Why Do People Think That You

Why do people think that it's okay to be fat?

I think, at least partially, because we live in times of excessive political correctness.Sometimes truth is just truth, not a deliberate offense.For example.I have blue eyes. Someone tells me: “You have blue eyes”. Would I call it “blue-eyes-shaming”? I don’t think so.For some reason extra weight is seen as condition which can’t be changed.I am not talking about certain health issues which make it really hard to maintain a healthy weight.In most cases extra weight is a by-product of poor diet and lack of physical activity.It’s both simple and darn hard to change habits required to lose weight and stay within healthy weight range.It’s easier to justify unwillingness to make necessary changes by cliches like: “I have a right to be the way I want to be”.Sure I have.But is it really the way I want to be or I am fooling myself because I am not ready to invest efforts and time in healthier version of myself?Extra weight is not some harmless variation of body image.It doesn’t bring immediate consequences, but can backfire later.But for now it’s “Ok”.Gradually society shifted to the mindset where certain degree of extra weight is “fine”.And when many people repeat the same thought, it turns into “truth”, or rather it’s perceived like truth.

Why do people think you are gay?

When I first saw this question, I thought I’d give a snarky response, but instead, I’m going to answer in a kind of indirect way. I am what I like to call “republican gay” which has nothing to do with my politics, and everything to do with how I physically present myself. I am by no means fashionable, but I do like to look neat. I also do not present myself in any stereotypically gay way. (I’m also married to a woman, so that usually throws people WAY off).But one day, I was with some very open-minded friends that I had apparently NOT informed of my sexuality - it’s never been a big deal after I came to terms with it myself, so I never really bother to tell people unless there’s a real reason to do so. I was browsing through photos on my phone while we were all playing some board game or other (possibly DnD, but I’m not sure), and I made the offhand command, while showing a picture on my phone to the girl sitting beside me, “damn, you know, when he isn’t trying to look weird or funny Al Yankovic is a sexy man!”The table shut down. One person actually did the comical spewing of his drink. Everyone stared at me as if I had just grown a leg from my forehead. For a few seconds nothing happened. The guy that had sprayed his drink started cleaning up the mess, and the tension was all but over. He was also the first one to speak up. “Dude, you broke my gaydar!” And everyone else just laughed. It was great fun, and a great memory to have. I’m honestly still shocked I had not told any of them, as some I had known for well over a year by that point.

Why do people think other people use them?

Well I'm no expert but I may have some food for thought that occurred to me when I was thinking about the reason I did voluntary work;People are selfish by nature, you may think that this is a horrible thing to say but when you think about it, it's true. When I did some voluntary work I wondered why I was doing it, I mean what compelled me to give up my time for free and after a lot of thinking and discussions with friends it came apparent that it was for my own gratification, it made me feel good.Think about any action you do, it's always for a reason, most of the time it will benifit you. Even look at procreating, it seems selfless but in actual fact it's to pass on your genes to the next generation survival of the fittest etc etc. Have a think about it, there's no such thing as a selfless act.That's just my opinion, I am in no way qualified to give you a professional answer.

Why do people think that I'm a bad person?

I don’t know why people think you’re bad. Have you tried asking them?Just because people think you’re bad doesn’t mean you are.Take for example, a woman I know that has struggled with gossip that was spread about her over 20 years ago. She was not guilty of the things people said about her. It doesn’t matter to the community, because juicy gossips trumps boring truth any day. People still claim she is guilty and the story has grown over time. Now people claim they have seen things the woman knows never happened. All she can do is learn to cope with vicious gossip. People can’t stop doing things they have never done in the first place.Even if you identify what people don’t like about you, you might not be able to do anything about it. You have relationships of varying degrees with the people you know. It might be no more than acquaintances but they are there. We don’t know how the people we know see us. You might care about an acquaintance’s opinion of you while they only see you as an entertaining person to talk trash about.You have to be the kind of person that you are comfortable with. You know your truth. The person who’s opinion of you that matters the most is you. If people say you’re bad but wont tell you why, their opinion is suspect. When someone is genuinely bad people generally have no trouble telling them what they are doing wrong.Some people love judging other people. If there is nothing of fault to find they make it up as they go along. These kinds of people don’t deserve to matter to you or anyone else.If you get arrested you might have done something bad. If people complain to you about the rotten things you do, you might have done something bad. If people keep telling everyone that will listen, except you, that you are bad but not saying what the bad thing is I suspect gossip.

Why do people think they are always right?

Cause it feels better that way!Admitting you're wrong about something isn't as easy as it's portrayed.. it's hard and requires self awareness and courage Someone might know he's wrong but won't admit it nor act based on it.. because being wrong means being socially rejected Many people say they accept when someone does something wrong and says he's sorry or thing like that! But it's just talks.. people despise the idea of being wrong about anything cause it means that they're not mature enough,masculine enough,smart enough.. etcSo people act based on "I'm right and you're not" even if that's not what they believe deep down themselves!, it's easier to see everyone wrong and not ourselves cause we don't want to change.. things are good that way .. it's stable.. change is scary ,it demands thinking and viewing life from a different anglePeople don't like to all that .. people like things the way they are .. even if it's wrong! As long as it doesn't hurt them .. it's just fine!

Why do people think mormons have horns?

I am lds and there are lots of things that people think about us that is not true. We are normal people just like you and everyone else.

Why do people think I'm wealthy when I'm not?

There are some things you need to take into account here. When it comes to ‘who you are’ there are several yous.the you that you ARE.the you that you perceive yourself as.the you that other people perceive you as.the you that you think other people perceive you as.Now reading your question, we need to make sure that we are talking about the 3rd you here. So that you have actually gotten literal feedback from people directly telling you that you must be wealthy. So people saying things like assuming you live in wealthy neighborhood, live in a giant house, have lots of money to spend etc. etc.When there is only circumstantial ‘evidence’ of this, you must be very careful that it is not YOUR understanding that they think you are wealthy, where they don’t think that you are. That does not imply that they think that you are poor though. If they do not think that you are Chinese, it does not automatically mean they think you are Taiwanese.Now assuming we are talking about you 3, it most likely has something to do with either your appearance, behavior or your name. (or 2 or all of them) When your name happens to be the same as the name of a well known very rich family or industrial name, people are more likely to think that you are rich, even may think you are part of that imperium.If you dress well - and that does not even have to be with expensive clothes, it can actually even be doen with regular, even cheap clothes - you make a successful impression. Successful people are more likely to be thought of as being rich.When you behave well mannered, you are more likely to be raised in an upper class family in some countries. Hence, the conclusion that you come from ‘money’ is easily drawn.

Why do people think they deserve welfare?

Why do people in this country think it is their birthright to get free money from the government? Don't they understand that the money comes from other americans that work? Why can't we make these welfare collectors work in work camps, so that they will realize that they are worthless, and do something about it? I realize some of them are disabled, and those people should be taken care of by their families, I am referring to all the worthless welfare people that live in the government projects near me. Every time I see them sitting on their plastic lawn chairs in their garbage filled front lawn, I want to go and put one on a leash and take it home to be my slave because I pay for it to live.