Why Do People Put Up With Feminism

Why is feminism still such a big deal to some people the battle of the sexes was won years ago wasn't it?

The battle was won, but not the war.

Why do people here never think of developing countries and eastern nations? India is a prime example. Female foeticide takes place here. Moreover, the mother is forced by society to do it. The girl child is not desirable in India because:
- Women normally stop working after marriage so money spent on their education is considered wasted.
- Dowry still exists, though it has been declared illegal. (Like female foeticide) Parents feel that a girl child is nothing but money loss.
- Unlike in the USA, law is biased towards men.
- The red tape has successfully hidden any statistic that reveals just how oppressed women are.
- 54% of the women are literate in India, and most of these women don't vote.

And to think that 'family' courts in the USA are biased towards women, women vote and work freely, and are demanding more and more rights even though they've achieved virtual equality.

What is white feminism to you?

It's not "white feminism" as much as "middle class feminism" that some feminists complain about. In the wake of the Women's Marches a lot of poorer women, who happened in many cases to be POCs, observed that it's a lot easier for women with money to take a day off work and travel to such events. The nature of these complaints though really had more to do with socioeconomic class than with actual race.

Does feminism's"Carrie Nation" strain put off people who would otherwise embrace gender equality?

I think it's issues like that which in part created what many refer to as the third wave of feminism. It's not just what men will and won't tolerate, but many woman don't like being told what they can and can't do either.

I think think the fact that more people are beginning to see feminism is more about entitlements than equality is also causing them to loose support, including the support of some feminists, which is creating some splinter groups such as the ifeminist movement and the Traditional Women's Right Activist movement.

Also, while feminism may not yet bet loosing strength, they have been loosing followers according to gallup polls.

Still, feminism is very entrenched in G.S. courses at colleges and universities, giving feminists an enormous propaganda tool to shift attitudes. This really should not be underestimated. The last U.S. presidential election also showed that feminists still haven't put off that many people and are worth pandering to.


Why do people look down on feminists? What are their valid points?

Why do people look down on Feminists?Because, whilst actual feminism is all about equality, and cares about both sexes, all genders, all races and all sexualities, the vast majority of those in the media self-described as “feminist”- the “feminist commentator”, the “feminist columnist”, and so on- are not feminist at all, but man-blaming, victim “fauxminists”.The difference between a real feminist and a media - supported fauxminist is best illustrated by their thoughts on self - defence for women.Actual second - wave feminism (late 1970s- early 1980s) pushed for the creation of 10-week Women's Self Defence courses. Before that time, no such course existed. Their reasoning was that “Women are NOT helpless, they CAN defend themselves against Rapists, and we know that if every rapist knew that the next woman he attempts to rape might injure him, he'd definitely think twice!”(This is in fact backed up with very reasonable research Self-Defense Training Helps Stop Rape. Teaching women to fight today could stop rapes tomorrow). Of course this isn't in a vacuum, there are other factors, other conversations we need to have, but it's a vital step.By comparison, media- pushed fauxminism considers Women's Self Defence courses as “rape apologia”Their reasoning is that “Women ARE helpless, they CANNOT defend themselves against Rapists, and we know that if every man and boy was just taught not to rape, he'd definitely not rape any more!Miss USA v online feminismAs you can see, if you think what's in the media as feminism is in fact feminism, you'd not like it much either.

Do you think many people on Quora pretend to be feminists while actually they are not?

What possible reason would someone have to volunteer to be treated the way feminists are often treated on the internet?I just had a man, on a question asking about whether or not men are smarter because they're more emotionally stoic, bring up and start discussing women's rape fantasies in a comment on my answer, and start talking about how another woman here needed to be put in her place. My answer discussed the premises and conclusion of the question, a twin study on introspection and IQ, and a study on gender and IQ.I have a thick skin from being on the internet awhile, but my god was that a moment of psychological insight I wish I hadn't had--the mismatch between that comment and my answer told me way more than I cared to know about how this person thinks about women.Accusing me of "goose-stepping" merely was par for the course.Who would volunteer for that treatment? It's not all that uncommon in a variety of venues when issues around feminism come up.You have to be committed to an idea or an ideal in order to be willing to put up with that kind of behavior. The way feminists are treated on the internet is fairly well known in the feminist communities I frequent, and almost all of us have stories--to publicly state that you're a feminist on the internet and public forums will merit you poor treatment at some point. Whether or not I think the person in question meets my definition of feminism is entirely beside the point that the entry costs to claiming feminism on the net are pretty steep.So no. I don't think people claim feminism on the internet without some form of ideological commitment with which to motivate themselves, since they know it's only a matter of time before someone mistreats them or tries to frighten them.

Do men like feminists?

I don’t like most feminists.“You sexist, bigoted asshole go fuck yourself and die in a hole!!!”Thank you!Can I explain now?Here is the definition for feminism:The advocacy of women's rights on the basis of the equality of the sexes.Sounds perfect, right?Not really.The advocacy of women’s rights on the basis of equality of the sexes does not always lead to equality of the sexes.When you have idiots who put absolutely no justification in their claim and manipulate data while lying, then feminism becomes a bad thing indeed.There are wonderful feminists, mostly those in the 1st wave of feminism because they have fought for, and were rewarded women suffrage.Women suffrage is a very good thing.However, modern day “feminism” aka. “third wave” feminism is full of bullshit.You have people who think that they are helping women, but they really aren’t.All what those people are doing is attacking men.These people never quote real statistics, and when they do; they always leave out vital data.This is especially prominent in the “gender wage gap”.Especially this disgusting red ball over here:These people manufacture myths like the gender wage gap, believing that they are doing good for women.But they are just doing bad for men.And I made myself clear…The gender wage gap does not exist!Confused?Brainwashed by propaganda?There’s a gender EARNING gap all right.It’s true that women earn less than men.It’s absolutely irrefutable.However, have these what people call “feminists” looked into how much hours women work?Which is lower than men?Women’s retirement age? Which is lower than men?It’s exactly what I’ve said.These “feminists” can very easily find statistics about the hours worked, and retirement date.But they leave out these info.Why?Because they know they are wrong.They know they are spreading fake information.But it doesn’t matter to those people, they just want to whine for women superiority.If I was alive during first and some of second wave feminism, I would have supported it.But modern times is third wave feminism.I will never support third wave feminism.People have destroyed feminism through false claims and overprotestion.

Why do men hate women/feminists?

Why do almost all men say "**** feminists!" And "Go make me a sandwich" and **** like that? Why do you hate feminists? Feminists want equality and why dont you? Why do you hate women? We never did anything to you? I have depression because of how ****** up the world is and sometimes when im on youtube and there is videos about feminists or with women in the video the comments will say "Who the **** would want to date a feminist?" So he is basically saying "Who wants to date someone who wants women to be equal with men" and they also say "Go back to the kitchen and make me a sandwich!"
Its really getting on my Nerves now! Im not a feminist myself bc i dont know much about it and if i was one everybody would hate me for wanting to be equal. So person Reading this; do you hate feminists/feminism and why?
Do you hate women? Why?