Why Do Nerdy White Idiots Try To Hijack Communism/socialism When They Know Nothing About It

Why do nerdy white idiots try to hijack Communism/Socialism when they know nothing about it?

The liberal mainstream of this country never espoused communism or socialism. There is and always has been a divide between them and the communists and socialists.

The liberal interest in addressing the legitimate grievances of american workers, in the 30's and afterwards, was inspired by the need to prevent communism from gaining any currency with those workers, as had happened in many other countries up to that point.

If you don't understand this much then you're the one talking out your butt

Have you noticed with liberals everything is about RACE or what they need the government to provide for them?

There are 3 distinct species of liberals.

One is the Enslaved Parasite. This is the person who pays NO income tax and lives off the tax dollars of everyone else. This person doesn't even CARE that he or she is a drain on society and that he or she is contributing to the bankruptcy of America. This person gets savvy enough to play the system and get as much money for nothing as possible. They are economic slaves who just want the government to take care of them and will, if they even vote, will elect whoever promises them the LEAST responsibility and the MOST handouts. They LOVE the "tax the rich" mantra because it means more free cash for them.

The second is the Useful Idiot. This person actually BELIEVES the lies and rhetoric of the controlling democrats. He or she actually may have good intentions and really wants to help society, but buys into the non-sustainable policies of the entitlement mindset. Many goes as far as embracing socialism, itself a failed system. Logic and facts matter little. Feel-good policy, no matter how impractical, is preferred by this group. A sub-class of this species is the classic Hippie- today called the Occupy crowd. These idealistic idiots are the special forces of the mindless koolaid-drinking Democrat army. They are ignorant of real capitalism and the failure of socialism and don't care. They are parasites as well, but really stinky and obnoxious parasites ruled by ideals and no real knowledge.

Then there is the Ruling Class Democrats. These are the wealthy who are at the helm of the Democrat cause. Most are in government. They KNOW that what they do isn't for the common good, but they have skillfully crafted propaganda to pander to the lower 2 species. Their real goal is ABSOLUTE POWER. Class warfare and racism are favorite tools. They LOVE socialist ideals because every SMART person knows that it funnels the most control and cash to the GOVERNMENT and takes it away from the masses. These are very shrewd and cunning creatures who turned their racism and oppression by being the KKK party into the more modern racism and oppression by economics party. Theirs is a policy of trickle-up poverty and the growth of GOVERNMENT, not the individual.

Anti-socialism equals racism?

Everything wrong with our current system is the direct result of government intervention over the last 40 years. The answer is not more of the same. The State-ists work this way. They impose new laws, regulations and taxation on businesses until they are completely bound hand and foot so they cannot overcome the obstacles they face, then the State-ists declare that Free Market Capitalism does not work and they have to take over.

We must stop this now or loose what little Liberty we have left. Freedom and Liberty at the levels we in America have traditionally enjoyed is the exception. No other people have ever had this level of freedom. But we are allowing it to slowly and steadily be undone by Socialists and Progressives who believe only they know what is best for everyone in every instance. As you may have notices, the extremist Democrats are so out of control now that they are actually defying the will of many of their own constituents. They have super majorities in both Houses yet are not even willing to compromise with members of their own party, let alone Republicans.

This is about as big a threat to our Constitutional rights as I have ever witnessed in my long and fruitful life. We stand at the crossroads of history. Do we stay with the road paved by our Forefathers and the blood of Patriots or do we take the road of Socialism?

It is that important.


Why is communism considered evil by some people?

Communism is considered Evil because it is evil in real world.All the apologists for communism say, "oh it's misunderstood! that's not what Marx meant at all!" (twisting the truth typically).I'll offer an analogy: suppose an incompetent chemist got drunk and made what he claims to be a great medicine. The idea behind it is so compelling that people keep using it.However, all people who use it have their health steadily deteriorated.When that gets pointed out, chemist's proponents say "oh no you misunderstood it all! people who take the medicine use it wrong! they should use it in a different way! the drug has to work because we like intentions behind it so much!".In real world, ideas have consequences. Common people who, unlike quasi-intellectual apologists for the opium, do not dwell too much on erroneous points of apologists get derided for not being familiar with the theory. The theory is bunk (socialization making human nature happen, class consciousness, people working for self-realization and not for money, communism unpaid production being so abundant that people will live in post-scarcity economy, classless society, class warfare), so most people skip it and correctly declare the idea evil.The quasi-intellectuals on their opium claim that the people are crass and simply misunderstood it all. There's nothing to understand, but the opium produces pleasant feelings allowing them to overlook that.Note: nobody has any problem attributing all the real and many more imagined bad results of free market to its ideology being considered so evil in eyes of the critics.Yet, when it comes to results of communist ideas (Totalitarian Dictatorships taking over because trying to put actual communist ideas in practice results in near annihilation of the country, like in Russia 1918-1921, where death penalty for commercial trade among others resulted in cities losing 60% of population where people ran away to countryside just to have something to eat), nearly everyone excuses them as "misunderstood" or "misapplied".As someone quipped: Capitalism is judged by the results, Socialism is judged by the promises.In real, empirical, touchable, smellable, visible world that is subject to actual experience, communism is a machine that reliably turns desire for free stuff into totalitarian governments. The chemist keeps peddling poison as a medicine. To an empiricist, such actions of a chemist are evil. To an idealist, they're fundamentally good.

Will the evangelical far right christians hijacking of the republican campaign ultimately be to blame?

I think it could possibly be that what comes out of the McCain/Palin camp is so extreme, nasty and frankly downright surreal that people have foregone their usual comfortable apathy.

So maybe they are not responsible but yes they are helping, not that Obama needs the help, it would seem. The consequences of all of this extreme and hateful talk could be grave indeed and not worth the nominal boost to Obama's ratings.

What remains to be seen is whether the massive and unprecedented voter turnout can actually vote in practical terms. If that can happen without some Kafka-esque bureaucratic disaster and democratic ground zero, then that would be a good start,

It's already been established what Democrats do when their candidate is not elected, they accept it

It looks like Obama will win, all evidence indicates that he will at this point. So all people we need to worry about is the other more likely outcome. What will armed far right wing zealots do if their man is not elected?

Especially if the president in their myopic eyes is an "Islamic communist black man who may or may not be the Antichrist"

Though civil violence may be an extreme prediction it lurks at the back of my mind. I hope Democracy and peace itself does not lose this election....I'm beginning to seriously contemplate that possibility and I don't think I'm the only one.

History tells us that hateful extremism is never truly helpful, and it only leads to hateful acts and civil violence if it is allowed to ripen and bear fruit.

It needs to stop

Why don't liberals denounce Antifa terrorists?

May I ask something? When was the last time an antifa “terrorist” bombed a building? Hjacked a plane? Kidnapped or assassinated a political “rival”? They show up at protests arranged by fascists, otherwise known in the U.S. of A. as white nationalists or the alt-right to protest their existence. Do they have a right to protest their existence? Yes they do. In countries where free speech is enshrined they have the right to protest against anything that they want to protest against. And, as an aside, IMHO anyone living in a country associated the the Allies (aka the winning side) of WWII has a moral obligation to protest the existence of that which they fought to defeat 75 years ago. But I digress. People or groups opposed to other people or groups are not by definition “terrorists”. People who resort to illegal violence to further their political agenda are.Let’s define “illegal violence”, since not all violence is illegal. One has the right to self defense. So, the KKK and other alt-right groups show up in a town square by the thousands, chanting “Jews will not replace us” and well as just about every racial epithet their tiny little brains can think of, and Antifa comes out to protest (along with lots of other groups and concerned citizens, none of whom are wearing “Hello my name is….. and I’m with Antifa, or with the Civil Liberties Association, or with whatever other group may be there). The Alt right starts lighting fires with their torches, randomly attacking blacks, people in hijabs and anyone else they don’t like. Those people now have the right to defend themselves. So they will punch back if they are being punched, attack if they are being attacked. Besides defending themselves against violent nazi’s they are not violent. They are not bombing churches and killing little girls, they are not running down protesters in the streets, kidnapping and killing marches, or violenting attacking students granted legal status at previously all white campuses. Nor are they walking onto privately owned front yards and setting crosses on fire.I will leave you with two pictures. One of mostly white Philadelphia Eagles fans committing “Terrorist acts” (illegal violence and property destruction) and one of a domestic “terrorist organization”’s protest. Which do you think caused more property damage and posed a bigger threat to your way of life?'Rioting' breaks out in Philadelphia after Eagles victory in Super Bowl 2018

How strong is anti-American sentiment in the United Kingdom?

There is virtually no anti-American sentiment in the UK. There is however significant head-scratching about a number of typical American traits (NB I am generalising and over simplifying and know there is no such thing as a typical Americans). For instance, excessive consumerism is a very American trait that many in the UK don’t subscribe to. Similarly, the lack of historical knowledge and international experience is something many Brits find odd about Americans. Lack of environmental concern could well be another. There are many more. These however are individual characteristic that do not add up to anti-Americanism. These are also traits that many in the UK also have.Perhaps the questions tells us quite a lot about ‘American psyche’. It demonstrates something of a “you’re either with us or you’re against us” mentality. This is not the case. A typical Brit might be for gun control, but that does not mean they are anti-American.The dialectic in America has broken down in the US to a level where the ability to disagree has been lost and replaced with this “with us or against us” choice. It is decisive and toxic.Along the same lines you could compare the US & UK’s approach to international relations. The UK has a modern history of multilateralism and collaboration. (I am going to exclude current Brexit considerations since they are not finished yet as well as for simplicity and for my own blood pressure!). The US’s history of rugged individualism and isolationism comes from more of a “you lose so I win” philosophy. This ‘zero sum game’ is rarely the reality.On the flip side of this you might ask how pro-American we are? In general Brits are extremely pro-American. We love the go-getting attitude and whole ‘American dream’ ideal. Currently however, a lot of Brits see that this ideal is being stripped bare and exposed as something of a lie but we remain optimistic that this is a brief blip.So, yes, there are some generalised American traits that rightly or wrongly worry a few of us Brits and we are more confused than ever, but this is not anti-American.

How did the word liberal spread to become something so feared by many far-right conservatives?

We don’t fear liberals, but we very much dislike what they want to do to America.Liberal was once a good quality in education and in a person. In the classic sense liberal meant open-minded and searching for understanding. A liberal education was one that studied many arts and sciences to provide a broad general understanding. The hall-mark of a liberal university was freedom of thought, nurturing of differing opinions, a welcome exchange of ideas, and free respectful debate. It nurtured respectful coexistence.That is not what “liberal” represents in the United States today. Unfortunately, liberal has come to mean socialist doctrinairism. The level of acceptable dogma and unacceptable deviance from that “truth,” is akin to oppression of independent thought, and attempts to outlaw politically unacceptable speech. This can be seen by so-called liberals refusing to allow a conservative speaker at American universities, or threatening to socially and professionally “blackball” entertainers who support Trump, or shouting down a speaker who is trying to present a idea with which they disagree, or our own elected officials talking of passing a law that would make it illegal for a scientist or anyone else to disagree with the government position on climate change, or that a minister, rabbi, or imam who preaches against homosexuality should be charged with hate speech.Liberals are edging closer and closer to their own inquisition against heretics; they have become anything but liberal.It isn’t just limited to violations of free thought, free assembly, and free speech, but the stance of political liberals has total animus to any different view. Watch the comics on television and note the level or ridicule and disrespect for conservatives, and the rarity of anything similar in reference to liberals. The news is total biased to the liberal view.No we don’t fear them, but we certainly don’t care much for them either.

If, as a Muslim I have been raised my entire life learning kindness, and  that violence is against Islam, then why are there terrorists, and why do a lot of Americans hate me and call me one?

The problem is religion itself, not Islam in particular. I don't like violence and I feel empathy for people who suffer. I didn't have to follow any religion to learn that. I am what I am because of my mother, her compassion and empathy. It has absolutely nothing to do with any religion whatsoever. Your peace loving nature is the product of your fine upbringing by your parents. Religion is not the reason.The only thing religion does is that it gives an extra identity to people and you are bearing the burden of that identity. It is the shared identity because of which terrorists are able to get support from across the world. It just doesn't matter what religion teaches as it is your parents, your elders and your surroundings which make up your personality, not the religion by itself. Good people teach good things from religion and bad people are able to ignite hatred from exactly same religion. There is no such thing as true or false "Muslim" or "Christian". There are good and bad people. Religion just gives a medium and shared identity for extremely violent people to unite and spread hatred and fear. The outsiders are also victims of this shared identity and they assume everyone as terrorists belonging to that identity. It is much easier for them than to figure out who is true according to religion or not as nobody knows. If I know you personally, I would never doubt you but on an average, people are scared of this shared identity as everyone has seen the bad consequences of that in recent past. I try my best to not stereotype but it is not an easy thing. We have always used our instincts to recognize danger. This is what makes people suspicious even if they try really hard to not let the fear and hatred drive their judgement. In my personal opinion, religion has no place in current society and only causing problems. There is not a single thing which cannot be done without religion. Good and sincere people do not require religion to guide them and bad ones use religion as a weapon instead of guidance.

Why is America politically divided?

Jon Davis wrote a great answer:Jon Davis' answer to What has caused the political divide in America?It is well known that during the times of the Founding Fathers what is now USA was a deeply divided place.There was a great history show called il etait une fois l’Amerique (once upon a time - America) where they had this scene where they are planning to fight for independence and one of them notes something about what do they even have in common; some of them are cotton plantation owners, some are religious puritans, there’s the folks in New England, south, west, cattle ranchers etc., and none of them had much anything in common - their interests were different, their environment and livelihood and even culture was different, they even spoke different dialects and so forth..Americans never were politically unified. At best the many groups that don’t regularly see eye to eye much about anything have found that they share a common worst enemy and that their interests align in first working together to defeat the external threat and then they can resume picking each other apart.The divide in America is the result of being too successful.You guys should have never won Cold War and become the sole Superpower.Not that you have to worry.Now that with a blatant lack of real external enemies you’ve been able to rip each other apart you are growing weaker and weaker while your rivals are catching up fast.Within five decades USA will once more have such strong enemies and rivals that they can take their masks off and threaten you openly - and openly go against your interests and will often come to defeat you.It could be on the orbit of Earth and beyond that this new threat takes place as well as from the Pacific, your rivals growing industrially, economically and technologically so strong that they will pit you in for another Arms Race and Second Cold War.Then you can once again see that the external enemy is much more dangerous than the other party and that you can’t afford to tear your own country apart out of spite as you will need to work together and work hard to be able to stand your ground.There was a time when China had no enemies - then it ripped itself apart.There was a time when Europe was overwhelming might on the planet - then Europeans ripped each other to pieces and laid devastation on almost all European cities.There is not greater threat to a civilization than too much success.