unreliable for compatibility analysis,
so you really do need to look at the aspects to tell.

If you want to create a Western chart, you can go to and put in both birth dates. It will give you a compatibility analysis which is much more accurate and exact than anything sun sign based.

Very generally, good synastry includes a good connection (a trine or sextile) between on partner's Mars and the other's Venus, or compatibility between the partners's Sun and Moon.

Very generally Sun signs that trine your own make better partners.

Favorite fire sign (aries, leo, or sagittarius)?

I am Aquarius and I LOVE Aries men!!! They bring out excitment in me, and they know how to respect my space. They are also perfect to go out on the town with and on vacation with...and to bed with! Woot Woot

Anyone else find aquariuses to be really condescending?

It's clear that you're not jealous; I completely understand what you're talking about. However, I learned not to generalize people by their signs because I've known a lot of other signs, such as Virgo, Libra, Capricorn girls, who also call you 'hon' or 'sweetie' and seem to think it hilariously adorable. I could very easily understand why the Aquarius girls you've met are this way, I know several myself who are exactly the way you've described them, but I also know a couple of intelligent, introverted ones who are incredibly friendly and very aware of how they come off to people. Honestly, I think you've just met b*tchy people (Not just Aquas). Being a Cancer, like others have previously posted, could have a lot to do with it as well.

I've never personally had a bad encounter with one, they always warm up to me pretty well, but I can't speak for you or the ones you've met! I agree and disagree all at the same time, but don't listen to this crap about you being jealous because you are clearly pointing out an observation and just wanted everyone elses' opinions. People need to stop living up to the exact description you've posted, talking down to you and whatnot just because they are defensive and are attempting to make you feel foolish over the internet. ;|

What’s difference between Aries girl and Leo girl…?

Okey..I am not asking basic traits of both..
Instead on basis of experience and zodiac I waana know

-Their elegance,persona,charm,nature, loyalty and softness towards love


Do Aquarius and Pisces man tend to fall for Aries or Leo girl most?

Even man who have Pisces \Aqua in venus(whatever their zodiac are) tend to fall for Aries or Leo girl most?

My Thanks to all for looking here!!

I am Cancer, why can't I get along with Leos?

Simply due to Ego.Leo are born leaders. Very aggressive.Cancer people are born leaders, but are not confidant about it.Leo are more active almost most of the time.Cancer people are moody, so not consistent. They can work very hard, but seldom do.Leo are very practical people.Cancerian are more emotional.Leo are mostly focused on themself.Cancerian observe others a lot. One of the best critics................When such people are together, cancerian  sees the flaws in leo's action very quickly. Now EGO comes in play.Both are very Egoistic.Problem lies that Cancerian are not aware of their EGO quotient. They are mostly unaware.So when these guys are together, Leo does not like pamper others, whereas Cancerian love to be acknowledged and admired. So slowly they will realise that they are not understanding each others.Its like match of a performer and critic.They cant go together easily.