Why Do Most Youtubers Don

Why do most youtubers don't have acne?

I am currently recording a video for my channel and.... i noticed i have two blemishes on both sides of my mouth? I've noticed most youtubers do not have acne. Do they wear make up or do they edit the blemishes out? If I were to keep the blemishes on my face do you think that will turn people off from watching? would it look like a lazy recording/production problem? what do you think?

Why does all youtubers have pugs?

Because they don't want their fans to love their dogs more than them and only subscribe to them to see their dogs. Also, maybe they are afraid that when they don't have any idea and they ask their fans, they would say do a video with your dog doing stuff.

Which youtubers that don't care about their fans?


Who Are Some Funny Youtubers?

Can anyone tell me the names of some funny youtubers? And I don't mean NigaHiga (who btw isn't funny), kevjumba, fred, shimmycocopuffsss, makemebad35, etc. etc.
Preferably a youtuber who isn't quite big (seeing as how most of the big ones aren't exactly that great)
Similar to StillNotDavid?

Who are some of the most viewed youtubers that don't show their face?

what do they do to get their views? I know there are quite a few that do tutorials but are there others (i.e. comedians, animators, etc.,) that get a lot of views? thanks in advance.

Do Youtubers pay each other to be in their videos?

I know some of them get money from YouTube, but if they wanna be in each others videos, like, if smosh wanted nigahiga to be in their video, will smosh pay him?

Why do people say that YouTubers don't make enough money to make a living, but in fact there always buying expensive makeup and stuff?

A lot of people do not see being a “youtuber” as a viable profession because of several reasons. The biggest one being the time and effort actually needed to start generating any decent income.With a job, a person will start receiving a salary at the end of half, or a full month whilst with Youtube this period extends to over a year in most cases. The amount of money generated from youtube is based on the views and subscriptions of the channel over a time period, making it easy to see how new people in the “business” will have to spend quite some time publishing content and attracting viewers before the business is strong enough to be a single income;dr version:It is possible for youtubers to earn a hefty amount of money from youtube (more than enough for a life), but only at later stages.“It’s a long way to the top if you want to rock and roll” ~AC/DC

What is your opinion on "famous" youtubers?

Personally when people use the word "YouTube" famous annoys me. These people don't have "fans" they're just regular people that have people watching their videos that make fun of the ceilberties and stuff. Or other aspects of entertainment. You shouldbt let those examples get in the way of starting your own YouTube. I love what Jenna Marbles talks about she says she just wants I be a regular person and that he just doe videos for fun. Ijustine in my opinion over uses her YouTube fame I guess she is constantly hosting and posting videos that really aren't too great but idk. That's just my opinion ijustine is a supper nice girl though. Just as a view I prefer not to watch her she doesn't entertain me. Ryan higa also known as nigahiga is going to school for film! Which I think is alcohol so it's not all major youtubets!
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Why do most YouTubers quit YouTube forever?

Thousands of people daily come to youtube with the dream of earning a huge money. Butt after giving it some time and working really hard they realize that it’s not that easy. Most of them quit before getting their first payment from google.Youtube in just not all about hard but it is infect about smart work. If you choose a topic that is already very crowded you are not gonna be get noticed.I’m a youtuber and working very hard for 6 months butt still waiting for my first check from google adsense.In countries like Pakistan, India, Bangladesh and Srilanka it’s even harder for youtubers to survive first year.If you want to become a full time youtuber, it’s a bit difficult but not impossible. Invest some money to buy a good video camera, a fast enough computer ( to edit and upload videos), a small studio ( you can use a portion of your bedroom) and a good internet connection.Then all you have to do is just upload one to three videos daily. Depending on your topic, believe me it’s surely going to pay you back ( if you follow this routine for a 6 months at least).