Why Do Liberals Ask Idiotic Questions Like These

Why do so many people on this site ask questions of "liberals" or "conservatives"? There seems to be an assumption that people hold monolithic views on absolutely everything.

Because the human mind likes binary thinking if it is allowed. Shades of grey and subtle appreciations and spectrum analysis and systems thinking take a loooot of work, introspection, critical analysis, and willingness to depart and operate independently from the pack. The majority of the time the human mind in its most typical neurological processes likes quick, easily contrastable positions. Liberal v conservative, good v evil, intelligent versus foolish. The truth is always more complicated and requires multiple layers of analysis. Many Quora users want easy answers that help them more efficiently compartmentalize and codify complex thoughts. Monolithic thinking often holds for certain bigger ideas, but the devil is always in the details.

Here's a stupid question, What's a Liberal? I know it's a political choice, but what do they stand for?

I'm always hearing people trash talk the Liberals just curious I try to look this junk up on the internet, but it's all pretty confusing when it comes to breaking down political parties, I know what I am based on my beliefs, but am confused on anything that isn't republican or democratic.

Why are there so many conservative trolls on yahoo? more then half of the political questions are non serious attacks on "liberals"/ others?

is everyone on this site 15 year old trolls with too much free time or trashy rednecks? seems liken nobody is capable or wants to ask serious questions and have serious decisions on improving our country.

Why do some people ask silly questions?

I attribute this to a number of reasons.There are some people who see Quora as some sort of competition and think that asking hundreds of questions will somehow win them a prize. They just ask questions to add to their list of questions no matter how ludicrous those questions are. They are not really seeking answers.There are many children who populate the Quora universe who ask questions they think are intelligent when they are not. They too are not seeking genuine answers.There are far too many people who post questions to get emotional responses from others. They especially like to post questions that elicit anger, fear, pain and frustration. They enjoy this and feed on the negative emotions they inspire. They are not seeking answers, only emotions. I call these people emotional vampires or trolls.Then there are the right wing political and social agenda questioners who post questions they think will promote their conservative agenda somehow. Some of these people are paid to do this on all social media sites. Some are Americans, Russians and people from other countries who are paid to spread chaos and propaganda. Some are true believers who really believe that posting these, obviously, ludicrous questions will turn Liberals into conservatives. Some are emotional vampires who get off on getting a rise out of others. They think that they are intelligent enough to make Liberals look stupid. Not likely. These are also trolls.There are also religious folks who think that they are supposed to save atheists from themselves. They think that they have the perfect argument to prove the reality of their particular mythology. I consider these trolls as well.My policy is to very seldom answer any of these questions. Once in awhile I will do so if I have some spare time. Usually I just downvote the question and if it is offensive I will report the question. If the OP is a troll I will report them.It is almost impossible to filter out the troll and insincere questions on Quora. But if we each help a little we can clean up some of it.Take careJon

When liberals scream "Death to America" is it wrong to question their patriotism?

They did oh wow that be badder instead of gooder!~!

Why do conservatives ask questions that lead a false point?

Scandinavia falling into dystopia has been a US conservative trope since the days of Eisenhower (google “Eisenhower Sweden”) and for some reason it has stuck well enough that our current right wing loony class totally buys into it. You find presumptions of Sweden’s hellhole status show up frequently on Faux News as well.A lie repeated often enough becomes the truth. Scandinavia’s presumes status in (almost uniquely) US right wing political circles is a perfect embodiment of that.Not that Sweden is perfect. You can always dig up something about it to exaggerate, even if most of what shows up even on Faux News is entirely fictional.

Why are the questions in the Politics section of Yahoo! Answers getting so stupid?

I mean, come on... nobody is asking real quesions here anymore... every question is loaded, and for that matter really insultingly stupid... here's a few very recient examples of questions being asked:

-Do Y/A neoconservatives really believe we are spreading DEMOCRACY??

-How many douches per square mile in the South?

-Why is my neighbor who is a Republican and church deacon always inviting kids over for nature pictures?

-Are Guliani and Romney redneck enough?

Come on, what happened to real questions, or at the very least, real political debates, on real issues... this entire forum is becoming about as devoid of intelligent thought as is the surface of Mars, and as mature as a school-yard full of 3rd graders! Lately here you could call the president a Poopy-head and suprisingly you would NOT be the least intelligent sounding questioner here! Shouldn't we be striving for a higher standard?