Why Do People Say Respect Your Elders/parents

Why should we respect our parents?

respect them for what they've done for you. It takes a pretty big screw-up for them to have done absolutely nothing and the bad has outweighed the good. But I actually see what you mean. I'm the one who brought my kids into the world, I'm their mother and I owe it to them to do the best I can for them. Sure, there are supports and services etc in society and schools and everything, but there's no substitute for a good mother. If I crapped out on them things would be a lot tougher for them, and that's a horrible thing to make their lives.

I'd like to think they'll always appreciate what I do for them, though, and respect me for what I have done. But at the same time I don't demand it of them. If I've done something to lose their respect then that's going to make my job as a parent much harder, because if they can't trust and respect me enough to let me guide them, that makes it rougher for them. It's a 2 way thing, respect. I'd also like to think they respect me enough to be honest and open, even if what they say isn't something I want to hear. And if we disagree about issues, then we disagree. That shouldn't have anything to do with respect.

Respect that's demanded is not true respect. It's politeness, and simply means to hide yourself and your thoughts from that person. Respect that's earnt is respect. And true respect is deeper than any petty moralizing etc.

But don't forget there's a difference between respect and trust. Have you given your parents a reason not to trust you and have mistaken that with not respecting you? Different issues entirely. Trust has to be earnt too, and as parents we can't just let our kids do whatever. It doesn't mean we don't respect them. It means we just need extra reassurance that you're OK.

What does it mean when people say "respect your elders"?

you said that you know meaning of all adults, teachers, parents etc., and hence, no explanation needed or any answer needed.

your question now is in showing respect to seniors in high school and they almost 2, 3, 4 years older than you. you are right and i understand your point.

Respect means in the sence not to say goodmorning or standup while they are coming or to throw a smile or showing politeness while they cross.. if you show these signs also doesn't mean respect. The meaning to show respect to the seniors are misinterpreted. To give respect or to show respect to the schoolmates just 3 or 4 years older than you means, if they say something in the interest of you or taking interest on you, you just hear. The respect they expect is your patient hearing when they say something to you on taking interest on you only. They are not saying for any personal works. They are older than you and they have somemore experience than you, and they want to guide you. thats all. This is called respect. just hearing what they say is respect. The respect means ''to take their words''... you can weigh the substance of the words given by them to you. if it is for good, go ahead as per their saying, and if you are not interested, leave it. But, don't deny or say like ''who are you to say''.. this is disrespect. Don't confuse yourself about the respect. no senior will misguide you and if they misguide you, they have no respect and you need not give respect. My manager is 10 years older than me. i call him ''sir'', he one day called me and said ''see mr. i am having a name and just call me my name and i dislike sir '' Generally, it is my opinion that the seniors just 3 or 4 years older than you need not be respected, but can hear their words.

Why is it that people often say respect your elders, respect women all the time? Whereas I believe respect should be earned.

Respect that is earned is different from respect that is given out of gratitude.You are right. Respect should be earned. A person has achieved something at a young age and inspired many, a person who is a guide, a person who is a great friend, a person whose shoulder is always there to cry upon and a person who respects you, are a few examples. But this is just one facet of the word.Why do people expect you to respect an elderly person or a woman all the time, even when you may be meeting them for the first time, or just for that one time? That's because it is etiquette. Certain people that we know or cross by in our lives are simply deserving of it because they are them. Parents, elders, teachers, women or even men for that matter!Respecting others for who they are is a sign of your behaviour. Respecting others because they have earned it, is a reflection of their persistence/personality.I believe respect should be mutual between ANY two people, regardless their role or track record.Nobodyhas a right to treat someone badly if they expect others to be good to them (which in fact, all of us do). :)

Why do people say "respect your elders"? Isn't respect earned?

I'm talking about cases where for example... my step mother, who tends to ***** a lot at me for doing my own thing... is 5 years older than me... wow so your 26 years old?

And I'm not talking about disrespecting older people... I just don't think that a person should be treated any different because of there age. I judge people on actions and behavior, I don't care about their age.

I've had pretty intelligent conversations with children.. They're a lot smarter than people give them credit for, dispite a little naivety. I respect them just as much as I would anyone else.
And if a person shows me disrespect, I will return the favor regardless of their age.

Why should we respect our elders?

Confucius would say that "respecting elders is the key of the civilization".

Why should we respect elders?

We should not respect anybody who does not deserve respect, whether they are elders or not. And the only way to know who deserves respect is for people to demonstrate that they are worthy of respect. This is another way of saying that people "earn" respect.Some people talk about elders having more experience in life. However, experience by  itself does not make a person worthy of respect. Many people do not learn from their experience and continue to act in ways that are not deserving of respect. So, experience alone does not entitle a person to respect, no matter how old he or she is. One way to earn the respect of others is to treat others with respect. Many elders fail this test, even if they don't do anything that is really terrible (such as commit crimes or abuse others). If elders want to receive respect from others, they need to treat others with respect, just like anyone else. That is one of the main ways of earning respect. In traditional societies, elders often feel entitled to treat younger people without respect. This is just the way elders in such societies behave, and this makes them unworthy of respect.For example, there are many cases in traditional societies where elders have forced their children to marry someone for the sake of money, or power, or privilege, or family connections, and the children have suffered tremendously as a result of being married to the wrong person. This sort of behaviour on the part of elders shows disrespect for their children. Since they, themselves, have not shown respect, such elders are definitely not worthy of the respect of others. Their "experience in life" has taught them nothing about how to behave like decent human beings.In many traditional societies, respect for elders has been the reason why those societies have remained backward and have not made any progress in terms of human rights, moral values, and general social advancement. Blind respect for elders is the same as blind respect for authority, since elders in traditional societies are automatically given a position of authority because of their age. However, as Albert Einstein said: "Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of truth." And he was absolutely right.

Why should we respect our parents?

It must be our natural duty/responsibility to respect parents as parents give you birth, love you, rear you,educate you unconditionally. Parents don't expect anything in return from children for caring them/feeding them/ educating them. Parents wish always that their children would do well in life and be useful to the family and society. So if you are grown up children doing some job and started earning, keep talking to your parents regularly,share with them some good experiences you had in day to day life . Remember, talking to parents over phone if you are in different place once in a while say weekly once should make you and your parents happy. Parents also should make it a point to talk to their children whether young or grown up. You show your respect/concern to your parents by your words and deeds also. For example, if you are doing a job and busy when your parents call you, tell them that your are busy now and you would call back later once you are free. Don't ask them to call you back later at so and so time, instead tell them that you would call yourself once you are free. Telling your parents that you would call back and call them as promised would mean that you respect your parents wholeheartedly. These are small things, but reinforce mutual bonding which is necessary in leading a meaningful life for both the children and parents alike. Talking frequently would avoid communication gaps between children and parents.

What is the argument for the saying 'respect your elders'?

I hear the quote a lot. It assumes you’re supposed to listen to your elders and treat them with deference, often mistaken for respect. Respect is earned based on evidence of being someone worth respecting. You respect people who treat you with respect and show they deserve it. Deference is giving more politeness and listening to the demands of others. They are not the same thing, but often treated as such.Now how this works with respecting elders. We’re expected to defer to the ideas of elders, to weigh their demands more heavily than we might normally do with people in our age group. This is based on the idea that elders have more life experience than younger people. Its the idea that frankly wrong and treats age like a marker of experience. You can have an elder who never left their small town in 55 years and he or she will have less life experience than someone who is 30 years old and lived in six countries across Africa, Europe, Asia, and North America and has a Master’s degree. Who do you think would be more likely to have wisdom?Being old doesn’t mean being wise. Respecting your elders is an old idea based on flawed understandings of respect and deference.

Do you have to respect your parents...?

You respect your parents if they raise you well.
Obviously if your parents an alcoholic or neglects you, that respect may not all be there.