Why Do Liberals Always Have To Rub It In Our Face That They Are Smarter Than Us Conservatives

Why are some conservatives against contraception and birth control?

Actually, most conservatives AREN’T against contraception and birth control. It’s usually religions that put that down.If anything, conservatives believe that birth control should be the idea that gains ground instead of abortion. If keeping babies from being born unwanted is the goal, it’s cheaper to buy a condom than to pay for an abortion. And if the taxpayer is going to fund babies not being born, it makes more sense to make sure people have access to that birth control.But what about rape and incest, you ask? Most people agree, abortion may be acceptable in those cases. And rape and incest are less than one percent of why abortions are done. You can’t trot out the exception and say it’s the norm.Conservatives don’t always have the best ideas. Neither do liberals. But in the arena of keeping babies from being born, they stress something a lot of people today are trying to avoid….personal responsibility. The government can’t tell you who to go to bed with, what your sexuality is, or how many times a week you can have sex. They don’t have police going door to door making sure everyone is practicing safe sex. That part IS UP TO YOU.You ladies want the old farts in DC to stay out of your vagina? Then quit making them pay for your irresponsibility, and start making better choices to keep unwanted babies from being born.Remember: An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.This is what conservatives want.

Why do republicans always rub in our military's face that they signed up for the military so dont complain.

republicans always tell the family and friends and americans that support the troops that the soldier knew what he was getting into when he/she signed the dotted line. I am sick of republicans bashing our brave troops. Why are they so anti american and on top of that bashing our brave brothers in arms? YEah a soldier signed up but didnt joy over dying in iraq. Republicans do not understand reality and do not deserve to live in a country like America.

What can a conservative do to maintain a good friendship with a liberal?

If politics get in the way of your relationship, you don’t have a real relationship.I have plenty of friends-and family-on the other end of the spectrum. We rarely, if ever talk politics. We discuss mutal intrests, friends, children, previous experiences, areas where we’re focusing (So, how’s your garden doing? Did you ever get those tomatoes to sprout?) and the like. If we MUST discuss politics, we keep it civil, we fight fair and don’t make it personal (Stuff like “You people just want to see the country BURN!!!” “Oh yeah? well you people HATE AMERICA!!!!” is counterproductive, not true, and a waste of time.)A good rule of thumb is, would you rather win an argument and lose a friend, or keep a friend and resign from an argument that neither of you will accept losing? The answer determines whether or not you have a friend, or an acquaintance.

How would a conservative answer this job interview personality statement?


So what are you trying to say that you don't?

Is that why you block people who don't say what you want to hear? "I'm terrified of outside views so you won't feel as insecure about it." 21 or 11? I see kids like you in YDC's and in jail all the time.

You are just a punk kid to me that's nothing more than the pot calling the kettle black. You have a lot of growing up to do that should of been taking place years ago.

Liberals, I have two thought experiments for you guys, answers?

Thought experiment 1

There are different body types and different people are more biologically adapted to certain strengths. For example there are people who are naturally fast and there are people who can lift heavier item. While larger muscles don’t directly equal more strength they are correlated.

In the nation of bench pressers how much you can bench press is what is rewarded/valued, we have a group people that are better adapted to running and another group of people more adapt to bench pressing (both are signs of physical strength), but due to the fact that bench pressing here is what is valued there is discrepancy in results, runners don’t bench press as well as bench pressers.

Is it fair to equalize the results or close the gap of bench pressing by adding more weight to bench pressers? Or is it better to just accept that there are different standards of success?

Thought Experiment 2

Person A is very charismatic, handsome, strong and is subjected to a lot of female attention (the poor guy), he spends a lot of time having fun. Person A makes about 20K a year

Person B is kind of a slob and a little out of shape. He is socially awkward which predisposed him away from social events but due to this finds work more attractive. Person B makes about 75K a year?

How do you close the gap and promote more equality here?

How is arguing with a liberal different from arguing with a conservative?

I don’t tend to argue, however I do like to discuss the current situation. I can ask a liberal and get a reasonable answer. If I ask a conservative a question they either don’t know the facts or refuse to answer the question.I like to ask liberals what good has Trump and the Republican Party done since his election. I can get several reasonable answers, even if I don’t agree with them, or they’ll say absolutely nothing and then explain their answer.I like to ask conservatives about Trump’s past. Did they know Trump is a narcissist pathological liar. Did you know he was a thief who stole from those that could least afford the loss. I have never had a conservative say “no he isn’t” or “it’s not true he is a thief.” Most answers are “you’re just a liberal” or “you’re a snowflake or troll.” One answer I do get sometimes is they will tell me all the good he’s done.I found it hard to understand why people support people who are narcissistic pathological liars until I read True Believers by Eric Hoffer. It was written in 1951, back then we couldn’t figure out why people would follow Hitler, Mussolini or other dictators. The same reason explains why people follow a Peron, a Jim Jones, Reverend Ike, Marcos and I believe Trump. It explains why all types will follow them, rich, poor, intelligent, less educated and others. It further explains once someone follows these leaders they tend to stick with them to the tragic end that comes as surly as the sun setting.