Why Do People Insist On Giving Extremely Judgmental Answers

Why do extremely judgmental self righteous Christian fundamentalists turn other Christian believers into atheists?

Probably because they make people think: "wow, I sure as heck don't want anything to do with this, and I do NOT want to be like these people"..?

To me personally, Christianity having so many people like that has kind of killed the entire religion for me. I do recognize that there are still good Christian, too. But it's like... If the water contains more than 50% poison, would you want to drink it..? Nope. If I'm going to be a part of something, or commit to something..? I've got to really like how it affects people, and what it turns them into, most of the time! And I feel like Christianity..? Is kind of like a yucky trojan horse that just MIGHT still leave you a decent person, if you get hijacked by it. But there's no guarantee, as it also f*cks a lot of people up. And just.. the whole energy, and where it comes from..? I don't trust. And I get overwhelmingly bad vibes from it. Kind of like.. you wouldn't want to install software from some shady company that you didn't trust on your treasured laptop. Or on your brain.. Even LESS so, with that. :S

PS: there is also the fact that I just plain don't agree with what Christianity teaches. But that's a different matter.

Why do religious people tend to be very judgmental?

God forgive me for what I'm about to say. They place themselves higher than non church goers. This is not Jesus Christ's intent. Jesus never placed himself above anyone. Not even the worst sinner. And if anyone had the right to, it was the son of god Jesus Christ.He intended to be among the sinners and outcasts. The poor, all who needed him. He was trying to get a message across. Everyone is the same, no matter their situation or condition. We are all sinners!! We sin when we take a breath. When we open our mouths to speak.He was out among the people, trying to bring them to the truth and to God.How dare any so called Christian go against Jesus Christ's teachings. If you turn any one away from Jesus who is seeking help You Are A Hypocrite, you are not of god. Where is your Holy Spirit?I truly hope you pray for forgiveness every day and night your going to need it. When you stand before God.This is one of the many reasons I don't believe in organized religion. God looks for what's in your heart and soul. Not your wallet or your political affiliation. Which seems to be increasing in all churches these days.Remember what Jesus said if two or more are gathered in my name I'll be there amongst you.God have mercy on your very soul, most of you will need it. How dare you judge other people. That job belongs only to God himself.

Does being extremely judgemental of people make someone feel they are superior? I'm trying to understand this characteristic, with much difficulty.

Let’s take a deeper look at our need to judge.Instinctively, we judge for survival. It is critical to judge potential threats to our well being and the safety of loved ones. However, when we use instincts to judge, seldom is there thought put to it. We naturally come to the conclusion of safe or unsafe.Since we do not give thought to instinctual judgement (for safety), we often have no idea why we feel a certain way toward some things. Suddenly we don’t like something or someone. Our instincts have been triggered by something our instincts feel might be unsafe.Judging, when used with care and control, is perfectly fine. It is when we lose control of our drive to judge that we find abuse and intense judgmental condemnation of undeserving people. Bullies are a good example of people who mismanage the need to judge. Bear in mind they are created by society.If we feel powerless to protect ourselves, our instincts will kick in. A child will feel threatened if someone makes them feel worthless or ‘less’ than other children. Parents, teachers, and school mates are commonly guilty of this.If we learn that we are able to control some part of our life, we just might feel a little less threatened. Even a small piece of comfort is desperately needed. If we feel this terrible, is it any wonder some of us do not care if someone else is treated badly in order for us to feel some small measure of security?Perhaps that is what it might feel like for a bully who is prone to mistreating others. Someone who uses judgment to belittle and lower the self esteem of unprepared individuals otherwise known as victims. Maybe, they are judgmental so that they feel more in control.We are all susceptible to over judgement and a need to feel better than someone else. Many of us mange the need appropriately, some do not. I remind myself of our susceptibility when I watch or play sports. That incredible feeling people get when they win. That feeling that comes when you best someone else. When it is clear to all, that you are better than someone else. That is when I remember we are all susceptible to being judgmental.Hope this helps and take best of care!

Why do people enjoy judging and putting down or belittling other people?

Every living being, that can form a community, have this in common. Wolf packs too.Some people, really want to be on the top, they believe that they are powerful enough to lead, are take the top most position in this ladder. They probably are, these people are usually liked, popular and have a charismatic personality everyone is naturally inclined to follow and like this kind of person.Some, even if they are not all that powerful and dominant, have come up with an excuse for why they should be on the top.This is nothing but a motive to re-assert their social status, often born out of jealousy and greed, also has other roots.These people, they are willing to do anything to make themselves appear better than yourself, they usually Make the smallest of your mistakes a huge event. Try to prove others are wrong, even if its the mundane thing.Always try to assert their false status.Teasing, calling names and ill treatment comes along with it.Soon, they have this feeling of entitlement to their pseudo-position. As if they deserved it all this while, and the mind sees what it wants, everything to them seems to be the way they want it to be. Even if that is really not the thing.The other type is,Born out of Insecurities.These kind, they are aware of their own shortcomings, flaws and have simply accepted them as perfect. When they see another person, feeling comfortable in their skin, its a reflex to tear them down and make them feel miserable too. They find it easier to criticize and put someone down, rather than improve themselves to grow beyond themselves. They are stuck and afraid to change, and can't accept it if another person tries to change. Like everything else, this too becomes a reflex and a habit.

Why do people give Vegetarians such a hard time?

i dont know really, im a vegetarian too, people don't really give me a hard time but they are often shocked wen i tell them i am and ask why, but i cant really see why. it's so common these days ad its not asif theres hardly any vegetarians around. maybe people are just so used to eating meat and everyone else eating it they are surprised when someone doesnt or maybe they see meat as a part of what everyone should eat and cant understand why people dont. i dont know haha:)

Why do people with chaotic and unsavory lives insist upon offering advice to others?

Consider it as the way to take energy from you. Unless you know more about yourself, they would use it every time they can.

Why do Mormons act so judgmental and pushy?

Seriously, I'm curious. I was laying out at the pool today in my apartment complex (which, by the way, is private property) and here come two of these Mormon missionaries carting Bibles and trying to give me their whole song and dance. When I politely told them that I was not interested in hearing about their "religion", they asked me why and just kept at me over and over until finally I told them to go f%%% themselves.

Why can't they just let people be? Why do they have to be so in your face about everything. If they choose to believe in their nonsense, that's their choice but I don't think it should be pushed in my face when I don't agree with it. I don't push my religion ( I am a Methodist) on anybody. I let people believe what they want and am respectful about other people's views so why can't they respect mine?