Why Do Pick Up Artists Tell You To Divert Attention

Why do we value entertainment so much?

Have you ever noticed that when something hurts or feels bad changing your focus helps to divert attention from that bad feeling or sensation?
Have you ever noticed that when something feels better it can easily become habitual?
Even if you know that it is harmful?
That is the root of addiction.
The better it feels, the stronger the addiction.
Technically speaking it is the memory of the event which is at the very root.
Memories are chosen by the brain and grouped together with others in order to save time and energy.
You then don´t have to relearn how to shoot a bow and arrow, or ride a bike, or seduce a partner, or any such behaviours when those memories are hardwired. They happen mechanically whether you want them to or not. Some of these addictions will get you a multi-million baseball contract and others will get you a life a sentence in jail.
Entertainment is like a pain killer. The more you do it, the more you will be addicted to it.
Why? Because once the brain hardwires these patterns (research engrams) behaviour becomes mechanical. This is good for a the major league baseball player´s salary, not so good for a person who finds a life sentence in jail to be less desirable.
The good news is that we are on the verge of being able to pinpoint and dissassemble these undesirable groupings or programs. Inputting programs, the juicy part of science fiction also eventually will be possible but don´t hold your breath till that happens. Society will not approve. Society is too programmed to dislike change as if change is not a constant and necessary for life.

Questions about working with individuals with developmental disabilities?

I worked in many different positions in both behavioral health and developmental disabilities. To answer your first question: a group home is a great way to be introduced to this population. You are able to work with people one on one, also a day treatment program is another great way to start out. I would make sure that you are properly trained before starting. Ask your supervisor if they have CPI classes, crisis prevention and intervention. What you want to learn is the "triggers" for this particular client. Is there another way to approach the situation that sets him off?

As for "magical" most people believe that children are able to see thing because they have an innocence and tendency to be open to new experiences. Much like children he may have somewhat of a second sight, because his mind is not molded to not believe in magical things. It would be interesting if you are able to talk to him about these things or even find a book yourself, maybe he does not understand what he is seeing and it could scare him.

It takes a special person to devote there time in helping others. It is always nice when we can get paid for our services. You have to remember that most people that are developmentally disabled may be very cognitively aware. You don't want to treat them like babies, they know that they are older then little kids and they enjoy when they are respected. They react well to positive reinforcement and the setting of goals. You may see if the home already has a point or reward system for behavior and if they don't introduce one.

Good luck and God bless.

How do you get your boyfriend’s attention without asking for it? He's too busy playing his video games.

Video games are a mental stimulator. They trigger the parts of the brain that give immediate satisfaction, and most gamers can avoid sex longer than they would ever avoid video games.Your man has seen you naked. If you're like most people, you probably hangout naked a lot anyway, not only when you want sex, or attention. So seeing you around in sexy underwear or being naked is not giving him any clues.If your boyfriend is a typical gamer, chances are he's got a headset on. This headset picks up a lot of noise. If you start masterbating and “making all the noises”, all his friends will hear you. You'll embarrass not only yourself, but him as well.As a gamer, I can tell you right now that when you're in an “important” match (I use the word important loosely), you don't want to just turn it off for anything. Sex will always be available, you're in a relationship (video games will always be available too, but gamers take games seriously).Men don't pick up on clues. Walking around rubbing your lady parts won't do much. Chances are, he's focussed on the TV or computer and will not even look at you. And if your relationship is like some, he might just think you want to masterbate and not actually have sex (some people prefer this… it's like a fetish to watch, etc). Wait until he gets off, or before he starts, and talk to him about your needs. Communication is key.Let him know how you're feeling. Ask him to spend 2–3 nights per week dedicated to you, and this does not mean sex. It can be watching a movie, or just talking, or going out. Explain to him that as a woman, you crave physical and emotional closeness to feel loved and you enjoy spending time with him because you love him.Then, and this is very important, you need to find a hobby that will keep you busy. Personally, I suggest getting your own gaming system and getting online with your man. But if you prefer painting, reading, knitting, or yoga then by all means do those things. It is unrealistic to expect your man to give up his hobbies for you, but a few days a week are reasonable. During these few days you can bond and deepen your relationship.If he's not willing to spend at least 2 nights per week with you, and you truly feel your needs are not being met then you might want to consider a new partner. Just remember that no one wants a relationship that requires giving someone your full attention every single day.Good luck!

Why are the arts given so less attention, in comparison to athletics, in high schools?

Because athletics has winners and, more importantly, losers.People identify themselves, collectively, via contests that mark a winner. When “your” team wins, you get a rush of endorphins even though you sat on your butt the entire time. Only a few students actually put on a uniform, train, work out, practice, sweat, and otherwise put forth effort. But everybody — other students, teachers, administrators, everybody’s parents, alumni, people who live in the same city — gets to call themselves a “winner”.And, more importantly, that everybody else is a “loser”. Lots of things are accomplishments, and people get a mild rush out of identifying with other people’s accomplishments. But to really feel awesome, you need a clear instance that you’ve separated yourself from the pack. That somebody else lost.Nobody loses in art. Everyone is a winner. There are contests, to be sure, but they’re subjective and don’t have the satisfying crunch of somebody knowing definitively that you are superior to them.To sum up: everybody associated with the high school feels like part of the athletic team. Nobody except the individual student feels part of their art. People donate money to the team because that helps the team win. Money donated for art gets wasted on, ya know, art. Much of which isn’t very good, since they’re just high school kids after all. Practically none of them will make a living at it.Same goes for the football, for that matter, but at least somebody lost. And that’s what really counts.

What underlies the common question, "What is the meaning of life?"?

What underlies this question is the mistake that the ego is us. When seen from the egoless place this question disappears as does any need to answer. We can look at all sorts or concepts and clever inferences but all they do is stroke the ego. Can we let go? It is not necessary - everything is exactly as it is - perfectly placed to bring us to see that the ego isn't real and when this is seen what then remains?

What do you do to divert your mind after a heartbreak in love life?

Before I begin writing, all those who are seeking answers for this question, I would suggest try meeting a bereaved person. He's lost more, than you have.!He's lost a dear one and has no chance of finding them back on this planet, whatsoever! He's no wish to live on but has to, just because time doesn't wait for anyone.Back to answering the question, having a heartbreak is absolutely normal because finding one's soul mate at first sight is quite rare.Initially, heartbreaks are depressing, you see your world falling apart, the agony seems unbearable.But if you focus immediately on diverting your mind and moving on, you can end up putting yourself in a lot of trouble.In the beginning, diverting can help but not later. There will come a point when you'll know you cannot go ahead, reason being you prioritized on secondary things. Your heart is stuck over and your mind tells you to keep up the pace.!So instead, what one can do, is to remind oneself everyday of the reason it all happened and cry over it. Yes, a constant reminder can keep you rooted to the present and reality. Deal with it today!Crying can help lighten your heart. Put yourself through reality, rather than forming illusions of the impossible.The consequences will be a major transformation in your life. A change that's for your own good.I will sum up with a quote of mine which I find quite beautiful.The dark dream is over, embrace yourself and welcome the present.