Why Do People Get Confused With Culture And Religion

Why do most people confuse islam with ARAB culture? (+10PTS)?

Arab culture like people being strict, too religious, middle-eastern, women being opressed. And oh god i hate people saying 'Muslim culture' but in truth islam isn't a 'CULTURE'.
You know that there are muslims with western cultures too, right?
AND THE MOST IMPORTANT QUESTION IS: If you ever saw an european muslim guy would you think of him like the arabs being unwesternized(there are some westernized arabs but RARE),conservative and too religious??

Why am I so confused about Religion?

God doesn't send people to Hell, he allows us to make the choice for ourselves, at least that is the perspective in most Christian based religions. Far be it from me to know what the intent of God is, but all one can do is choose a path and hope it is the right one. I tend to believe that God understands this general frailness of spirit in man and that the variety of religions are His way of providing a path for all people to accommodate for our inquisitive nature. Fundamentally, all major religions believe very similar things: that living a humble and righteous life, devoting energy to helping others, and striving to achieve that moral ideal will lead you to an afterlife where pain no longer exists and all the mysteries of the ages are revealed to you. I can't help but wonder whether God has presented himself to various cultures through time in various ways to guide people to him. In any case, far be it for me to try and speak for the Supreme Architect, and far be it for me to suggest I have all the answers. I know what I believe and I am happy to discuss it with others, and they are free to choose the path they desire. In the end, we'll see who was right I guess.

Why Do People Get CULTURE mixed up with RELIGION?

The stupid media says muslims can't do this blah blah blah and frankly most is based on Arabian Law.Every culture of every muslim is different, so why the grouping together?

This section is full of atheists so i am probably going to get answers like ' Well i don't believe in it anyway' but i want a SERIOUS answer.

Why do people get CULTURE mixed up with religion?They are two different things.

Why do people confuse religion with culture?

They go together, more or less.Obviously polytheism. Many gods and even more goddessesses including liberty.“Patrice Ayme says "Most of the 10,000 or so religions we know of had, each, many “gods”. However not so the religion of Abraham. Who imposed that? Generals. Constantine was a general, he took over the Roman empire in his twenties. Later he steamed his wife alive, killed his nephew, and his gifted son (who did not like his father’s “Catholicism”).The other great general was Muhammad himself (and his successors, aka Caliphs).The one and only god was imposed, because he was an excellent role model for the one and only fascist in power: fascist on the throne, fascist in the sky. It just fit. The religion founded by one general is naturally one with a general on the top.That does not mean one should not look positively to the present pope: he makes a nice Father Christmas. (And has many excellent ideas, such as cap and trade of carbon perm its being a sin… As I long believed.)India has a million gods. But the fascist military structure implicit in Christianism helped Europeans to conquer the world. With Biblical efficiency.How? India, under polytheism, had zero religious wars (as Partha a commenter to this site, pointed out). Why? Polytheism accommodates many feelings, ideas, dispositions, characters, and divinize them all. This insures tolerance where it is the most important to have it, in the heart." fromhttps://patriceayme.wordpress....One advantage of polytheism is science comes early to a polytheist civilization. How early?In India, 2500 years ago!How was the revolution period of the Earth around the Sun calculated in ancient times?

Why does people confuse between Hinduism and Indian culture?

Hindu and Sindhu are synonymous. It is people of the subcontinent, where Sindhu river flows. The country was called 'Hindustan'. S and H pronunciations are interchangeable in many parts of India even to this day. Budhism Jainism as philosophies are also old and have roots in India. However Jains, Bodhis, were jointly called Hindus, along with the residents of the region, who had Vedic, Sanatan dharma or many other ways of reaching to their Creator. Christians,and  Muslims, came to India  quite early and were in miniscule numbers. However when they came as conquerors, word 'Hindu' came to be represented as Indian religion distinguished from other religions. Parsees, Jews in India were distinguished as such from beginning. Most of Indian Muslims and Christians are converts  from Hindus and have a same way of living, speaking, dressing, food habits. Even few Hindus borrowed Muslim and Christian ways of living eg. purdah in North Indian women, wearing western dresses. Whole culture in North India was called Ganga Jamuni culture. Iqbal wrote, " Hindi hain ham watan hai, Hindostan hamara".The partition of the country, was a great blow to Hindus, and Rashtriya Swyam Sewak sangh (RSS) put up a 'Hindutva' philosophy that all people who are in India are from people of ancient India. Irrespective the way of their praying, they belong to Hindostan and are Hindus. RSS has no problem with Muslim following Islam or Chrisitians their faith, but they have a longing that this country may not get partitioned again.Muslims felt this as an aggression on their religion, as Hindu is a religion. This has caused confusion.Conversion from one religion to other has become a modern day  liberty. When few people convert to Hinduism, they follow the traditional Hindu dress and follow traditional ways. Otherwise people in Indian culture can not be distinguished  from their appearance and association as to what faith they follow.

What is the difference between religion and culture?

Religion is the way of living, and culture is the social behavior that comes with that way of living. the difference between above two is a silver lining, which is hard to differentiate. So let me just generalize it for youa group of people start living together, forming a society. this society needs a particular bonding in order to recognize themselves from other, so they choose some guidelines- a set of do's and don't, for governing this society.these guidelines are set according to the way of living the society thinks is most favorable for them to flourish. which somewhere gives birth to Religion. these guidelines now propagate as a divine rule, bonding the society. Remember the guidelines for the society is something chosen collectively and might not suit every ones ideology. but then over the course of time these guidelines with the help of religion flourish as an ideal way of living. which over time sets parameters and boundaries to live. thus reaching to a particular Culture, which is nothing but a way of life over a course of time. thus keeping the basic idea of society intact and moving.           so basically religion is like a manuscript, whereas culture is like the amendments that follows keeping the manuscript in mind(which changes over time in form of editions but basically in a way stick to the same idea).

As a part of human culture, religion is an example of:?

e. human injustice