Why Do People Look At Jets A Night And Think They Are Ufo

Shooting star with no tail or UFO?

I saw the strangest thing in the sky last night. It looked like a shooting star go across the sky, but it didn't have a tail. From my point of view it looked like a little white light zoom about 5inches across the sky (which would actually be hundreds of miles) in a matter of a second. My boyfriend who is a pilot saw it too, and said there was no way it could've been a plane or a jet, that it moved too far too fast. Also, it just stopped and disappeared for a second, then a little red dot flashed in the sky where it stopped. What the H*LL was it ?

What kind of aircraft has 3 lights in a triangle?

It was most likely just a Plane or a Helicopter (it can seem like it really isn't but illusions can prove otherwise) but it could of been the so called "Aurora" Secret Military Aircraft, there has been MANY of these sightings (triangle shape object with three white lights)
I am not being stupid, me being stupid would be me saying it was an Alien Spacecraft lol.
Anyone remember what happened when the US Government made the F-117 and at first they didn't tell the public and LOADS of people thought it was some Alien UFO lol. Same thing happened when they made the B-2. I am just saying this could be like that but instead this is the Aurora, or like i said above it could of just been an F-117 or a B-2 Bomber they are extremely quiet for a jet powered Bomber.
I think another name for the "Aurora is the TR-3B.
Skip to 4:31, the first bit drags on a bit and you probably don't care lol but is this what it looked like?

Fun things to do at a cabin?

My Mom, My Mom's Friend, My Friend, and I are going to a cabin by a lake this summer. I've never gone camping in a cabin before that wasn't in a resort, so, I'm scared it will be bored. I'm not worried about the times we'll be swimming in the lake since they have a boat and a jet ski, but, does anyone have any suggestions for other fun things to do in the forest or at the cabin?

And plus, if anyone knows tips for being on the jet ski since I've never been on one before, you can share that too. Thanks!

Flashing bright WHITE light in sky, later becomes a red star, what is it?

Tonight around 10:45 PM, I noticed a flashing bright white light that looked like maybe the most similar to a camera flash, but consistently...It was high up into the sky, too high for an airplane or helicopter to be. The flash was fairly large, and it flashed perhaps five times, (I don't know the actual total, I had just gotten out of the car) and then all of a sudden the flashing stopped. Then it revealed a red star. I was certain that it was a red star because it was the same shape as the regular blue/white stars. This was located in the southeast direction of the sky, and this is in the Harbor City/Los Angeles, CA area.
I looked at other questions, but none of them match my description. From what I saw, the start was flashing WHITE and only white...and then stopped and stayed a strong red colored star. It stayed in one spot, and was slightly flickering like the rest of the normal stars did.

Any idea of what this could possibly be? I'm very curious about it, and it's nothing I have ever seen before and fairly new. (Since I often look up in the sky to count the stars.)

This would help a lot, please and thank you.