Why Do People Say Being Hygienic Is Good For You

Do you think white people have the highest hygiene?

"Not to be racist..." It sounds like you're being a little racist to me. Stereotypes. Every race and culture has its nasty, not so clean ones who could care less and its germ freaks or those who take more than 1 bath a day, always like to dress to impress and are just overall clean people. So I don't think you can really say, "Oh, this is the race with the highest hygiene." Look at some of the white people in Europe. My black cousin visited over there a few times and reported back they don't take baths every day or week and aren't exactly big on personal hygiene-but that's not to say some are. Look at what the French used to be like. Then look at people like my mum (white) who is over obsessive clean/germ freak. My dad's black and he's a super hygiene freak as is his dad. They both take 2+ baths a day, brush their teeth 2+ times a day, always like to look good. Then you have black people who don't wash their hair but once a week (which I think is kind of funky, but to each is own) or those who could care less what they look like. And you have people like this in each race and culture. It's inevitable. So, no I don't think it's true. If you think white people are always dressing up and looking nice, come visit my local flea market, look around some of the grocery stores, go into a Ryans and you can plainly see this is not always the case. I'm not trying to chew you out or anything, just trying to get you to see past the cultural stereotypes and generalizations and maybe what you've been surrounded by or are used to seeing :)

How should one react if someone says you are not hygienic and you feel insulting?

We often feel offended or insulted for things or habits we do or don't ,that's nuts human nature…Now smartness and maturity is when you don't really bother what others have to say about you… It is obvious though, that when someone says good about you ,you feel good and when someone says something bad about you ,you feel offended.Coming to your point, about hygienic, if the way you stay is hygienic for you then it's okay that's the way you prefer to stay or live . If you yourself feel that yes the way you stay is not actually hygienic instead of feeling insulted and offended try to correct it…. not because someone else said so just to improvise the way you live.I have a friend,her room stays pathetic trust me but her washroom and the area she sleeps in is clean and tidy … I would not say she is unhygenic. But yeah if she is gonna keep her washroom and bed also dirty as well as not clean hands while cooking or eating I would scold her…At the end I would just suggest in order to have a healthy lifestyle inspite of some or the other unhealthy habits we all have, hygiene would somewhere help her stay immune to lot of things.P.s:- If you are comfortable and happy with the lifestyle you maintain and hygiene you follow learn to ignore the comments which people say around on that topic. If you feel you need to improvise ,then improve it . No body has the right to teach you anything unless they care for you.

As a dentist, do you judge people with bad oral hygiene?

No I don't. Infact, being in this field for sometime now having looked at people from basically many socioeconomic stratas, I feel I've instead developed empathy rather than judging.Bad oral hygiene is ofcourse a choice that's for you to make, however, circumstances may not favour you everytime with everything in life. Priorities change. But for me to judge someone, won't have any basis in this. I have seen people from extremely economically rich backgrounds having the worst oral hygiene one may have ever come across, and pretty much the opposite scenario too. But that gives me no right or no say in the matter of judging!Let's just say, that it is great that we can put people out of their oral problems as far as possible without coming to any conclusion about their behaviour or outlook, however what's even greater is to try achieving a better outlook from them regarding their oral hygiene rather than just passing judgements or coming conclusions. I mean no one learns. To care for their oral hygiene right out from their mom's womb!

How do I respond to people who are rude and say I smell?

Its generally true that if one or more other people tell you that you smell bad, it means that you have become used to your own unpleasant odors, but your odor is offensive to other people who can smell it.The most likely cause of bad smells about the person, is poor hygiene.If you do not shower with soap and water every day, if you do not keep your hair clean, if you don’t use a deodorant, if you have smelly feet and rarely change your socks and wear smelly shoes, if you do not change into freshly-laundered clothes each day after you clean yourself, then you are going to smell bad and other people will find your odor offensive.However if you mainatain regular good personal hygiene and yet other people still tell you that you smell bad, then you need to see a doctor to find out what is going on with your body chemistry or metabolism. Possibly you have rotting teeth or infected gums or a bad sinus infection that other people can smell, but you can’t.

Arabs Hygiene?

they are clean freaks they shave there unmentionables

What is mental hygiene versus physical hygiene?

I'm not exactly sure what you're asking, but my thought is that mental hygiene has to do with teaching people to take care of themselves emotionally and psychologically. For example, knowing when you need to chill and excuse yourself if you're feeling overstimulated or overwhelmed in certain situations. Or avoiding places where you're likely to get into trouble and relapse into addictions. Or avoiding being around people that tempt you to do things you know aren't good for you, such as smoking, staying up too late, missing work or school, neglecting your responsibilities.

Mental hygiene is about learning to choose wisely and not being pressured by peers or culture to adapt values that don't suit you. I could probably come up with more.....

I also believe that these smart choices have to go along with physical hygiene, which is more than bathing and flossing your teeth. It's sleeping and resting enough and eating a healthy diet too. Those things affect brain chemistry as well.

Why does my Mom think I'm gross/have bad hygiene?

I'm 23 an in college right now, I live by myself off campus. When I was younger like 10-15 I had not so good hygiene, and now it's normal. I take showers frequently, brush my teeth 2-3 times a day and wear deodorant. But for some reason my mom thinks I'm gross. Like I was staying at home for the summer and before I left my Mom was like "I'll probably have to wear a gas mask to clean your bathroom once you leave". Um, it's the same as I left it. Or I took a friend to a baseball game and the day before my Mom was all like "Don't pick your nose when you're on your date, wear clean underpants and cloths and brush your teeth and wear deodorant"

For Christ sake I take care of myself properly. I'm tired of being seen as someone who's gross.

What is the most contradicting thing people tend to do and misconceive it as being hygienic?

Rubber gloves. Rubber gloves for literally anything.Some people use rubber gloves for cooking.Some people use rubber gloves for cleaningSome people use rubber gloves for surgeryOkay, other than the last example, people tend to use these improperly. Wanna know how?They reuse gloves. People seem to think that these things are meant to be reused (the ones in the silly stock images are meant to, and they’re used to clean). Surprisingly, I’ve seen people use disposable gloves up to 5 TIMES. Now it wouldn’t be as much as a big deal unless you wash them, which moves me to point 2:WASH YOUR DAMN GLOVES. People tend to think “oh, I’m wearing gloves, who cares I won’t kill anybody with Spanish Flu(?).” Yeah no. It’s always more sanitary to wash your hands than to wear a glove. Now this also wouldn’t be a big deal, considering disposable gloves are usually sanitized on opening, if it weren’t for #3:STOP TOUCHING STUFF. If you wear gloves to not be killing people with the Flu, stop touching anything and everything you see. You ever see surgeons walk into an operating room with their hands in the air and not touching anything? Yeah they do that so they don’t pick up as much nasty stuff from touching objects.The reason I’m making a big deal out of this is because people are seriously neurotic about bacteria and disease. They try to wear gloves to combat this, and seem to feel better about it. That is, until they should realize that what they’re doing is completely unsanitary. In fact, the only reason you should wear gloves is when you are cleaning, and doing a surgery.NEVER wear gloves in foodservice unless necessary. I would argue that wearing them encourages people to be unsanitary.