Why Do People Think Drunkenness Causes Personality Changes Doesn

Can alcohol change your personality?

Alcohol loosens you up and makes you more impulsive. The 'meanness' you have when intoxicated is still there, but you repress it because you know people don't like mean people, or you'd feel guilty about hurting someone. It can turn a timid guy into a raging jerk, and a shy person into a lively person. Perhaps you've been having feelings of aggression before, maybe something happened and you had to keep it down and it finally comes out when you drink?

If you've been drinking every night for six years, you're most likely an alcoholic and should seek rehabilitation. You should also seek therapy for whatever depression causes you to drink to 'forget' or feel good for the moment.

Why do people get aggressive when drunk?

Alcohol works by shutting down the central nervous system (the brain). If it did so evenly it would not have many of the benefits and problems it does. However, Alcohol shuts down (what I like to call our worry wort) our higher reasoning first. The part of our brain that plans ahead and considers what could go wrong. So it relieves anxiety very well but at the same stroke it lowers our inhibitions. The very last to be affected is the part of our brain where our emotions live. This is why those who try to drink away depressed feelings are the ones in which alcoholism progresses the fastest. It takes much more alcohol and longer drinking periods to produce that numb feeling they are after as the emotion centers of the brain shut down. This means that tolerance builds much more quickly and their livers fail much sooner. So as the other parts of the brain shut down the emotions dominate. Angry people begin to lose the ability to control their anger and think about the consequences of acting in aggressive ways.

Does alcohol change your personality or bring out the real you?

I think it depends on the user.

Some people use it as an excuse. There's this widely accepted notion about alcohol and drugs, especially on the party scene, that it can really alter your mind and make you do crazy things. I think a lot of people drink and then do the things they WANT to do but wouldn't otherwise have an excuse to do ("the alcohol made me do it!" yeah... right.)

People who cry or otherwise are emotional whilst drunk I think are "real you" users. I guess the depressant lets their guard down and everything kind of comes out.

I think the only way the alcohol could really 'alter your personality' is if you've already got some kind of psychological condition or are taking some kind of psychological drug. All alcohol is, is a depressant. Depressants wouldn't change your personality in any way.

Why is my personality so fun when I’m drunk but so boring when I’m sober? It makes me want to be drunk all the time.

Funny you should ask this question. I recently read an article which states “…Research says that your drunk self is probably not as far off from your actual personality as you think it is. Though it may feel like you're a completely different person when you're in the club getting tipsy, a 2017 study published in Clinical Psychological Science found that your drunk persona doesn't differ from your sober one, more or less….”So basically, as research into the subject goes, that fun you who you think you turn into is still you, you just have to stop giving much of a shit about what other people think of you and just have fun being you- and just think, if you’re fun out of control, you probably would be even funnest in control. You know, since you wouldn’t overstep yourself smiling some kinda goofy-ass, shit-eatin’ grin as you drunkenly pee on people’s carpets…weeeeee! Whur’s thas baff-rooobthingie yursh tok’n bout? Here’s the full article here:Your Drunk Self May Actually Be the Real YouHeh….i couldn’t resist this one:

My friend drinks & turns into a whole different personality?

If you are asking about Multiple Personality Disorder (currently known as DID--dissociative identity disorder), the criteria for the diagnosis specifically excludes periods of time when one is intoxicated:

"The disturbance is not due to the direct physiological effects of a substance (e.g., blackouts or chaotic behavior during alcohol intoxication) or a general medical condition (e.g., complex partial seizures). In children, the symptoms are not attributable to imaginary playmates or other fantasy play.[5] A patient history, x-rays, blood tests, and other procedures can be used to eliminate symptoms being due to traumatic brain injury, medication, sleep deprivation, or intoxicants, all of which can mimic symptoms of DID.[35]."

DID is due to extreme abuse during early childhood, alcohol or anything else in adulthood could not create that. If she shows signs of memory loss and behavior change without the influence of alcohol, I'd consider exploring the diagnosis. Someone with DIDs 'switches' would be just as drastic without alcohol, and it would probably not happen after 4 drinks but when she walked into the club. But that doesn't appear to be the case.

That said, it sounds like your friend might benefit from counseling and treatment for alcohol abuse.

Do people really mean what they say when they're drunk?

It is hard to know because everyone is different

Some people have a complete personality change when they are drunk and become really nasty or aggressive (sometimes people's personalities also change depending on what they are drinking with different drinks having different effects). Other people become relaxed and say things they might otherwise filter out

There is an old saying "if it is not in you, then it won't come out of you"

If it is totally out of character then it could be a bad reaction to the drink, but if it is an amplification of what he is normally like then it might be related to how he thinks

If I hurt anyone's feelings I would be profoundly sorry. I would say the drink would be a mitigating factor, but not use it as an excuse. Having said that, when i get drunk I talk crap and slur my words but don't say anything harmful

Why are drunk people always in the mood for violence?

I must disagree with your assertion that drunk people are ready to act violently. I don't drink these days - I just don't like the taste of alcoholic drinks - but in my college days I did force quite some volume down my throat intermittently and on not one occasion was I ever tempted towards violence or aggression. That is just my personality. Others are all too ready to get violent at a moment’s notice, even when utterly sober. Alcohol simply loosens ones inhibitions and if you have any tendency towards physical aggression then a certain quantity of the demon drink will push you over the edge into outright violence. If you have no such tendency then you are more likely to pass out first! Or give the toilet bowl a prolonged hug!

Why do some people act crazy when they drink?

Someone can drink and be drunk but pretty calm for the most part while others act so crazy, why is this? Does alcohol enhance someone's personality?

My 2 friends already have pretty outgoing personalities so does the alcohol unlock the beast within lol?

When I drink I'm not perfect but don't act crazy and violent either.

I'm a pretty quiet, reserved person who is a little shy and held back and I think about what I do before I do it, always control my mouth. Careful not to offend.

Maybe that is why when I drink I don't act so crazy cause that cautious personality it still there keeping everything check?