Why Do People Wear Gas Masks When They Are Doing Graffiti

Why do people use gas masks at raves ?

I can't believe they still have raves, they all died out over five years ago. It's like playing an old Kylie Mignogue song, Step back in time.

Years ago, at raves people used to drop a E and whiff nitrousoxide (laughing gas) or Vanilla essence through those army surplus gas or plastic medical masks , to get the initial E rush and hit.

Don't be surprised, if or when they started banning the sale of cream whip bulbs,cream whippers and Vanilla essence in supermarkets.

The theory behind wearing a mask that restricts your breathing while training is to mimic training in high altitudes. Many endurance and mixed martial arts athletes seek out training facilities that are located in high altitudes, at 8,000 feet or more above sea level, so they can live and train in a lower air pressure environment, which results in relatively less oxygen. After being in that environment for a few weeks, it is believed that the athlete’s body produces more red blood cells, which ultimately provides more muscle efficiency once the athlete returns to lower altitudes. This effect can last up to a few weeks, after which the athlete adapts again to the higher air pressure. Hypoxic training masks are not recommended because they won’t improve endurance.The mask cannot change the atmospheric pressure you are training in. Further, the mask is only worn during training, which, based on the high altitude training theory, isn’t long enough to create the desired effect.

When people wear gas masks, it’s usually because something serious is happening, and when you yourself are not protected from that something, you have valid reasons to be worried. Besides that, you usually can’t see a person’s expressions behnd a gas mask (you might see the upper half of the face if they are wearing a panoramic mask, but masks that let you see the whole face are only in concept stages during time of writing) and people are instinctively wary of people whose facial expressions can’t be read.Add to that that some masks are extra spooky, such as the S6 maks worn by the british armed forces during the time of operation Nimrod with their oversized eye cavities that make the whole mask look like a living caricarture at a distance, and ShMS masks that look like something out of ‘Pompel & Pilt’

Everyone wears a mask. There's nothing wrong with that.Look at yourself for example.Wearing a mask is just hiding certain aspects of your personality. Do you really want to expose your insecurities for all to see and exploit? A mask is just what you're willing to show others. It could be an aspect of your own personality. It could be a completely fake persona.It's meant to hide the things about you that others wouldn't know how to deal with and therefore find unpleasant.How do you know if someone's wearing a mask? You don't. Half of the time, the people wearing the mask themselves don't know about its existence.Of course, there are little things that people do which go against your idea of who they are. But you need time to notice those. A lot of time. You can't just suddenly look at a person and say “Mask!”

Why do people wear gloves, mask and goggles when removing mold?

Everybody knows mold is not good for you. Just the same, don't panic if you see mold. Mold is part of nature and mold spores are everywhere. When mold spores land on something that's damp with an organic matter it can start to grow.
Scraping it off with a knife is not the answer. You need to find the leak and fix that to prevent future mold growth. You can't have mold without water or moisture.

What is the average age that people do graffiti?

I am the editor of a european graffiti magazine, our contributors are aged between 14 and 40, although i would say most are most active between 17 and 25

It ranges, among other things, from health, aesthetics, personality to foul play. Because they:-give off breath odor;-mask unpleasant smells;-have a cold, cough, or allergy;-prevent a communicable disease;-avoid ambient air pollution, or dust;-have shyness, or feel embarrassed;-hide themselves from the surroundings;-feel look cool;-feel look fashionable;-feel confident;-avoid being snapped, cctv-recorded;-are doing evil; or-might get wanted;

Whats the mask thing called that people use when they're using spray paint?

If you are spraying acrylic you need only a paper mouth-mask to keep from breathing the paint particles. If you are spraying dyes or other dangerous materials you will need a mask that has a
filter, like charcoal, to protect you from breathing the noxious fumes. ******** Good Luck.

Why do surgeons and dentists wear masks?

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