Why Do People Continue To Believe And Argue About God Just Live Your Life

Why do people still believe in religion in the 21st century?

First and foremost, because parents indoctrinate children at an early age, and it has been shown through tomography that this indoctrination causes physical changes to the brain that make it very difficult for the person to think rationally on  this topic in later life.Second, many people (particularly those in Third World nations) have poor education and desperate lives that make them ripe for believing in some version of an ideal afterlife. Desperate people are prone to grasping at straws, although the old "no atheists in a fox hole" argument is a myth. Someone who is an atheist because they understand science and have studied the history of religion and not merely the tenets, is no more likely to pray to Jesus in an emergency than they are to pray to Santa Claus. They know that their fate rests in their own hands and they better think rationally if they are going to survive rather than relying on random chance.Third, polls that count who is "religious" are fundamentally flawed because there is no reliable means of measuring religiousity in a simple poll. For instance, if you ask the average European if they are "Christian" they will be inclined to say yes simply to distinguish themselves from not being Muslim,. If you actually quiz this person on the Bible these days, you'll find almost no one under the age of 30 knows much of anything about Christianity - and many upon further questioning will then clarify that they don't go to church or pray, or anything else like that. In some nations now, especially Scandinavia, asking someone if they are religious is often taken as a direct insult among young people. It is almost like asking if they are crazy.  The response will be indignation, but this is in parts of the world where the educational standards are high. The United States is presentely ranked #35 in nations for science at the high school level. While many American universities are excellent, only a small fraction of Americans attend and science requirements for graduation are not even up to the standards of a European high school education unless your major is physics or chemistry.

Since Evolution can NEVER be proven. Why do people still believe this LIE?

Excellent question.

Ultimately people believe in Evolution because they want to believe that God does not exist and/or he did not participate in creating life on earth.

There is evidence for Micro*Evolution (adaptation; change within species; limited speciation).

However there is no real evidence/ proof for Macro*Evolution (unguided formation of completely new body plans/ phyla; unguided formation of completely new complex organs).

I used to be an atheist and used to believe in Macro*Evolution. (Over a period of time however, I grew convinced of the existence of the Christian God, and ultimately committed my life to Christ. For a draft-version of my journey from atheism to Christ, see

And over time, I grew increasingly disillusioned with Macro*Evolution as well. E.g. for scientific and intellectual critiques of evolution, see

I recognize now that Macro*Evolution is basically an Atheist Faith (and is held to by Atheist or Deist Faith).


Why do people argue over religion?

Why can't people just believe what they believe and move on with there lives? Why can't they let people marry who they want, be who they want, believe what they want (etc.)

Please give me a good explanation. Because I just don't understand

Theists, give me the REAL reason you believe in a god? Is it comforting? Or what?

"the REAL reason you believe in a god?"

I believe in a creator because information comes from minds, period.

Biochemical information is no different, it came from a mind. The owner of that mind is the creator who's more powerful than we'll ever be, so we call him God.

Why do people fight for god and religion?

Sole intention of any religion is to spread peace , tolerance , selflessness and compassion .No religion encourages religious fights . Religions are realised to improve ourselves but we are trying to prove which religion / god is great .Due to selfish religious leaders who use people's faith to gain name fame , the count of atheists is growing exponentially . Having a considerable extent of faith in God /Religion never hurts anyone .At the same time ,too much of anything kills .

Why does God put people in our life if all they do is hurt us or make us feel bad?

I believe that such people are put in our lives for the purposes of spiritual growth. Too many people view God as a kind of divine vending machine—put in a prayer, out comes a benefit. Such people cannot accept (or do not want to accept) that both good and bad circumstances in our lives come from God. (If such people were aware of what is written in the Bible, they’d find it clearly stated there.)God does things for us that we can’t do for ourselves. That’s the sense behind Jesus’s saying that “Without me you can do nothing”. We would hardly want to choose to do things that would be painful, even if we knew they would be for our ultimate benefit. So God provides these things for us that will not only bring about our growth, but will help to serve his inscrutable purposes.Look at it this way. Let’s say a person comes into your life and causes you tremendous pain. Later, you die and go to heaven. There, you meet this horrible person, who approaches you and says something like, “I’m so sorry I hurt you, but it was one of the things I was put on earth. Without me, you could not have accomplished your own mission. I congratulate you and love you for the strength you showed in overcoming the miserable way I treated you.” And of course, knowing what you know once you have left your physical body, you will see the wisdom in what God has done in bringing this person into you life. All those whose earthy journeys also contributed to your growth, which you perceived either as hurtful or pleasant, will be there, cheering you for your work here on earth.So when someone in your life causes you pain, you can keep the words of the apostle Paul in mind: “In all things, give thanks”. All things! And that is one of the hardest things you can ever attempt to do.

I was just wondering if any religious people would be willing to try to explain what you think evolution is?

I know religious people that do not believe evolution and I know religious people that do believe evolution and there is a big difference between the 2. Most of the time the ones that do believe in evolution are actually able to describe what evolution actually is. And the ones that do no believe in evolution have assumptions about what they think evolution is but they are always wrong.

I think what they fail to understand is that evolution has nothing to do with religious, it is not, never has been and never will be used as an argument against gods existence, it does however prove the bible wrong, but at this point everything proves the bible wrong, so that does not matter.

So I am curious, if you are religious and you disagree with evolution, without looking it up online somewhere, just off the top of you head can you please explain what you think evolution is?