Why Do People Seem To Judge My Friends And I

Why do my friends always judge me?

My friends seem to find joy in judging me. Don't say just ditch them because they won't leave me alone.
So basically, all of my friends keep calling me emo. And I don't really care if I'm emo. But they won't let me do what I want. They keep telling me I can't dye my hair, but when I walk away, the next day they start saying how they want to dye their hair, but they still wont let me do it. Also I wear a lot of black, but I've always done that.
I've lately become a big fan of My Chemical Romance, and they tell me I can't go to Hot Topic because its an emo store.
They're all obsessed with makeup, but when I wear black eyeliner its a crime.
Also, two of them know that I'm really kind of depressed, and I guess the other get some sort of vibe that I'm not really happy.
Am I emo? Or what is my problem.
I don't know what to do.

Why can't I make friends no matter how hard I try? People seem to judge me the minute they see me or they think I'm someone I'm not, just because I'm relaxed and quiet.

I understand you, maybe we can be pen pals!What’s hard about friendships are the misconceptions of people on how friendships suppose to start. People around you might be thinking that friendship is something “the nature” suppose to drag us into. People might think that we suppose to naturally become friends due to ending up in same places in same times. Ending up in same classrom for instance etc… However although this is the most influential element in making a friendship, something very important is personal will and decision to make and choose friendships.And a problem we face as a society I suppose is caring. I should to care about people around me and people should care about people around them. There are many people who complain about not having good friendships like the ones in Harry Potter or the ones like in sitcoms. The reason those shows portrait a different and more intense friendship figures than we have is the fact that those shows simply portrait a different timezone that comes with different social values and mentalities. In our day maybe people care less about each other than they did a hundred years ago because of technology, overpopulation, advancing city struggles and structures, astronomical class divisions… and many more effects and events of our time that old people complain about.After the destructions of WW2 process of recovery brought welfare to our society. And with the begging of the new millennium the era of prosperity that recovery brought has come to and end. And furthermore into the future we dive in more bleak, intense, exiting and worrying everything gets.

What can I do if some of my friends judge me?

I don’t know what you mean by judge. People usually use that term when they mean “overly and unfairly critical.” If that’s the case, depending on how close you are with these people, you can let them know that you think they’re being unfair.Please note: this means you are critical and judgmental of them. You’re not perfect and neither are they. But it’s important that you and your friends learn how to criticize in a tolerable manner. I don’t know how old you are, but it’s common in adolescence that you become more aware of people’s faults, and it can be upsetting. Everyone continually learns and re-learns how to interact with less-than-perfect people as they go through life, so try to give your friends a break as much as you hope they will for you.If your friends always criticize you and never compliment you, or demean and insult you, that’s a problem, and if they don’t respond to an honest talking about it, then you probably need to start looking for new friends. If on the other hand they have some reasonable points from time to time that you need to hear, and you think that you should never be criticized, then you need to give up some of your arrogance and grow up a little.

I am a quiet person, why must people judge me?

I am a very reserved, quiet person. I love to be on my own and I get nervous in big groups and feel as though I am being judged. I usually keep distance from people and am not very social and people seem to take it as I am snobby and stuck up. I am not sure what to do anymore, I cant seem to please anyone. Aside from my family everyone seems to think I am a stuck up b*tch because I don't call them to hang out or won't tell them everything that is in my mind. I am at a loss I feel as though I cant be myself anymore without being this awesome social butterfly. I over think everything and just cant help it I am not sure why I am like this but I always feel comfortable when I am at home by myself. I guess I have social anxiety but people, mostly friends take it as I am being selfish and avoiding them. I am not sure how I am spose to sustain a friendship when this is how I am. Am I being selfish or just myself?

Do girls judge me based on the friends I have?

It's not stupid. It's always a possibility. But you wouldn't get rid of your friends just in case it improved your chances of getting a date, would you?More than likely, you just haven't asked out the right girl/woman yet, at the right time, under the right citcumstances. Most people aren't a good match for most people. Finding a good date, and especially forming a good relationship, is a challenge for most people. There doesn't have to be "a reason." I've said no to men because I just didn't feel like going out, because I was busy with work, because the timing was wrong. I've said no because I thought his jokes were bad, because he talked too much, because he talked too little. I've said no because he was too young, or because he seemed superficial, or because we didn't seem intellectually matched. I've said no because our temperaments were too different, because we didn't have compatible goals, because I was currently more interested in someone else. I've said no because we worked together, or because he didn't seem emotionally past his last relationship. I've said no to men who were married, and said no to men who my girlfriends were interested in. And yes, I've sometimes said no because a guy was a jerk, because he made me uncomfortable, or because I didn't find anything about him attractive. But most of the reasons I've said no weren't because of anything specifically negative about the man himself. In most cases, it's just bad timing or a bad match, not an inherent character flaw or inherently unattractive feature. It may take a while to find someone you mesh with in all the right ways. That's what dating is all about: finding a person that works with you. It takes longer for some people to find that than others, and even then, it doesn't always continue to work. If dating is really important to you, you increase your chances by asking more people out, by considering why that person might or might not be a good match ("she's cute" isn't enough), and by understanding that rejection is the default. I say, be rejected by 100 women before you start worrying about your friend. Unless, of course, women are actually telling you they've rejected you because if your friend.

Why do people hate me because I have money? I don’t judge people who have less, and I’m happy for people who have more. Every time someone has a problem with me they throw it in my face that my family is well-off.

I have family and friends who are very well to do. I myself have been very well to do for a portion of my life. It is true that there is a tendency for some people to keep score of how well off you are, but I doubt they hate you unless there is cause for it.People do envy people with money because it seems that if they themselves were rich then life would be easier. This is not necessarily true, but you have to admit that if you were in trouble, that you’d have a lot easier time of it than a person of limited income. Also, you get to experience better holidays, better education, better transport (car), better health care, better support such as good hair stylists, designer clothes, better dental care, plastic surgery and much more which will enhance your standing in the world. Because material things do matter in our society.The best way to cope with envy is to downplay it as best you can by not highlighting things you have that others cannot. Why do they know your family is wealthy anyway? What are you displaying which is making this clear? Whatever those things are, make them go away. Do not drive the fancy car, throw money at expensive wines (even when you can), or brag about holidays. Keep your life low key if you want to keep away the envy. If you really care about being disliked, then you might even need to extend that to what sort of housing you live in. It just depends how much you want to fit in.Many rich people, especially those who have moved up into it, have found they cannot maintain their old friendships because of their newfound wealth. They have to be around people at their own level. Personally, I would find that very impoverishing.While I am not rich in London, I have been perceived as very wealthy while living in Africa and Central America. I had full-time staff and it was awkward, but I made it up to them. I indulged them in much better than average wages, better clothing, food, treats and gifts wherever I could give them without creating embarrassment. At the end of the day we were very close, they were grateful that I was able to help them out in life beyond anything they could normally expect. I can promise you that they did not hate me for it. Because I was sensitive and generous to their needs and wants in life and helped provide some of it to them.Be sensitive and generous and I am pretty sure the ‘hate’ will go away.

Why do people say "You don't know me, don't judge me"?

People say that because they believe that you don't know someone purely by their appearance. Which I agree with but how a person presents theirself is definitely a huge step towards what their personality is. Judging someone has become a huge issue because everyone believes in political correctness and, I for one, believe that being PC is annoying as f*ck. If you don't want people to think your a slut (which isn't PC) then don't wear a skirt so short your cooch is hanging out or a top so low that the nips are taking a peek at the world. If you don't want to be labeled a goth or a freak (again, not PC) then don't wear black pants that are so big it looks like a skirt with chains hanging off of it or so many peircings in your face I don't know where skin begins and ends. It's that simple. Don't judge? Well, why don't you dress to how you really are. If you're a band geek dressed like Tina Turner, all I have to say to that is poser. If you're a straight A student but choose to play dumb-jock around your friends and aquaintences, I call that a dumbass. If you want me to remove the stereotypes that are aquainted with your appearance, then prove me wrong!
-Later Gator-

I am a guy and I seem to have more girl friends than guy friends. Is that normal?

Yes that is fine. Why wouldn't it be?First, it is great that you are open-minded enough to expand your friend circle to both genders and not setting barriers. That is a common idea, especially among younger people.We shouldn't define our social circles based on race or gender. If you get along with them, enjoy your time with them, why not? Do what makes you happy. And don't feel that it is abnormal to have more girl friends than guy friends, I also am in that position. Most of my close friend circle consists of female friends, and I am ok with that, because it is those people that I enjoy talking to and hanging out with.If people ever make fun of you for it, it doesn't matter. Their opinions, all of them, will one day not matter. That day, only your opinion will. If you are happy and content, that is all that is important.