Why Do People Accuse People Of Being Ungrateful If Stressed

What should you do if you are wrongly accused of stealing?

I AM NOT A LAWYER. THIS IS NOT LEGAL ADVICE.Wrongfully accused or innocent? Were you arrested and charged with a crime or did someone eat the last package of cupcakes?To me, “Wrongfully accused” means “guilty with blurred evidence”. 2 words now equal 4 and the GAME begins. “Inocent”, one word! Never offer more than necessary. If you need a muzzle buy one!If you have been charged with a crime keep your mouth shut and contact a lawyer ASAP. And NEVER, and I mean never, say “wrongfully accused” again.In a court of law WORDS begin to defy both physics and definition. I'd suggest hitting a law library to educate yourself concerning your charges and the punishments they may carry. Discuss your case with your lawyer only, and ask questions. Take part in your defense BEFORE entering a court room.Unless you are wealthy you will be propositioned to trade that innocence for quick resolution to avoid a financial boondoggle. For guilty people plea court could be beneficial. For innocent people of modest means this can become a nightmare. And guess what? Nobody cares.I have been a successful fool! I'm currently reprising my role as “The Fool”. DO NOT BE A FOOL!…and if you are guilty???? Hold yourself accountable, take personal responsibility, and be a god damn man.

Why do people say "don't judge people"?

We all judge others, it is in our nature and there's nothing wrong with judging so long as it is done properly. People say "don't judge", but what they really mean is be "careful to judge". Careful as in do it humbly and make sure you are not guilty of the same action you are judging, lest you be a hypocrite. In other words. don't throw stones from glass houses.