Why Do Liberals Say That Obama Is Too Moderate

Why do liberals love Barack Obama so much?

He's a trophy for their white guilt. His horrible record is second to that one accomplishment of being half black. Character takes a back seat to color.

Why do liberals always call those who disagree with Obamas policies, racists?

I agree. Some Obama supporters have long regarded any criticism of him as racism. But that they should have to resort to such a banner to bolster their case shows how desperate they are for any evidence.

Among people who voted for Barack Obama in 2008, those who are likely to be most disappointed are those who thought that they were voting for a new post-racial era. There was absolutely nothing in Obama's past to lead to any such expectation, and much to suggest the exact opposite. But the man's rhetoric and demeanor during the election campaign enabled this and many other illusions to flourish.

Still, it was an honest mistake of the kind that decent people have often made when dealing with people whose agendas are not constrained by decency, but only by what they think they can get away with.

On race, as on other issues, different people have radically different views of Barack Obama, depending on whether they judge him by what he says or by what he does.

As Obama's own books point out, he has for years cultivated a talent for saying things that people will find congenial.

There is not now, nor has there ever been, anything post-racial about Barack Obama, except for the people who voted for him in the mistaken belief that he shared their desire to be post-racial. When he leaves office, after one term, he will leave this country more racially polarized than before.

Hopefully, he may also leave the voters wiser, though sadder, after they learn from painful experience that you can't judge politicians by their rhetoric, or ignore their past because of your hopes for the future. Voters may even wise up to race card fraud. o_O

Why do liberals tend to look away or deny the threat of radical and moderate Islam?

There’s a couple of reasons for what you’re talking about here.First of all, the threat of anything to do with “Islam” as an abstraction is less to you and me on the street in the USA than tons of other serious problems. Statistically speaking, they’re not anywhere close to being near the top of the list of real problems or dangers we face in the USA. I’m actually more likely to be hit by lightning. But at the same time, when the issue is framed in abstractions to paint over an entire religion with a single brush, it’s not hard to see that this kind of fear-mongering is less concerned with real life than it is an exercise in generalized discrimination.With that said, Liberals take very seriously any sort of proximal danger to the public at large. To be real, “Islam” per se doesn’t pose any more threat to anyone than Christianity does. It’s the screwballs around the fringes that we need to watch for- and liberals generally support targeted efforts to minimize this sort of crime! This talk about how they don’t is intended to keep conservatives outraged, angry.Well, the Muslim boogeyman is something the right has been crying wolf on for decades, and a lot of the rest of us are damned sick of hearing about it.Here’s why: Muslims in the USA have more to fear from riled-up, angry Christians who’ve been listening to their media scare them with tales of Sharia than the rest of us have to fear from them. (There happen to be something on the order of 917 hate groups currently active in the USA, of which over 100 are specifically anti-Muslim)[1] This, in turn, promotes the sort of alienation and radicalization we’re being warned about.What you’ve probably noticed is that liberals tend not to join in the chorus when the the right start using scary Muslims as a threat to rally against, or to justify bigotry against them as somehow being an act of self-defense. Liberals tend to see through transparent efforts to trump up a new boogeyman, and they understand it’s essentially either an incitement to the spike of hate crimes that will follow, or a distraction to divert attention away from the hundreds of active non-Muslim hate groups operating within the USA.They see the hate crimes (including those committed against Muslims, by Americans who can’t explain why they’re angry except some vague crusade-era talking points), and don’t like it.No, they’re not looking away from the danger. They’re looking at the bigger problem instead.Footnotes[1] Hate Map

Is President Trump a conservative, liberal or moderate? Why?

He’s a moderate.He spent a good deal of his adult life as a registered Democrat, all of his adult children are Democrats.He switched to Republican in the wake of Obama’s candidacy. I believe it was then that he decided to run for president. Obama was a predictable train wreck. Trump is an excellent judge of people, that’s how he gets what he wants… by reading the people across the table from him and manipulating them into his way of thinking… like a professional card shark or chess player he is always 3 - 5 steps ahead of those across the table.He is happy when people underestimate him, it gives him a huge advantage to have people think they are smarter than him… why do you think he never allows for a dull moment? If things were boring, people would look closer at him… that could be very damaging to his strategy.I prefer for people to underestimate me, too. It means they don’t stand a chance against me. I can literally stack a deck of cards while you watch and put the winning hand anywhere on the table that I want to… First chair, second chair, etc and it stays that way until the deck is reset by a 52 card pick up shuffle or by restacking the suits… normal shuffling wont effect which chair (in relation to the dealer) gets the winning hand… you can record me doing it and study the video until your eyes bleed, and you will never catch me. Even if I tell you I’m doing it… Does that mean I’m lying, or that you are just incapable of working on my level? Trump is so far ahead of this circus, you have to look back to see him… and that’s exactly where he wants to be… because the average mind will assume he’s behind them, not that he’s about to lap them.After 8 years of Obama a Republican presidential victory was virtually assured… Trump knew this, everyone with a keen and objective mind knew this… He didn’t decide last minute to run. His decision was made when he switched parties.

Can Someone name a radical, liberal, moderate, conservative, and reactionary leader?

Radical- Barack Obama
Liberal- Thomas Jefferson
Moderate- Bill Clinton
Conservative- Ron Paul
Reactionary- Warren Harding

Is Mitt Romney Moderate or Liberal Republican? (or something else...?)?

If you had to choose ONE of the two, (moderate or liberal) which would you say BEST fits Mitt Romney? (or if you think he's neither, say so - maybe radical, conservative, etc.)

like i know Obama is a liberal because he puts the people of the nation first.

I think Romney is a moderate...idk, help :\
what's the difference between the two?

Thanks a lot for your help!!

Is Barack Obama a moderate, socialist, communist, conservative, or liberal?

I you would say Obama is "by far the most socialist president since FDR and Abraham Lincoln" then that very clearly illustrates you know nothing about America History and even LESS about "socialism"!

What kind of "socialist" would preside over a more-than-DOUBLING of the S&P 500?

"Socialism" means central government control (and communal ownership of all property), nothing more, nothing should sue your school for your Mommy & Daddy's tax money back!

Obama has never been a Trade Union Leader (like Reagan was!), and is to the political Right of most Presidents in recent history (INCLUDING Reagan)...

What is Obama, liberal and progressive, middle of the road or someone who did not know what he stood for?

He was a very moderate democrat. One specific example is the ACA. It was literally a former Republican framework with almost zero changes and he made sure to base it around private corporations instead of a government run program such as what more progressive politicians are aiming for. If he wasn’t black, it’s unlikely there would be as much or really any of the disdain that republican voters have for him, evidenced by the racist and moronic comments on this and any other question about him or his administration or policies.