Why Do People In The Us Need To Mention The Race Of A Person In Positive Or Negative Context On

Why don't White people have a racial identity in society?

Well, as several other people said, Whites do have a racial identity in this society ; unfortunately, it's a completely negative one. It's completely negative because the Elite, the Left, and the non-white groups have a shared vested interest in keeping Whites divided, powerless, and psychologically crippled. Although we are close to being a minority at this point, and Traditional Whites are already a minority, we are still numerous enough that if we united and asserted ourselves, we would instantly become the most powerful tribe in Fedgov's empire. We would be very difficult for them to continue to exploit which is why they are so determined to prevent us from awakening.

So much for the outer dimension of the problem which is serious enough; unfortunately there's an inner dimension as well. First, a large percentage of our people have internalized the the anti-White hate propaganda they have been bombarded with since childhood. Worship of other races and denigration of their own has become virtually a religion to them ; they seem unable to think or feel their way out of this mental prison.

Besides the effect of enemy propaganda, there is also a serious issue of decadence among modern Whites. From about 1948 to 2008, White America experienced a golden age of wealth and prosperity, unprecedented in human history. Sixty years in paradise had the side effect of disabling most of our defense mechanisms of which the most important was our tribal solidarity with the other people who share our Race and Culture. We also lost much of our physical toughness, intellectual acuity, and moral rigor. In fact, the modern White middle-class has an odd resemblance to the Eloi of H.G.Wells' classic science-fiction novel, "The Time Traveller." Even if Whites had not been subjected to the sophisticated brainwashing that was unleashed on us, it would still be difficult for people who have been so softened by luxury and pleasure to identify with our warrior, peasant and pioneer ancestors.

Why do people often make negative assumptions about other people?

Please read the entire details section of this question before responding, and thank you for your patience.

Something confuses me. It seems that if a white person compliments a black person for being educated or articulate, it is sometimes assumed that the white person is racist. This really bothers me. I can only speculate as to the reasons why it bothers me so much, but it may have to do with the fact that I am a very sensitive person.

If I were to hypothetically refer to a black person as being scholarly or articulate, I would not make any reference whatsoever to his or her race. I would not make any such observation with the air or appearance that I am somehow shocked at the prospect of a black person being well educated and intelligent. I do not think that it is abnormal or unusual to find a black person who is well educated and erudite. Not at all. But what bothers me is this- people often assume the worst about you. They think negatively almost by instinct. If a white person points out that a black person is highly intelligent or bright, it is often assumed by outside observers that the white person is a racist. Why is that? Perhaps I am a slight bit naive about the nature of the beast. But I always at least attempt to find the best in people, and I at least try to initially give people the benefit of the doubt.

As I above remarked, it does not stun me that an African American person is brilliant or speaks very well. I do not think of things (literally) in black and white terms. I do not allude to someone's race when complimenting them. I just think it's great that people value education, regardless of his or her race. I don't care what race a person is, even if others do. I do realize that there is a lot of racism in the world. There are many racist people. Ignorance is ubiquitous. But I don't like being thrown into the same light as those racist people just because I want to give someone a sincere compliment.

Does anyone understand what my point is in all of this? How do you respond? Any comments or ideas are welcomed. Thanks.

Why does the word black have such a negative connotation to it?

Blackball, blackmail, blacklist, blackmarket, black cat, etc...
It wasn't always like that; something that was once positive is now seen as negative; it is one of the most powerful colors in existence
Here are all the real positives:- As a color black has the ability to attract to it all rays of color and light
- Black is an absorber of both light and cosmic radiation
- Black capstones were often placed on Egyptian pyramids
and obselisks because of the powers inherent in the color black
- Solar energy cells are black
- Dry cell batteries are powered by black chemicals
- Energy is drawn towards black substances where it can be stored for a determined period of time and used as needed

In actuality black has always been and will always be a source of power and influence

Here is the clearing up of some misconceptions:
- Black as a color does not denote death; in some African and Oriental traditions white is used to symbolize death

So why the negative connotation?

Why do whites try to prove NEGATIVE statistics about whites aren't true?

If you name one negative statistic about white people they will "show" you how that statistic is wrong. But if someone names statistics about blacks that paint us in a negative light they trust them wholeheartedly.

Do you think a statistic cant also be wrong about black people?

statistics say of all inmates, a white man is 70% more likely to be in prison for child molestation.

What are some examples for positive prejudice?

spanish people are good at soccer
indian people are good at meditating
chinese are good at martial arts
japanese are good at technologie
arahbs ar good at digging oil
maxicans are good at gardening(making delicious spicy food)
argentineans are good at cooking steak
australians are good at rugby
french are good at cooking
british are good at making tea
polish are good at making coldcats
escadinavians are good at liftin weights
russians are good at winter sports.
dominicans are good at baseball
cubans are good at making cigars
colombians are good at making coffee

hope this helps..
and it's more directed towards your question..
good luck ;)

What is the most polite way to refer to black people?

It's probably best to refer to us as being African-American or black. It's important to note that if someone's family came from somewhere that wasn't Africa then they may prefer for you to call them black or something else. For example: Someone from Haiti may want to be referred to as Haitian-American instead of African-American.The absolute worst thing you could do is refer to someone by the n-word. It's a racial slur and saying it to the wrong person could end poorly for you.Negro isn't necessarily impolite but no one uses it anymore. MLK used it because it was more commonplace during his time. My grandparents were born in the 30s and their birth certificates say Negro, however they don't refer to themselves using that word. They use black or African American.I won't lie to you though, the best thing to call a black person is by their name. You're less likely to offend anyone that way.Requested by Gavriil Prigk