Why Do Others Accuse People Of Things They Have Not Done

Why do people so often accuse others of things which they themselves are guilty of?

All of the previous answers are part of the reason. Another reason is, by blaming other people for things that someone is guilty of themself, they can mentally justify their own problem by thinking "well, everyone does it". If everybody does it, then it is not important enough for them to change.

When you are being accused about something you did not do, what do you do?

Whenever someone accuses you of anything, your reaction or response depends on what situation you are in, what the other person means to you and what will be the long term effects of your response.In my opinion, if you don't hold any worth for the other person and the outcome will not be largely determined or affect you with your response, I suggest that you should not even think of providing any sort of clarification. You know that you have not done anything that the other person is accusing you of, and I don't think it is worth your effort to make him believe in you, provided that situation doesn't affect you greatly.Mind it, you do have some self-respect.Another case can be that you are caught in a situation where the person involved in making accusation is not important to you, but the condition of the situation and accusation is. In this part, I would try to reconcile with the person and try to make him believe in me. I will be honest with him and try to make him change his opinion. But if he is not convinced, I would try not to meddle into the affairs for long, instead I would try to persuade others who are involved in the situation and come out of everything with a decent image.Third case can be that the accusation is very serious, and the person involved in making the accusation is very important to you. This is the most difficult one as neither you can let them have that view, nor you can go in depth to prove your point. In this case, I would try very hard to get them change their perspective, try to show them what the actual situation is and I would not leave any stone unturned to make them believe that their accusation was incorrect.But you should not in any case compromise with your self-respect, because your self-respect does have its self-respect.

Constantly accused of things your not doing?

How would u handle constantly being accused of things your not doing, from ur significant other? Iys a difficult situation bc what if this person doing the accusing is great in all other ways, trustworthy, hard worker, extremely intelligent, funny, good looking, very loving to u n kids, good morals, just all around great person. But they are always accusing u of things ur not doing. Like in my instance, im accused of always trying to get attention from our neighboor, whos spouse is my friend. If i come outside and our neighbor happens to be outside, "i went outside bc i supposivly knew they were out there and i just went outside for their attention n so i could see them". N it crazy bc i dont even find this person attractive, n im a loyal friend n would never do that to that persons spouse! Its getting ridiculous the things i get accused of...n its drivong me nuts. But other then that my spouse is awesome n we have a good relationship. I tried talking to gim about it but he insist he KNOWS i do these things n he says of coarse i wont admit it. But I AM NOT DOING THESE CRAZY STUPID CHILDISH THINGS. Advise plz!!