Why Do My Nails Grow So Fast

Why do children’s nails grow so fast?

I don’t think they do. I just think it looks like they do because the nail bed itself is so small.

Why does my hair AND nails grow so fast?

My nails grow sop fast,too. My brother's hair grows like crazy. He gets a hair-cut, in 2 hours(no lie), his hair starts to grow. It's either hereditary(your family has a history of that), or you're just born like that. Both my uncle and dad have fast growing hair. My dad also has perfect cuticles and nails that also grow quickly(from his mom). I got it from him.

Why Do My Nails Grow Fast and Strong?

It's probably because you have a good digestive system and don't eat foods to which you are intolerant ............ you prolly also drink a lot of water and also eat your fresh fruit and vegies.......... i'd lay odds you also don't drink sodas, pop or soft drink..... or alcohol and don't drink much coffee or tea .... all those things dehydrate you terribly and rob you of your B complex of vitamins which are so very essential for healthy hair, skin and nails.

peace baby

Why do my fingernails grow so fast? I cut my nails 2 weeks ago and they have already grown half an inch. Why? Is there any way I can slow them down?

Consider yourself blessed. I know it’s hard to keep cutting your nails back but for some of us, we don’t get that kind of growth in a 6 week period.

Why do my toe nails grow faster than my fingernails?

It is true your fingernails grow faster than your toenails. On the average a fingernail replaces itself in about six months, a process that takes your toenail about a year.

However, I'm not quite sure that anyone knows exactly why that is. I did find a few good guesses, though.

One theory is it's because your fingernails get a better supply of blood than your toenails, what with your feet being way down there at the bottom of your body and farther away from the heart.

I also read a theory that said that because they're locked up in stuffy old shoes most of the time your toenails don't get as much fresh air and sunshine as your fingernails do so they grow more slowly. That doesn't sound quite right to me, but you never know.

This one makes the most sense to me: What do fingernails do? They protect your fingertips and help you manipulate small objects. So it stands to reason that they get more wear and tear than your toenails, which don't do much of anything. So naturally you would need the nails on your busy fingers to grow faster than the nails on your less-active toes.

This is probably why the nails grow faster on your dominant hand than on the other one.

And maybe that's why the nail on your big toe grows faster than the nails on your other little piggies. It does more work than the others, helping you keep your balance and all.

Other nail stuff: Men's nails grow faster than women's. They also grow faster when you're pregnant. I wonder why that is.

And, your nails and hair grow faster in a warmer climate than in cooler weather.

I'm a vegetarian and my nails grow fast,why doesn't my hair?

that person that says "protein is in meat"... is correct yet ignorant. protein is found in many animal free forms like soy/tofu, milk, beans, nuts, etc.
i was vegan for about a year, & i don't like it when people think vegans or vegetarians lack protein.

i have the same issue with fast nail growth & slow hair growth
people say usually my nails are growing is quick and my nails are really strong because my calcium intake is highly adequate as well as genetics for long, strong nails
and my hair grows slowly, like really slow, because i use a lot of heat products on it, so it breaks off and other reasons
maybe your hair doesn't grow as quickly because the follicles are blocked or heat damage
you can massage your scalp with washing your hair in cold water. drink a good amount of water. maintain a good intake of protein. try to avoid heat damage.

Why do my fingernails grow so quickly?

If the new growth is of good condition, then increased rate of growth for hair and nails would normally be as a result of better overall health. This could be due to changes in diet, decrease in harmful medications, increase in vitamin intake, or a better exercise regime, to name a few. Keep it up! If the increased growth is of bad condition (brittle, flaking, breaks easily) this could be due to a negative trend in any of the above factors. If you know what that negative trend is, try to make positive changes if you're able. Alternatively, I would recommend seeing your family doctor.