Why Do Parents Ignore Their Children When They

Why do parents ignore their child's bad behavior, even when pointed out by teachers and other students, or perhaps by people around them?

Not all parents have the same reason for non-parenting their child. Some I have seen:The parents do not consider said behavior to be bad. A child writing on a wall in permanent marker is a bad thing to most parents, but some see it as proof of artistic ability and a creative future. Or children that hits others are standing up for themselves.Parenting advice changes yearly. When experts tell parents to refrain from punishment or they will damage their children, parents took it to heart. To extremes, at times.Helicopter parents have failed to develop a healthy separation from their children as they matured. Any complaint about the child is a stinging rebuke to the parental ego.Children can, and sometimes do, bully their parents into submission. The parents feels helpless to change this dynamic, surrender, and the children are in charge from then on.Entitlement. The golden child is allowed to do whatever they want. The scapegoat child in the family is given the punishment instead, even if they are well-behaved.Lack of time. Working two or more jobs while raising children as a single parent is hard. US society has given up trying to assist and support single parent families. Therefore, we have children raising themselves which doesn’t seem to work out well.Lack of money. Mentally ill children require a great deal of therapy, medication, academic support and other resources. Unless a parent has great insurance, unlimited time off work and the money for tutors, therapeutic babysitters, etc, the child’s illness and behavior may never improve.Lack of education. The parent was raised without rules and doesn’t know there is any other way of parenting. Even after taking state ordered parenting classes, the habit is still deeply ingrained.

Why do my parents ignore me?

lately i've been noticing that my parents cut me off when i'm talking. when i ask questions i have to ask it multiple times for them to answer, or sometimes i get no answer at all. when i try and talk to them in general they always give me this look that they want me to shut up. i just dont know what to do :/

Why do my parents ignore me?

Hey so I am the middle child of my family and I am 16 years old. I have two older siblings and two younger siblings. My parents always love and spend time with my older sister and my younger sisters but not me! Whenever I try to get them alone and spend some time with them they tell me to go away (probably my age) but I just love and miss them, I tell them it all the time but they don t listen! My Mom calls me a failure all the time and calls me out on everything I do wrong. She doesn t do this with my other siblings. She also recently started drinking every night with my dad in the pub. I know that is none of my business but I just worry about them since they only used to drink on the weekends and Christmas. I just feel lost in my family and unsure of what to do, I also feel sorry for my youngest sister because my Mom is always at the pub she doesn t get any bedtime stories like she used to.

Why do my parents ignore me?

Whatever you do don't blame yourself.
Unfortunately you can't pick your family. People are more narcissistic/selfish than ever.
My parents were like that too, with almost all the kids but their favorite. I found comfort by going out with friends, bowling, miniature golf and sometimes invited me out on picnics and family occasions.
You could try to talk to them but don't expect miracles, can't really change your parents way of thinking unless some relative or organization intervenes and that could be very difficult and could backlash on you if not done right.

Why do parents ignore their crying and shouting children while out in public?

Because in this delightful, oh so smart, hip and with it society ( sarcasm.dripping here, folks) we have decided that spanking kids is horrible and violent and ABUSIVE (perish the thought, omg) that these little brats act however they want and if it is disrupting or disturbing others, well too bad.
A well placed, good swat on the fanny is so appropriate, but either parents won't for fear of being reported to CPS, or they " don't believe" in spanking.
I'm 54, and I guarantee, no children in my day and age ever dared act up in a store. Because we knew we'd get taken to the restroom for a good spanking. And if spanking makes children so violent, please to explain why we never had school shootings, there was no such thing as road rage, post office shootings, but now in our non spank society, this is the commonplace.

Why do parents put their children on a leash?

This really bothers me, as a mom of a 2 1/2 year old son and 28 weeks pregnant with his little sister. I understand that it isn't always the easiest task to keep him next to me in a store or where ever I am. But that comes with being a parent, I always have my sling or back carrier in the car or else he goes into the cart or holds my hand. It seems ridiculous to me that people would rather strap a leash onto their child, like they do to a dog, so they can walk around a store without having to watch and make sure their child doesn't run off. Part of being a parent is to teach your children the right/wrong ways to behave, what does it really teach them to be put onto a leash and then dragged around?

Sorry if this offends some of you but I was at Target today and saw a mother dragging (seriously) her son who looked to be around 3 thru the store to the point where she was pulling him off his feet, and all the poor kid was doing was playing with some toys that he had in his hands. She started walking away and would just yank, I felt so bad for the kid.

I know not all parents who leash their child do this, or drag their child around. But the same principles are put into effect when you strap a leash to a child and cut out all aspects of parenting that they would have to do it they didn't cut out a child's freedom and restricted them.

Why do Parents ignore their screaming child in the store, What are they trying to accomplish?

If they're trying to accomplish anything, it's demonstrating to their child that screaming and tantrums will fail to bring about desired results. Since infancy, they learn that tears and noise buys them attention and appeasement, which is fine if your kid is under 2 years old, but after that, they become capable of articulating their needs and understanding “No.” If a parent lets this behavior continue, these children rely on tantrums to get their way and believe they are entitled to any little toy they might fancy.Kids are smart and they test the world every chance they get in order to understand where the boundaries are. Oftentimes, a child will realize that noise will embarrass their parent in public the way it does not at home, so a kid who behaves relatively well in private may make a point to act up in a store because they know dad or mom will buy them what they want just to stop all the awkward stares. Refusing to reinforce this behavior as a parent teaches the child (after a few attempts) that screaming will not only fail to guarantee their goal, but will also lower their chances of getting what they want. Then, in the future, they'll avoid tantrums and be a little more patient with responses like “No,” “Not today,” and “Maybe next time.” Kids get it; they just need parents to show them. I always chuckle a little when a kid screaming in a store is denied their treat by their parent and, admittedly, am always a little disgusted when parents give in just to shut the kid up. Before 2 yrs old, get the kid what they want, but after that, you're doing more harm than good.Of course, there's also the odd parent who couldn't care less that the kid is crying and has just tuned out, figuring that the noise is everyone else's problem. But I think it's safe to give them the benefit of the doubt.