Why Do Men Think They Can Just Approach A Woman On The Street And Ask Questions Or Make Comments

Question for men: Do nice guys approach women on street or is it usually the players that do this?

the only reason a "nice guy" would ever directly approach a woman if they have never seen them before is if there is sound reasoning behind it other than the woman is attractive. if you look like you're in trouble, or you actually are in trouble, or any of that stuff. we're not just going to come up and be like "Hi I'm Billy, where do you work?"

and there IS such a thing as a nice guy. you know that guy that always shows up early for work and doesn't really socialize with many people? try talking to him about something. he's the one that would give his soul to see you smile :)

I don't approach strangers to flirt with them because I have no interest in flirting with strangers. I might think a stranger is nice-looking, but that's not enough to get me interested in talking with them.The vast majority of men I have dated, I met through school, work, or mutual friends. We had things in common right off the bat, and we had a chance to interact before anybody started thinking about dating. I've also dated several men I met online, where we got to read each other's fairly detailed profiles before sending an introductory message. I have never dated a man who approached me out of nowhere as a stranger. I don't understand why men bother doing that, honestly, especially since they frequently report rejection after rejection, indicating that it's not working for them.

Why can't women approach men and ask them out?

They can, most of them just don't want to. It's in their biology to want to be pursued. They want to see the lengths a man is willing to go through in order to be with her. When they're pursued it makes them feel wanted. If he's willing to bend over backwards for her then when it comes to him she has a better sense of safety and security.

UPDATE: After reading your updates I'll add that if you want a woman then you have to prove your worth to her, that's just the way it is. Women want strong men. Being shy isn't a "being strong" trait, it's a trait of weakness. If you want a women then you have a lot of work to do in order to better yourself in order to make yourself a better prospect. Fantasizing that a woman is going to want you and accept you for who you are in your current state is just that, a fantasy.

Why do men approach average looking women way more than beautiful women?

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I realize you might be talking about single men who are on a date or something. I’m a married guy, and I don’t interact with many new people any more. But when I do interact with new people, I don’t ask many questions. Here’s why:I figure that if they wanted me to know something, they’d tell me.I don’t like “prying”. I might think of a question, then talk myself out of asking it, because I think the answer is none of my business.I’m afraid of asking the wrong question and offending someone or stumbling into an awkward situation. Me: “So, how did you end up in Chicago?” Them: “My first born child is buried in the cemetery here, and I want to be close to them forever.”I don’t like when people ask me questions in person, so I figure I’m treating them the way they want to be treated.Unless I already know someone, chances are, I don’t really care about their answers anyway. Asking questions just becomes a chore in remembering answers.I know this will sound bad, but there are four people whose sons have been on my son’s teeball team for three years now. We all mingle during the games. They do most of the talking, but I throw in a comment from time to time. They’ve mentioned their names and professions many times, and I never remember. In my mind, these people will never be close friends, so there’s no sense mentally storing information about them.

Sometimes they do - I’ve been approached (much more in my younger days) but, let’s be real: in all honesty, it’s rare for the gender at large unless you have Brad Pitt like looks, aren’t too old and are in certain cultures/places/meatmarkets/vacation spots etc., women generally do not approach.So back to the reason why: it’s hard-wired from mother nature for men to pursue and women to present themselves. Yes this is one-way street and a lotta’ guys find it unfair - but how fair is it you weren’t born an antelope on the Serengeti plain running for you life from some predator? It’s the way nature has unfolded and you better get used to it and get good at the slot you’re in, because if you’re waiting for her to approach you’re simply going to miss out on life and likely the girl of your dreams who WANTS you to approach (mother nature has also made it that she can’t just come out and say it, other than those rare occasions but don’t bank on those.)So WHY is that? Simple again - a woman has no choice but to be selective about her mates… while a man has all the incentive to run around with as many potential mates as possible. Again…why? Because both setups help propagate and insure survival of the species:Man insures survival of the species by implanting as much “baby batter” into as many women as possible and causing as many children as possible thus stacking the odds in mankind's future in it’s favor. Furthermore…Man has no responsibility after impregnating a woman for the aforementioned reasons.Woman insures survival of the species by being selective about who she mates with. This does so for a number of reasonsShe’s looking for the strongest (physical, mental etc.) of men to provide for her and protect her and any offspring they produceShe has to make sure (by any means necessary) that the mate she picks won’t flee (as she knows it’s in his nature) and continue to look after her needs because…She’s going to be stuck potentially with a child for up to 18 years, more or less.She is considered less attracted to man if she mates with other men because this equates (however unfairly) to the inability to raise his own offspring and potential conflict with other male offspring/other men she’s mating with.Short answer - she’s built this way… again - hard wired …just like we are.

Why do men pressure women in having sex so fast?

In the future never leave with a stranger, especially in a bar. They've been drinking, looking at women in tight dresses, probably dancing and trying to get free feels, and horny. Most of the time you'll never meet a potential husband in a club. They're at the club to have a good time. That's a dangerous situation, I'd be pissed o..touching on your private no no. He sounds like a person that could be a potential rapist, he touched on your body without your permsision. Didn't know anything don't want to endanger yourself.

All men do not pressure women into having sex. Only the self-absorbed buttholes, that's thinking about their crouch.

In a situation like that, I'd would have told him "It's time to for me to go", and would have been rigid in saying it. He doesn't have respect for a woman or their body, and has been watching Jerry Springer too much.