Why Do People Keep Asking Me If I Have A Job Yet What Happened To How Are You

I love my boyfriend, but he keeps asking me for money. What should I do? He earns more than me and never mentioned returning the money.

Don’t give him money !! You will never be able to get rid of him. It doesn’t nessesarly mean that he’s using it on another women, if it doesn’t work out, there are TWO sides to every story. But it means, he will always need you, and basically you become like his mom after. Yes. There are reasons girls stay in a relationship, even an unhealthy relationship, so maybe you feel like he cares about you, which may be true, but he needs to care about you A LOT, not just a little, and he needs to put your needs above his own. It just means you would be taking care of him the rest of his life. And he needs to have something to offer, and bring to the table as well. It’s not nessesaraly a bad thing that they ask for money, if it works out, he will make it up to you in dates, or movie nights, cooking dinner, and spending time with you, and paying all the rent later on, so it’s not bad that you help him out, but ONLY if he puts your needs first, and he’s not free loading. Plus another thing to think about is if he’s always asking for money, it sounds like he’s boke, and going no where with his life. If he’s broke, what happpens if you got pregnant. I know your probably thinking he’s just gonna use you and move on, like other a** holes, and that will be the next girl to get pregnant by him, but in reality, no, that could very well be you. Because there are consequences to dating guys who don’t care, and not learning from mistakes. And yes, that’s an extreme thought, but becoming a single baby mama is a consequence. Or he could stay, and you could find out about all other girls he’s had get an abortion, and he could use the baby as leverage to hit you up for money and all. The hard way is rough, and you have no idea how much things can happen, if you stay, a lot of different outcomes all together can happen. There’s other consequences too.

My job keeps asking me to work on my days off. What to do?

I really enjoy my new job but I also enjoy my days off. Ive been working there for 2 weeks now and they have already called me in on 5 different occasions to ask if i could come in on my days off. I dont work for money but rather for fun and this is a 7 bucks an hour job that im not willing to give up a weekend for. Ive turned them down 4 times, agreed to come in 1. so my questions are
Managers, how do you feel if your employee refuses to work on a day off? ( expet one time, i has classes when they called me so thats a reasonable excuse)
Also, I dont really ever want to come in when im not scheduled and I have a feeling they will be doing this to me a lot so how do i go about it? Im a horrible liar and would prefer not to make things up
I dont wanna look bad in my managers eyes but i almost never had to deal with this in my last jobs and I just end up feeling guilty. i dont wanna spend my day off feeling like crap because i didnt help them. what to do?

Why do my coworkers keep asking me if I have a boyfriend?

I had a casual fling with a coworker that last about 6 months and ended in March 2010. It ended on bad terms and with me kicking him out of my apartment and not speaking to him at all when I saw him at work. In June 2010, he got a new job and quit while I happened to be on a 2-week vacation. I was actually happy for him and called to congratulate him. We spoke on the phone and text each other for a while when he picked up his last paycheck and I invited him to my family's for a picnic on July 4th which he wanted to attend. Those plans fell through and then we saw each other once. He wanted to hook up and I didn't want to. He left. I text him the following week about getting together and he said he wasn't free. I said ok. A coworker who is close to him told me that he had a girlfriend and that they had become bf/gf while I had gone on vacation and before he quite. I haven't talked to him since July, however coworkers who are friends of his have felt it their job to give me updates on how he was doing. When that happened, I decided to shoot him a text to just say "hello". Apparently he had changed his phone number and I was the only coworker who didn't have his new number. We hadn't been talking so I didn't expect that i would have it? But recently a coworker who is good friends with him has been asking me if I have a boyfriend? This is someone who has never asked him in 2 years of working with him if I had a boyfriend...what gives?

What should I say to my employer to keep my job?

" i would like to apologize for my actions, i realize that what I've done was wrong and that i should have had better judgment. I realize this does effect your professional and personal opinion of me, which i sincerely regret. I hope that i can have another chance to prove to you that i can and will do better. i would also like to thank you for giving me the chance to redeem myself in this letter, and wish that you could know how truly sorry i am for my actions."

do't put what you did in the just a bigger reminder!!!

i hope i helped, and good luck

My teachers keep asking if I'm okay?

The thing that stands out to me is that you said you were abused by your father who passed away, so you are not sad. Maybe you could examine those feelings a bit more. I think that even when our parents abuse us, we still love them and have otehr complex feelings of wanting to forgive them, wanting to please them, etc. I wonder if you are still grieving, even though you don't have warm, fuzzy feelings for your Dad. You could also still be angry at him, and feel that there is no closure now becaseu you can't tell him so. It's a complex scenario, so maybe try to analyze how you really feel about that, and maybe you are working some stuff out and its bringing you down, but you dont really realize it. But remember that it is natural to have any complex feelings.