Why Do People Want Biological Children

Why do so many people only care about biological children and don’t consider adoption?

I cannot agree with these answers. My parents adopted the four of us, each individual child from a different birth mother. We were adopted from a home for unwed mothers, and we were adopted as infants.Our parents could not conceive children but wanted to love children and be a family. They did have to wait: something like 7 years for me, the first of four.There’s nothing wrong with us, thank you very much. Sometimes situations put children in homes. My adopted Dad grew up in a Baptist orphanage. His mother could not take care of 5 small children after his dad died of black lung from the coal mine.I’m sure there are horror stories out there, but my mom never looked back: We were hers, and she and dad never made excuses for us. When my sister had trouble reading, Mom read the social studies chapters and recorded them so Sis could follow along in the text with her finger. This is just one example of what Mom and dad did to help us grow. My sister had a harder time in school, yet she is the only one of us who has a Master’s degree.Why don’t some people want to adopt? Maybe they’re afraid of what they’ll get (“Life is like a box of chocolates…”) or maybe they just don’t feel that they want to dedicate their life to doing something hard.Children are a challenge, biological or not. I’ve known people who love to say, “…well if he was really my child, he wouldn’t act like that…” well, maybe. DNA is a factor, of course. But just because a child is adopted, doesn’t make them defective; it’s not like we come from the Island of Misfit Toys.I was adopted before there were such things as open adoption. In fact it was long enough ago that the Powers That Be would match us up with parents who were of the same geographical heritage. So we even looked like our parents.It is true that babies who are left by their moms do suffer abandonment issues. They may grow up not knowing what is bothering them. But that and many other issues run in biological families, as well.It seems very different these days: people only do things when they receive accolades for their actions. There are very few altruistic couples, whose main goal is to love children; they want there to be something in it for THEM. Something tangible.They have no idea what they are missing, or how much better their life may become. Children do not have to be blood to be family.

Why do people keep wanting to create their own biological children in light of climate change?

Can I assume that you would rather have people Adopting Abandoned/Unwanted Children instead of creating their own Biological Children? If so, how would one prevent parents from creating their own children and how will Climate Change affect these children. If all children are to be affected in some way by changes in temperatures, from extremely high to extremely low, how will not having your own children or adopting them be of any consequence? If Climate Change does get out of control, it will not matter whether the children are your Biological or Adopted? The only way to resolve this issue is to provide the population of Planet Earth with the necessary Birth Control, FOR FREE……..But even then, will the sexually active use these medications/products/inserts, until they decide what to do with regard to procreating? I think the answer is No! With the rise in Drug usage worldwide, Rape of Women worldwide, Children being abandoned in Homes For the Unwanted….I do not see an end to the Overpopulation of Planet Earth. I honestly believe Overpopulation should be of more concern to everyone than whether parents have their own children or adopt them, and Climate Change really has nothing to do with it. Sex is among the people of this Planet as a pleasurable thing that we’ve all been a part of, so whether it is going to be Hot or Cold will not influence the way people think.

Why do people want to have their own biological child when there are children in foster homes? Is the drive to procreate, or nurture a life?

It’s a fairly personal question that some people don’t understand.While my wife and I were going through fertility issues. We very much wanted children of our own. As a male I certanly wanted to produce a son that would keep my last name alive and him being from my DNA.I have nothing against adoption of any kind.That said going through the foster system is a shit show.The cost is the same or higher than fertility treatments. There is absolutely no guarantee that things will work out and you could raise a child as your own for years and the biological parents could come into the picture and take the child back.It was a risk we weren’t willing to explore just yet.Thankfully we didn’t have to make that choice.

Why do adopted children want to meet their biological parents?

Honestly, I don't think this is that hard to understand. I had a couple friends growing up who were adopted and were really curious about their bioparents. Even then, I understood it!

It has nothing to do with their parents (the people who raised them). It's human nature to want to look into the eyes of the person or people who created you. That's the biggest part, but then there are other issues. Sometimes a person wants to know why they were given up. Also, both my friends were curious to know if they had any siblings out there.

Why are infertile people so obsessed with biological children when there are so many kids without parents?

Are you infertile?

There is a difference between choosing not to get pregnant and being unable to get pregnant. There is an inherent biological drive in most people to reproduce and see our genes expressed in future generations. When someone is unable to do that, it is very hurtful and difficult to get around.

Adoption doesn't cure infertility and an adopted child doesn't replace the biological child that never was. I get really irritated when people throw adoption around like a band-aid for infertility; it's not. An infertile person is STILL infertile, even after he/she adopts a child. The grief over infertility needs to br processed and put to rest BEFORE the idea of adoption enters the picture. Adoption is complicated enough without an adopted child needing to make an infertile adoptive parent feel better about themselves.

Gay men/women: Do you want biological children?

To be honest I would love to, but I believe that god (No I'm not religious I just believe in god) made me gay so that I can pull a child out of the foster system. There is a reason for everything and that is why I believe that is why I was born gay.

Also if I'm going to look at the look of all gay people, I'd also have to look at how the partner would feel. I mean in a homosexual relationship only one of then can be the biological parent so imagine how the one who wasn't the "Real" parent would feel. Would they be upset, would they care for the other kids more, or would they be perfectly fine with it and love them the same as the other kids. You need to take these factors into thought because everyone acts differently to these things.

Anyway another reason I'd like to adopt is because I've seen a ton of stories in this section about kids who were either kicked out of their house for being pregnant and couldn't care for the child or were forced to give it for one reason or another. Personally I'd like to adopt from one of those poor girls, so that way 1 her child would know why they had to give them up, and 2 so that way she'd at least be able to see the child when ever she wishes so that she would be able to know them, and so that she didn't feel so bad for giving him/her up.

Anyway that's just my 2 cents on the topic, I hope I helped.

Why do the vast majority of people have biological children when there are so many kids in foster care?

Having your own children is a biological instinct and a well-entrenched societal pattern. It is natural for most people to desire, plan, or even just fall into this pattern. Their parents, their models did it, as did their parents, as well as their parents before them, and so on...Some children, unfortunately, don’t fit into a biological family for various and varied reasons. They do need adoptive or foster parents. But they are in the minority.Don’t look for reasons to be judgmental of the majority of the human race. If your heart feels moved to reach out to and adopt children that need such love, then do so and pat yourself on the back. But deciding to look down on all others which have their own children and care for them, informs ill of your own character . Having a child requires great sacrifice and is rarely done with selfish intentions. Everyone on the earth came from parents, who, for the most part, made the choice to have him/her, and then continue provide for, care for, and nurture that offspring (and then his/her offspring) for eighteen years, and usually well beyond.So to decry those who do so flies in the face of logic — for anyone who values being part of the human race. Choosing to conceive children is actually a celebration of the human condition, both beautiful and difficult, as well as of the love of the couple who conceive together. It is a testament of hope in the future.You were born of your own parents, were you not? Do you show respect for what they have offered you, or feel anger that they bore you, instead of helping some unprivileged child you would have never met?To write, “They may as well say, ‘…I want a mini-me, so screw (so many suffering kids)!’” is ridiculous. You are ascribing such thoughts to others. People deciding to have babies normally have little thought to pre-existing unfortunate children. They are considering the exhilarating and overwhelming process of creating and raising a brand-new life. It is exhilarating, because for most people, this monumental, amazing task is well within their capability.Adjust your attitude to see the good being done in natural families. When you care for children that don’t already have that, you are merely trying to recreate what is normally supposed to happen — and normally is.

Do you love your adopted children as much as biological children?

It depends on the age of the Adopted child, If the child is younger than 2 the relationship is generally very similar as although they are not genetically theirs, the child has had no formative years outside the adoption and the child is completely raised by the adopter, the child is also in its cuddly stage so the adopter feels more like she had birthed the child. Though the adopter has not been pregnant with the child, the main difference is just they way it was born, but the relationships are almost identical.
Beyond the years of 2 I'm lead to believe that the "blood is thicker than water" concept applies as the child physiologically feels like someone else's child, however they can still have a close bond.