Why Do My Stomach Swell

Why does my stomach swell so much after eating?

I don't understand it. No matter how much I work out, or how well I eat, my stomach always swells after I eat. That is normal after eating a large amount, but I could eat one small cup of soy yogurt and drink a cup of tea and my stomach swells like I ate a 3 course meal. Or even if it's about what I'm eating, it will happen if I eat a piece of toast, if I eat an apple, if I eat a handful of almonds. No matter what I end up eating and no matter how small a portion, my stomach always swells like I ate a mountain of food. Is there any way to prevent this and why is it happening in the first place??

Why does soda seem to make my stomach swell and make me feel bloated?

Stop drinking soda! If something you consume has a noticeable, adverse affect, the smart thing to do is listen to your body and stop consuming it. The carbonation in soda is not the worst thing. The extreme acidity of one can of soda is perhaps the worst. It takes 32 full 8oz glasses of water to neutralize the acid in ONE CAN of pop! Since acidosis (an overly acidic body chemistry) is thought to be a root cause of most chronic, degernerative disease, only a crazy person would drink such a thing. It's slow suicide.

In addition, the additives, chemicals, caffeine and excess sugar (or worse, artificial sweetener) in soda are an enormous problem. A can of pop is a just a can of toxic chemicals swimming in carbonated sugar syrup. Many of the additives and sweeteners make the soda an addictive substance, so that people truly feel they can't get through a day without pop. What will they drink, water? Ew! Yes, people literally develop an aversion to the most natural beverage of all after a period of time on soda.

I highly recommend you go off soda for good. It really isn't difficult to kick the habit. Try drinking Synergy kombucha as a replacement. It is incredibly healthy and also happens to be naturally carbonated. The beneficial bacteria in kombucha release CO2 as part of their life processes, thereby making the end product very bubbly. It will also help alkalize your overly acidic body and replace the probiotics you have lost by consuming so much sugar.

Make sure to drink plenty of water to help wean yourself off soda and cleanse and hydrate your body. Try this method:
Upon awakening each day, drink a glass of tepid water. You can place a glass of water by the bedside the night before to help you remember. Drink this before you even get out of bed. Once you are up, have another glass of water. The kidneys and GI tract get dehydrated while you sleep at night, and flushing them with water first thing in the morning hydrates and prepares your organs for the first meal and all the tasks of the day. Drink the rest of your water (about 2 quarts a day or 8 8oz glasses) slowly throughout the day to allow the tissues of the body to absorb it rather than pass it right through.

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Why does my stomach swell up and it looks like I'm pregnant?

Not to be a Nervous Nelly, a poochy belly with no weight gain can be one of the few symptoms of Ovarian Cancer. Whether it is something reasonably benign, like ‘gluten intolerance’, or something serious, see a Gynecologist and find out what is going on. Better safe than sorry!I am serious about this, BTW. My Daughter died of Ovarian Cancer recently. She was diagnosed with Stage 3 B Cancer several years ago. She had excellent Insurance, and a fantastic Surgeon, but eventually it killed her. Don’t delay, or ignore this!One further suggestion: Choose a GYN, who practices in a large urban area, who treats many Patients. The small town Doctor may be fantastic, but treating only a few Patients with something like this is simply not enough hand’s on experience to diagnose and treat this Monstrous Enemy!

Why stomach swell after meal?

Feeling bloated after a meal is not uncommon. If you experience stomach bloating regularly after eating, there could be a number of causes. Generally stomach bloating is connected to the type of food you are eating or problems with your digestive system which may prevent the food from breaking down quickly or adequately enough.Irritable Bowel SyndromeIrritable bowel syndrome is the most common gastrointestinal disorder in the United States, affecting around 15 percent of adults. The cause of this disorder is currently unknown. IBS can be chronic or recurring and as well as stomach bloating, symptoms include diarrhea alternating with constipation, stomach cramps and gassiness. You can relieve the symptoms of IBS by adding fiber to your diet, avoiding trigger foods and exercising regularly.Lack of Digestive EnzymesStomach bloating after eating may occur if your digestive system is lacking in necessary enzymes which help food break down. Because of the lack of enzymes in processed food it is estimated that most adults do not have a healthy balance of digestive enzymes. Though fruit and vegetables are rich in digestive enzymes, cooking kills them. You can rebalance your digestive enzymes and reduce stomach bloating by taking nutritional enzyme supplements and eating more raw foods.OvereatingOvereating is a common cause of stomach bloating and flatulence. When you overeat your digestive system cannot break down the food efficiently and this causes the stomach to become distended and feel bloated. To avoid this, you should eat small meals, regularly throughout the day. Eat slowly and chew your food thoroughly.

My Puppy's stomach swells after drinking ?

That is sooooo cute.

I wouldn't worry too much about it. Most likely the pup just drank too much water. As the pup digests food or processes the water, her stomach should go down.

Have you ever eaten so much that you feel like your stomach is pushing outward? Its the same thing. Pups drink a lot of water, and they need to in order to move things (minerals and food) through their systems.

Don't worry.

Can getting punched in the stomach make it swell or harden?

Not gonna go into detail about how it happened (wasn't dangerously intended or anything; just a long story that strays from the point of this question), but the other day I got punched in the stomach for like 10 seconds in a continuous round. Not necessarily hard punches, but moderate, and I could feel some pain afterwards (nothing serious though).

Anyway, I notice now that my stomach is bulging out, and has that kind of swollen bulgy look that happens when you eat a lot of food, or whatever... The other day, I did eat more than usual, but this seems to be consistent, and I can't tell if its just fat build up from yesterday, or if the punching made my stomach swell up?

So can punches to the gut make it swell, harden, and/or bulge? And will it go away? It looks really gross right now, cuz its protruding out, and I want it to flatten back out.


Swollen stomach at time of death?

The stomach swells as gasses build up, gasses that would be pushed out with smooth and skeletal muscle function through the anus. The stomachs sphincters cease functioning and hold shut, especially as rigormortis sets in from remaining sugar and nutrients in the muscles.

The chemicals in the body do not stop working after death, they just lose their source of oxygen once the heart stops beating and the lungs stop functioning. The acids in the stomach are releasing gasses as they digest food regardless of life, until they are neutralized.

Neutralization usually cannot occur, and without the stomach's constant mucous layer regenerating, the stomach will begin to deteriorate. Usually when a body is found after some time has passed the digestive tract is liquified due to left over acid and bile salts (which break down fats). Along with acid and bile comes increased bacterial activity due to the fact that their is no longer an immune system without blood and lymph.

I hope this answers your question, and I am sorry for your loss.

Why does bread make my stomach bloat?

Well bread is not 100% gluten. Other ingredients are in the recipe and wheat flour also contains other ingredients aside from gluten."FODMAPs are short chain carbohydrates (oligosaccharides), disaccharides, monosaccharides and related alcohols that are poorly absorbed in the small intestine.""The basis of many functional gastrointestinal disorders (FGIDs) is distension of the intestinal lumen. Such luminal distension may induce pain, a sensation of bloating, abdominal distension and motility disorders.""Poor absorption of most FODMAP carbohydrates is common to everyone. Any FODMAPs that are not absorbed in the small intestine pass into the large intestine, where bacteria ferment them. The resultant production of gas potentially results in bloating and flatulence."FODMAPThe above symptoms sound like yours.There are several different types of FODMAPs and wheat happens to be a source of one of them

Does throwing up once a day make your stomach swell?

I wouldn't worry too much about your stomach, it should be just fine.

Take a look at these tables:

The stomach hitting the back of your teeth is about as strong as the acid in a car battery. You will lose the enamel on your teeth and they will fall out or rot.

Talk to a nutritionist about eating or research it online. When you get hungry, have a glass of water. Eat slowly. It should take 15-30 minutes to have a meal. Most people just slam their food down. Watch people at a restaurant sometime. They chew 3 times and swallow. Pretty frightening, isn't it?

Also, don't eat on the run, you eat more and faster. Sit down, chew slowly and enjoy your food.

If you can't slow down, then try counting calories. If those don't work, see a dietary professional. If you don't control it now, it will hurt you a lot later. All the best to you.

Why does my stomach flatten a lot after I pee?

Because diarrhea empties your intestines of fecal matter and water. They are, therefore, “flattened” and as a result, so is your stomach because the intestinal mass is reduced resulting in less pressure on your tummy. It is, of course, a temporary situation. You might be amazed at the amount of weight loss that a bout of diarrhea can cause, again temporary. Feel better and God Bless.