Why Do Liberals Make Every Issue About Race Even If The Issue Has Nothing To Do With Race

How did everything get so politicized? Why do liberals make everything about race? I think its making our country more divided, what can I do?

Maybe because at the core many political positions are about race. For example the idea that to be against police brutality you must be against the police and for rioters or law breaking. To be against building a wall you must be for a flood of Mexicans streaming across borders. To be against voter id laws you must be for so called rigged elections. To be against government waste then you must be for welfare reform so the takers of society don’t get what they shouldn’t have.The highlighting of police as being the victims is in response to BLM concerns and is done solely to marginalize and minimize BLM instead of reviewing and acknowkedging the racism present in many police departments.The idea that Mexicans are taking jobs or flooding across borders is not backed up by any facts but it is backed up by racist attitudes.Voter fraud is a non-issue made out to be a huge issue for the sole purpose and sole effect of reducing access to voting. Those effected most are likely minorities.Welfare is not the major expense or social evil it is often protrayed to be. Corporate tax loop holes and the ability of the wealthy to avoid paying taxes is a much larger money drain on society but welfare recepients get the negaitivity directed at them because of racism being in play.A president just left office after successfully piloting the country to a much better place on most all fronts and yet comments directed at him and his family included racist references such as apes, monkey, jungle dwellers, and worse.

Why do liberals cry racism every time a conservative disagrees with Obama?

I for one am sick and tired of people of low intellect crying racism just because I disagree with the President. I disagreed with Clinton and he is not brown skinned. I disagree with Reid, and he is as Caucasian as it gets. But if I say that Obama is bad for the country, I am called a racist. If I say that ObamaCare is a bad law, I am called a racist. If I call Obama out on his many lies, I am called a racist. Personally, I am ready for all you liberals to take that racism crap and shove it up your rear end. Get a life and discuss issues, not just name calling.

Why do Liberals make everything a race or class issue?

And yet, you post about the race and/or class issue.

Go figure...

Why do black people always try to play race card on every issue?

Well, I'm black, and I'm usually very hesitant to bring up the race card. And to be honest, it's quite ridiculous of you to accuse all blacks of using the race card. Have you met all blacks? I certainly know quite a few, and we certainly don't.

But the truth is that many things in society are racially motivated. Race does play a part in one's general life experience. Yes things have evolved quite a bit, but there is still a way to go. And the fact remains, that someone sees a black person in a hoodie, they are more likely to feel somewhat threatened than if they see pale skin in a hoodie. And the truth is that, there are many events in history, even recent history which support this claim.

I'm not saying that this factor has anything to do with this case. I'm really not even getting into my opinion of the case. But that is where many blacks are coming from. There is indeed a struggle which the black community still faces in America, and only someone foolish wouldn't see that. Of course it's gotten far better, but one still exists. There are still ills of America's past which still persists when it comes to racial tension.

I don't think whites owe blacks anything other than to be treated with respect, as we should treat them. And to be honest, I find it interesting the way I see so many whites complaining about how blacks feel whites owe them something, when really, so many blacks couldn't really care about less about the things whites do, so long as blacks are respected. So be careful about your generalizations you make. Those are quite offensive.

Why do liberals deny the obvious correlation between race and intelligence?

Sure there is exception to every rule like Ben Carson, Calrence Thomas and Condolezza Rice but the standardized testing shows that Asian, white, and east Asians dominate blacks and Latino s in academics .even from childhood

Why do "conservatives" yell LIBERAL every time they disagree with, or, cannot understand an issue?

Liberals are some sort of mythological creatures to them who will destroy America,poison their kids with weird idea's and will make everyone gay.They must save America.When they use liberal like that it has little to do with the political term.It's about their superstitions,nightmares and fears

The problem with conservatives isn't the everyday conservatives themselves; it's the people they listen to. Conservative leaders, in their vilification of liberals, tell so many lies about what liberals are supposed to believe, support, say, do, etc., that the everyday conservatives end up hating a fictional enemy. If what the pundits said about liberals was true, I'd be a hardcore conservative.

If liberals were so terrible, these pundits and politicians would have no reason to lie at all. They could just recite facts and let them stand for themselves. Instead they take part in character assassination and avoid speaking about actual issues. They make blanket statements that have no basis in fact. What's worse is that many of them cloak their rhetoric in a pseudo-Christian guise to act as if God is somehow on their side (even though the Bible basically tells them to pray quietly and stay out of politics).

Virtually all of the lies that are told about liberals are easily shattered with the barest attempt at rationality and reason. The facts stand for themselves, yet so much mud is slung that the facts are like gems buried under several feet of mud. The facts are there, and are obvious and clear, but unfortunately one must dig through all the crap that is spewed in order to bring them to light. When one digs a handful of it away, the pundits are expert at piling on even more crap, or more often, will distract and divert away from the digging.

Why do liberals hate white people?

I don't know. It is one of the amazing things about liberals. They are so tolerant, loving and caring. They embrace all races and religions. They want to ban capital punishment because it is cruel.
So why do they want unborn babies killed, Christians silenced, and white people scorned? Why is it okay to discriminate against whites, especially white men? Why is the hand that feeds them thought of as evil?

It's an amazing phenomena that will end our civilization.