Why Do Muslims Even Come To Western Countries If They Hate Them

Why do muslims hate the west?

I think that you over generalized. Muslims do not hate Western Culture. Some Muslims hate Western Culture. In part, for the same reason that Some Christians believe that the rest of us are on a one way path to Hades. The answer has to do with personal beliefs and social judgment.

After WWII and the unrest caused by the West’s restructuring of the Middle East, the area was all but invaded by Western oil companies who brought with them strange (to the Islamic world) customs about overindulgence, drug use (including alcohol) and sex outside of marriage. Much of this hatred (which began in the days of the Crusades) was rekindled during the 1950’s.

Adding to this is a cultural bias of some Arabs (who are also Muslims) who believe that their culture is older and superior to that of the West. They would see our attempt at treating them as equals as arrogance on our part. This is the view of Osama bin laden and others.

Do Muslims hate Western countries because of how sexually immoral they are?

The west mocks us because our women cover themselves up and call us patriarchal and oppressive. They say we force our women to do such things without knowing the purpose and reasons behind it. They say hijab, niqab and burka are the symbols weakness and inequality. Basically insult us because of our abstinence and calls us stupid.At the same time they force their women to show skin, sexualize women to please the male demographic. They normalize rape culture, catcalling, bastardy. They have even built industries like porn, erotic movies, clubs etc etc using women as the attraction.It's quite ironic when you think about it, because there isn't much difference to what they do as to what they accuse us of doing. If wearing a hijab is oppressive then why isn't wearing a bikini in public oppressive? A lot of western parents won't let their daughters wear such clothing in public solely because she is their own daughter.Now to be honest, one of the reasons why Muslims hate the west is this. This hate isn't ‘they committed heresy, lynch them’ kind of hate. It is sort of, ‘that kid does drugs, don't mix with him’ kind of hate. Muslims understand that it's the western culture and they have been growing up and living in such society and amidst such norms and customs that Muslims consider immoral. Not all westerners obviously support these and not all of them act in such ways. What Muslims believe in is Allah shows the way to those that he wants. Only Allah control their fates. So what they do or don't isn't any of the Muslim’s concerns.Even though we resent such ideology and social customs what we actually think is as long as we aren't indulging in such deeds it doesn't matter what the west is doing. What we can do is preach and that too without hate, because hate begets hate. If they listen, good. If they don’t, that's also good. Because end of the day every one is accountable for their own deeds.

Why is it that many Muslims hate Western countries but still want to settle there?

There is no problem with the muslims that go and settle in Western countries. Most of them do so due to war and persecution, and want to live a better life economically and socially and live in freedom.The problem starts later. And the problem is Islam, the Quran and the teachings that go with them. Although they themselves might not even realize it, their children, fed on the extremely violent ideology therein, now become a danger magnified manifold.As they were born there, they don’t have any emotional baggage their parents carried, no gratefulness for a nation that provided them shelter, no theocratic dictatorship to be afraid of. Now they have money, education, knowledge about the ways of the western world, their laws, their processes and the loopholes within.Now, even if a miniscule minority gets religious and spiritual and want to carry out the teachings of their prophet, the nation and its people become the target.There are very few in the world who understand these characteristics of Islam. The muslim nations know about this and know how to deal with their people. The only other are the Communists nations. One will never hear of major Islamic disturbances in their countries.If you notice, the common factor is Dictatorship. Muslims respect power and strength. If they see a weakness, they will exploit it fully.

Why do so many Muslims go to Western countries when they don't agree with Western culture and the way of their life?

Culture comes last in the minds of people who try to flee from danger. If cities are being bombed on a daily basis, last thing one would have in mind is culture. Safety and food comes in the minds of people. It is not that many Syrians have not actually gone to neighboring Muslim countries. Jordan and Turkey are overflowing with refugees. It also doesn’t help that neighboring rich Gulf countries are not exactly of welcoming type. And there is a lot of sectarianism in those places and freedom of expression is close to nil, unless you have the views same as the ruling class. Europe is relatively welcoming and grants freedom to practice one’s faith without discrimination.Although it is also true that not all of the people who try to come to Europe risking their lives are exactly fleeing dangerous situation, as they could easily go to one of these refugee camps nearer to their countries. They are but seeking a better future for themselves and their family. They are willing to take hazardous journeys, because they are unwilling to stay in refugee camps for rest of their lives without any future. If not for themselves they are doing for the sake of their future generation. It is a risk worth taking for them as countries like Germany have been very benevolent on taking in refugees without much fuss as its European neighbors.Cultural aspects come into picture in times of peace and not in times of war or danger. It is yet to be seen how well the people with such stark cultural differences would be able to integrate themselves into Western societies. If one goes by history alone, it may not be all that rosy, but well no one has seen future, and I simply hope for the best.

Why don't Muslims migrate to other Muslim countries instead of the West?

As it stands today, the so called Muslim countries don't really follow true Islam, and especially the teachings of social welfare and justice system of Islam. The real Islam is overtaken by various new and innovative versions of Islam, which, for the sake of this question we can call Islam 2. Various Islam 2.x versions of Islam, which are benefitting only the extremists, politicians, thugs, corrupt, royals and the rich, have made the so called Muslim countries very unattractive places to live. Remember, matters of the state and matters of religion has a separation in a true Islamic system, but we see the opposite in most of the Muslim countries these days.The Western countries maintain a separation between religion and state matters, and by far and large follow the social system which doesn't exist in most of the Muslim countries any longer, and which actually indeed was there in many of the Muslim countries until few decades ago (1970s), up until the rise of the extremists.The above is the major reason why citizens, whether Muslims or not, of the so called Muslim countries, migrate to the West where they have freedom and can live a productive and happier life.Unfortunately, extremism in the West is also on the rise lately.When it comes to war situation, reality is that majority of the affected Muslims migrate to other Muslim countries. Its only a small number which migrates to the West. And since West makes a lot of noise about it, so you feel like they are migrating to the West.For example, since the start of the soviet war, Pakistan has hosted over 1.5 million Afghan refugees, and this is only the official figure. Unofficial figure is higher. This has been the primary cause of the rise of the jihadists in Pakistan, coming from Afghanistan, trained to fight the Soviet armies. With Soviet armies gone, they brought their 'skills' to Pakistan  UNHCR - PakistanSince the start of the Syrian conflicts, over 1.7 million refugees are living in Turkey as of last year. It is higher now. Syrian Refugees in Turkey: The Long Road AheadOver 2.1 million UN registered Syrian refugees are living in Egypt, Iraq and Jordan. UNHCR Syria Regional Refugee Response

What do Muslims think about the way western women dress and why?

You ask about women, not men.The comandment to lower the gaze is on them as well but men and women differ in the way the approach desires so men can wear less.

The Hijab, being obligatory, upon the Muslim women came in two places in the Qur'an: The one that we just talked about from surat Al-Ahzab, and in another place Allah (S.W.T.) says in surat An-Nour, (verse 31), what can be translated as, "And tell the believing woman to lower their gaze, and protect their private parts, and do not show off their adornment except only that which is apparent, and to draw their veils all over Juyubihinna, and not to reveals their adornment except to their husbands, their fathers, their husband’s fathers, their sons, their husband’s sons, their brothers or their brother’s sons, or their sister’s sons, or their woman, or the female slaves whom their right hands possess, or old male servants who lack vigor, or small children who have no sense of the shame of sex. And let them not stamp their feet so as to reveal what they hide of their adornment. And beg Allah to forgive you all, O believers, that you may be successful."

Your cultural dress code is non existent. Who knows what will pass for clothing 10 years from now. Probably paint.

For the same reason that today I should not be allowed to walk down fifth avenue naked I should observe the sense of modesty when I go among people who wear more clothing. It is about respect and sense of decency shame.However if you note, the commandment for hijab is for MUSLIM women. So seriously as long as non Muslim maintain some sense of modesty in Muslim countries then thats fine because sharia is for Muslims.And in the past they never had any problem with that.But I should not be asked to remove my clothing and go naked wherever I go because that it is psychologically damaging and oppressive to strip someone of their garments


the western media keeps telling lies about Islam in order to make their citizens hate Islam more & more. Why are the Westerns so Jealous from us?? Is it because we are cleaner than them (We wash ourselves more than 5 times a day)? Is it because Muslim women are modest & respectful & they haven`t lost their honour or became public properties or sex objects like most of the western women? Is it because even though we are living in our darkest point in our history & we are suffering from poverty but still there are no high suicide rates in our countries if compared to the numbers in the wealthy west? Is it because we have moral values like the previous examples that I gave above & the western world has nothing except materilistic concepts which are going to fall sooner or later (it already started) while people in the Muslim world (Muslims or non-Muslims) have their religion as the top priority in their lives which is the reason why there are almost no atheists in the Muslim world?

If conservative Muslims who live in the West don't like Western society, then why are they not moving to a Muslim country?

I personally think that it’s not that they don’t like Western society in itself. If they hate the West so much, why would they even be there? I think what they don’t like is how Western societies are often less tolerant of conservatives. I mean, look at this. If a person who has spent his whole life living a non-conservative lifestyle and for some reason had to migrate to a place of overly conservative people, what would he feel or think? If a man is used to bars and liquor and music and theaters and unrestricted socializing and partial/full nudity is to live in a place like, say, Saudi Arabia, won’t he find it difficult to live there?Reasons may vary. You must understand that not every Muslim in the West is a migrant from another country. Many are Westerners themselves and leaving their homeland may not be a welcomed idea. Many Muslims migrants have sacrificed so much for a better life for themselves and their families. It is possible that they fear that leaving the land that made them successful would mean going back to the old life they already once escaped.Besides, migrating is not simple. Most of the Muslim countries today are in the Middle-East, Africas, the Subcontinent, and in Southeast Asia. Not all of the countries there are English- or European-speaking. Families will have to save money in order to be able to buy properties there. Moving out would mean finding new jobs, attending new schools. Don’t even forget about possible culture shock! In simplest terms, it’s easier said or thought than done. Most of the Muslim countries today are either developing or underdeveloped countries. The very few developing or developed countries like UAE, Bahrain, Qatar, although very protective of Muslims, are not very conservative at all. Sure, there are mosques and the Shariah, but bars are everywhere too. Saudi Arabia could be an option. But they don’t offer citizenship to non-Saudis.Conservative Muslims don’t have to move. They don’t have to force their government to implement Shariah for their sake either. Muslims will need to be patient and should learn to adjust without compromising their religiosity. Western society, on the other hand, will have to be more understanding and respectful of other people’s choice. If some buddhists choose to be ascetic, if priests and nuns choose to be celibate, if Jews can refuse to eat what is not kosher, why shouldn’t Muslims be allowed to be conservative?

Why do Muslims hate the western hemisphere so much?

It is their religious belief. Their written teachings, the example of Mohammed and most of their religious teachers today believe that the laws of the Qu'ran MUST be accepted by ALL people of the world. Those who follow another form of government are enemies.