Why Do People Think What They

Why do people think that it's okay to be fat?

I think, at least partially, because we live in times of excessive political correctness.Sometimes truth is just truth, not a deliberate offense.For example.I have blue eyes. Someone tells me: “You have blue eyes”. Would I call it “blue-eyes-shaming”? I don’t think so.For some reason extra weight is seen as condition which can’t be changed.I am not talking about certain health issues which make it really hard to maintain a healthy weight.In most cases extra weight is a by-product of poor diet and lack of physical activity.It’s both simple and darn hard to change habits required to lose weight and stay within healthy weight range.It’s easier to justify unwillingness to make necessary changes by cliches like: “I have a right to be the way I want to be”.Sure I have.But is it really the way I want to be or I am fooling myself because I am not ready to invest efforts and time in healthier version of myself?Extra weight is not some harmless variation of body image.It doesn’t bring immediate consequences, but can backfire later.But for now it’s “Ok”.Gradually society shifted to the mindset where certain degree of extra weight is “fine”.And when many people repeat the same thought, it turns into “truth”, or rather it’s perceived like truth.

Why do a lot of people think they are 'perfect'?

From a psychological perspective, people often fool themselves into thinking they are perfect (or just say they do when they don't really believe it) for a number of reasons, the most predominant one's being:

a) they are afraid to face up to themselves and the person they are and so they are afraid to learn the very lessons that will help them be better people
b) The use their 'perfection' as a barrier to the world because they feel insecure and that 'perfection attitude' is their protection to being hurt.
c) they are arrogant, know they have a couple flaws but like to say they don't because they genuinely think they are better than others and don't feel like explaining why

Why do people think I'm arrogant?

Arrogant: showing an offensive attitude of superiority.Has someone (or multiple someones) actually told you that they think you’re arrogant?If so, you may be exhibiting traits to that effect. But, because you asked this question, that means you care about what people think of you so I wouldn’t necessarily call you ‘arrogant’; however, you also didn’t ask how you could change that opinion. My gut says that you don’t intend to come off this way but if others are reacting to you as if you are, then you are being arrogant. This is by no means a permanent state of being, this can change over time to either become more so or less so. Becoming less arrogant takes a lot of self-reflection on how you relate to people. How you say things to people. How you behave.If not, what makes you believe that people think this about you?EDIT: Spelling error. Lapse in typing. Urgh.

Why do people think they are always right?

Cause it feels better that way!Admitting you're wrong about something isn't as easy as it's portrayed.. it's hard and requires self awareness and courage Someone might know he's wrong but won't admit it nor act based on it.. because being wrong means being socially rejected Many people say they accept when someone does something wrong and says he's sorry or thing like that! But it's just talks.. people despise the idea of being wrong about anything cause it means that they're not mature enough,masculine enough,smart enough.. etcSo people act based on "I'm right and you're not" even if that's not what they believe deep down themselves!, it's easier to see everyone wrong and not ourselves cause we don't want to change.. things are good that way .. it's stable.. change is scary ,it demands thinking and viewing life from a different anglePeople don't like to all that .. people like things the way they are .. even if it's wrong! As long as it doesn't hurt them .. it's just fine!

Why do some people think they are superior to others?

I think the main reason is that people who know more things that others think they have an advanced for spending time in the past learning those things, and if no one else know what they know, they are inferior.I’ve heard of driver instructors making fun of people who didn’t pass their driving exam, but in the past, the same driver instructors failed multiple times in their exams.People tend to feel superior to others because they feel they have more knowledge and they have more control over their life. If someone knows math and you don’t, they may feel superior just because they know something you don’t.The worst thing is that most people don’t realized that just because they know something, it doesn’t mean we should know too. I’ve had a teacher who just could not comprehend the fact that I didn’t cared at all about mathematics.I never like math and I still don’t really like it, after 12 years of school. I like computers, I like graphic design and I code from time to time, but I do not like math. She was angry because I didn’t knew math, and I didn’t wanted to learn.She felt superior and was looking at me like I was an idiot, not because I was one, but because I didn’t knew math. And she was doing the same thing with any person who didn’t knew math. In her mind, if you knew math, you were worthy of respect. If not, then you were an idiot.The simplified answer would be - because people are stupid. That’s the main reason some feel superior. Because they are stupid.A smart person would be aware that they feel superior over someone because they know something others don’t, but will try to suppress this feeling and realized that is not about how much you know about everything, but how much you know about what you’re interested in.

Why do people think drinking is so 'cool' ?

Teens thinks its cool, college people think its cool, even adults. They act like they cant have ag ood time unless they drink. I can understand if you have to watch Nascar, i dont think any sane person can watch cars go in circles for 4 hours without something to dull the pain of boredom. (sidetracked)

Anyway though. So many people make 'mistakes' when they drink or use it as an excuse to justify things theyve done. Grown adults act like 5 year olds and its just stupid. I dont understand why people do this.

And why is it so widely accepted, yet they outlaw other drugs like weed, lsd, meth, crack etc.. i understand there are differences, but not by much if someone gets really intoxicated.

Im a purist so i dont do any kind of drugs/smoking/drinking. I dont even take medicine really.

So i ask you.. Why?

Why do People think volleyball is easy?

1. It is indeed a sport that is played all around the world.
2. It is not an easy sport to learn to do the skills correctly but can be mastered with practice and good coaching.
3. It is an advantage to be athletic in order to learn the sport and become good at it because the physical abilities such as speed, quickness, 3-dimensional spatial relationships, and eye-hand-coordination make it easier for someone to pick up the movements required to do the skills.
4. There are many sports that have more physical contact with other players but in terms of the skills required for playing volleyball, passing, setting, spiking, digging, and serving - these are unique to volleyball and while it is possible to teach these skills to a wide variety of people, not everyone has the capacity to learn them.
5. The higher the level of volleyball play, the more skill is required to compete at that level so yes.
6. This is hard to answer because it is unclear what you mean by "same level." Volleyball is not a major professional sport in the U.S. but many top-level volleyball players on the U.S. National teams make a pretty good living playing professionally overseas where the sport is much more popular than it is in the U.S.

My feeling is that people perceive volleyball is easy to play because their limited exposure to the sport is either a) a family picnic where there are 18 people per side, the net set to 6 feet high, rules knowledge is limited, and the game resembles ping-pong OR b) they are watching the game on television where tall, agile professional athletes who have been training and playing the sport for 10 years or more make it look easy.

Why do people think drinking is so " Cool"?

My husband and I both don't drink or go to parties. Not even to high school or college parties back in the days. A lot of people consider us boring because of it. I just don't see the point of it. All it does is destroy your body. Some people like it because they say it relaxes them, then you have those people who drink to get drunk and then you have those people who drink to try to fit in. I just never drank because both my parents work in the medical field and would talk to me about the effects of alcohol. My husband never drank because he was raised by his single dad who is an alcoholic. My husband first hand saw what alcohol does to a family.

Why do some people think that they know everything?

People cannot view things from the perspective of others.People always think that they are right. But why? Well, what people believe, how they think, how they react to different circumstances, it all stems from past experiences. people are programmed to react in certain ways because they’re past experiences tell them that this is the way they should react.People know they shouldn’t touch a hot stove because they’ve learned that it hurtsPeople believe killing others is immoral because they have seen how horrible death is, both to the person who died and those that they love.People believe they know everything because of this. They don’t believe that what others tell them is true because they’re past experiences tell them otherwise. People believe they are right because they’re ideas have been ingrained in them from their past experiences. They refuse to look through the perspective of others. If they did, people would begin to see why other people believe what they believe and react the way they do. People wouldn’t believe that they know everything and they wouldn’t believe that they are always right.After all, some argue that the sign of a true genius is that they acknowledge that they do not know everything and, thus, always seek new knowledge, and they admit when they are wrong.

Why do people that go to college think they are better than people who don't?

There is a segment of our (US) society who think going to college is the norm—a rite of passage.I attended a lot of graduations during the recent “graduation season.”“Where are you going to college?”“Oh, where are you going to college?”“Where is little Mary going to college?”I never heard one person ask, “Are you going to college?”Gag me with a spoon. Half these kids have no business enrolling at a four-year institution.I don’t live in Lake Woebegon, where all the children are above average. I live in a middle-class community in the Midwest where you would expect the distribution of IQ’s to, pretty much, fit the Bell Shaped Curve. (See note.)However, the three large PUBLIC, non-selective high schools nearest to me, in aggregate, send 75% of their students to college. This is a direct reflection of how the community has been infected with the “college for everyone” plague.These parents and students see going to college as “cool.” If you don’t go to college, you are stigmatized.NoteAre too many people going to college? A look at IQ distributions tells us why this is the case