Why Do Mexicans Do Everything Against The Law

Mexicans Everywhere?

I agree totaly with you. Illegals get everything handed to them while hard working AMERICAN epople get screwed. I have a friend that works full time as a loan officer in a bank. She is single and has one daughter. She need help with medical and daycare, she is a tax payer and a productive memeber of the country, not to mention AN AMERICAN!!
The government told her that she makes $27 dollars too much each month to qualify for ANY type of assistance. So, she now pays $289 per month for medical and $675 per month in daycare. But if and illegal needed medical or help with their children the state would cut them a check, help them with housing and food stamps and help them to pay their power & phone bills and enerything else. And guess what!! The illegals work for cash under the table and pay no taxes!!!! And my friend who has a job, pays taxes, votes get NOTHING!!!!

I say send all the illegals back to the country they came form!!!!

it pisses me of to see that Illegal Mexican are flying their flags, and want to change this in the USA to be like Mexico!! If MExico was so great, then why in the hell did they leave!!!! If you want to fly an Mexican Flag, then move to MEXICO and get the hell out of my country!

The following 10 facts have been pulled from the LA Times.

1. L.A. County has 10 million people. 40% of all workers in L.A. County are working for cash and not paying taxes. This is because they are predominantly illegal immigrants, working without a green card.

2. Of the 10 million people in L.A. County, 5.1 million people speak English. 3.9 million Speak only Spanish.

3. 95% of warrants for murder in Los Angeles are for illegal aliens.

4. 75% of people on the most wanted list in Los Angeles are illegal aliens.

5. Over two-thirds of all births in Los Angeles County are to illegal alien Mexicans on Medi-Cal whose births were paid for by taxpayers.

6. Nearly 25% of all inmates in California detention centers are Mexican nationals here illegally.

7. Over 300,000 illegal aliens in Los Angeles County are living in garages.

8. The FBI reports half of all gang members in Los Angeles are most likely illegal aliens from south of the border.

9. Nearly 60% of all occupants of HUD properties are illegal.

10. 21 radio stations in L.A. are Spanish language only

Why do legal Mexicans and other Latino Americans get so angry when you talk about deporting illegal immigrants?

This is a generalization. Not all green card Mexicans, first generation Americans from Mexico and Americans of Hispanic descent get angry when someone discusses illegal immigration. But a certain amount of irritation would be understandable.Here are some reasons:Many of Mexico’s problems, (i.e. the reasons for migrating North in the first place), have a lot to do with the influence of the United States in Mexican affairs. These reasons range from our national drug habits which fund Mexican cartels to the general ways that the US tends to bully its trade partners. (Mexico also creates a lot of their own problems, such as inferior schooling, widespread corruption and over dependence on oil, but that’s a different topic.)Making a big deal over illegal immigration can be a cover for racism.Once established in the US, immigrants, regardless of their nationality generally want to bring over family members and this is where they run into the meat grinder of US immigration. It’s not that people want to intentionally be here illegally, -they want to legalize their status as soon as possible,- it’s that they’re caught betwixt and between in a system that keeps them in limbo for years. They come here because there is nothing for them back home.For the people here legally, it’s personal. They have relatives (or know someone who does) caught in a system that seems unfair and cruel to them. The US is tearing their families apart. They see the human cost of our immigration policies.

Why do mexicans have so many excuses?


They are trying to justify their wrong behavior, funny God doesn't let you do that-and he is righteous.

They can change their life in Mexico--harder but possible.
Not the real poor here-they couldn't afford to come.
We have poor here and they don't break the laws of Canada.
Everyone has poor-Mexico is not on the super poor list-not even close. (read post )
Everyone feels sorry for poor-why should I help them and not the ones here first-and yes we cannot do both
They can change their life there-not try to change ours here.

Do you believe Mexico's tough Gun Laws are handicapping their citizens in protecting themselves against cartels?

I’ve given this a lot of thought over the last months what with all the gun control discussions in the US and all that.For me the answer is no.The way I see it, while crime is a danger in the cities I live in (which can be said for many other cities around the world) I don’t really have to worry about gun violence.It may seem weird for those who genuinely believe that someone will pop a cap on your ass the moment you set foot on Mexico, but the average citizen doesn’t actually have to worry about gun violence.Does it happen? Sure, criminals are criminals and they’re willing to break rules to commit crimes, but when I think about someone mugging me I think about knives and other bladed weapons.I have a powerful taser for whenever I’m out at night and a steel baton for my day-to day business, as well as a few years of MMA experience under my belt. That makes me feel safe enough to conduct my day to day business, all while being a 5′0 tall woman.Would a gun make me feel safer? Probably.Then again, if guns were readily available, then the chances of me being mugged by someone with a gun would increase.Now, let’s talk about drug related violence for a second here.I’ve noticed some of the people who answered here seem to believe that you can just kill a narco and walk away having proved your badassery to the rest of the cartel.That’s…not really how things work.If you kill a drug cartel member you’ll be signing your death sentence…along your family’s, friend’s and even pet’s. Hell, maybe even your neighbor’s, because that’s just how drug cartels roll.Now, the average person isn’t John Wick, so you can see how defending yourself against drug cartels is more of a fantasy than anything else.Finally, I can’t help but to believe that there would be a lot of gun related injuries, and even deaths, in quinceañeras, weddings, bautizos, etc.Because of their price, a lot of people would have guns as status symbols, which they would take to big parties, which have LOADS of alcohol.You can see where that’s going.Honestly, despite what you’d believe, I’m not entirely anti gun. I fully intend to (legally) purchase a gun once I own my own house or apartment because a)I need that to own a gun b) I’d like the extra protection and c) I really really want to learn how to use a gun (what can I say? I like weapons. I also want to learn how to use a sword), but I overall don’t think it would benefit the population to be able to get guns as easily as, say, the US.

Why do some whites hate Mexicans so much?

That is a highly imprecise question. "White" is a small group of roughly 1.5 billion people worldwide. Mexico is a post-colonial country and like all former European colonies is home to many an ethnicity of European, Asian, African and Native American descent.I think what you are asking is "Why US Anglo-Americans hate Hispanic people?"The answer to that question is rooted deep in history of both Great Britain and Spain. They were not friends on the best of days, on average: sworn enemies. That animosity carried to the New World.US Anglo-Americans tend to be condescending and/or dislike and/or suspicious of England's traditional foes, competitors and oppressors like France, (despite the fact that France helped USA to win the revolution and was never, ever against USA) and admire and/or like England's traditional allies like Germany.The illegal immigration from Mexico is not really the core issue, because US Americans don't mind that much of illegal immigrants from countries that were always neutral or friends with England and USA (like Poland for example).It is worth mentioning that the centuries-old suspicion and traditional dislike is mutual. Hispanic people are far more "allergic" to Anglo-Germanic culture than to any other non-Romance culture (like Slavic or Hellenic).Both Spain and Great Britain were great imperial powers and people that ascribe to both cultures go into multiple 100s of millions all over the world. They are natural competitors and there will always be friction.

Why do Mexicans illegally cross the U.S. border? Can't they just cross legally, and overstay their visa?

I don’t know how well you know the U.S. Immigration Laws. But here are some interesting facts:Yes, it is very hard to get a visa to the USA for most people. If you can’t demonstrate enough assets in your home country in 3 minutes of conversation with the Consulate Officer, the visa will be denied. So, for most poor people, getting a visa is impossible.Entering illegally and overstaying your visa is just as bad in the eyes of the US Goverment. You will be deported anyway.A lot of illegal immigrants entered the USA with a valid visa.People talk a lot about Mexican illegals. I always wonder why nobody makes a big deal of Irish, British, Russian, German, Italian or Brazilian illegal aliens. There are a lot of those.There is no easy path to permanent residentship. Even if you pay your taxes, keep an immaculate record, and do everything by the book, the law puts a lot of hurdles to keep the right people in.Most people crossing the border do it because they have nothing to lose. The worst case scenario in the USA is better than the best case scenario at their home countries. That is something very few people take in consideration.I don’t advocate illegal immigration either. But I also ask myself, what would I do and risk to survive and feed my family? What would be worse in my value scale? Violate a country’s immigration rule, or let my family starve?

Why do people hate Mexicans?

I've been wondering about this for so long.
Everyone thinks of Mexicans as "illegal aliens". What is this all about?
Actually in my point of view, no one in the United States is legal. Everyone came from different countries and the only legal ones here are the Native Americans. So why do people have so much hatred against Mexicans, especially white people. They don't own the United States so why are they fussing so much about it?
Part of the United States was originally a part of Mexico. Until racist beings came and spread all their hatred against Mexicans after they gave them their land.
Also, why just hate on Mexicans, why can't you hate on Brazilians, Peruvians, Ecuadorians, Chinese, Indians, Albanians, Polish? Why just Mexican?!
This is not fair. Yeah, Mexicans might 'take your jobs away' but that's not our problem. Most Americans think of Mexicans as poor, rude, dirty and mean delinquents. Honestly, not everyone is like that. I know Mexicans who are really clean people, who work hard, who own businesses, who even own millions of money, who are the nicest open minded people, who probably don't even look at all Mexicans. Why can't Americans see that not all Mexicans are the same. Everyone is different. I just hate how Americans just judge and feel like they have a right to hate on a specific nationality.
We are all human beings. We are all equal to each other. Why hate on people? It's not like you're better than others. Mexicans have taught and discovered many things, if one day the 'illegal aliens' are no longer around to help the Americans, I hope you're all happy. We aren't easily going to give up, we fight for the things we want. But, unlike most Americans, we have a heart even for those who wish we were dead and gone.

Is it illegal to burn a Mexican flag?

For all of those who believe that it is not illegal check this out.

Americans who burn Mexican flags go to jail!!!! They are charged with hate crimes and arson!

Tucson Region
City man arrested after Mexican-flag burning.

High School Kid Who Burned Mexican Flag Arrested And Charged With Arson

Do the illegals and their supporters go to jail for committing the same crime against the American flag, I think not.

Where will the double standard stop?