Why Do Republicans Lie So Much

Why do Republicans lie so much lately?

ooh please. give me a freaking break.Democrats lie. Don’t make this about only one party lying. That is complete and utter bull shit.HilLIARy lied - “I landed under sniper fire” “none of the e-mails I sent were marked classified” and there’s more.0bama lied - a lot - if you like your plan you can keep it. if you like your doctor you can keep him. i have shovel ready jobs. we signed the biggest tax cut for the middle class in history - ISIS is the JV team…so please. don’t go there. This post is bull shit.

Why do Republicans lie so much ? Politically?

It started in earnest with Karl Rove. He was like Bush’s Goebbels. He showed the Republicans how to basically weaponize propaganda. When Bush and Cheney deceived the nation about why we were going into Iraq, it was Rove who managed the information output from the White House. Republicans were already into voter suppression and gerrymandering at that time. Rove just taught them how to fine tune it all, mainly by using fear.

Why is there so much hate between the democrats and republicans to the point of lying about each other?

First of all, you need to separate the politicians from the rest of us.In the general public, it’s pretty obvious that liberals hate conservatives and vice versa. I’m mean, it’s real hate. You see it everyday and you hear it everyday. Politicians and the media fan these flames to the point where people actually want to physically hurt each other.The politicians? I think they’re playing us all. I think when the door is closed, they all have a really good laugh at our expense while they benefit TREMENDOUSLY from our tax dollars, special interests and their own earning power.Why do I say that? Here are just a few samples:(1) In the 70s, the Republicans wanted universal healthcare. The Democrats opposed it. Both sides used this to whip their base into a frenzy.(2) In 2008, the Democrats wanted universal healthcare. The Republicans opposed it. Both sides used this to whip their base into a frenzy.(3) Prior to 9/11, Democrats wanted to go after Saddam because he was not overthrown after the first gulf war. Republicans were opposed. Both sides used this to whip their base into a frenzy.(4) After 9/11, Republicans wanted to go after Saddam because he was not overthrown after the first gulf war. Democrats were opposed. Both sides used this to whip their base into a frenzy.(5) Democrats call Republicans obstructionists. However, most legislation the Democrats have proposed has passed over the last 8 years. Democrats use this to whip their base into a frenzy.(6) Republicans have clearly stated they will not vote on a Supreme Court Justice nominee. However, the Democrats haven’t even nominated someone to force the Republicans to have to sit thru confirmation hearings. Democrats use this to whip their base into a frenzy.(7) Democrats sit in to protest a lack of gun control legislation, specifically demanding a vote on 4 different bills that have already been voted down in the House. Republicans offer a bill that is bipartisan and supported by the NRA and has several of the points contained in the 4 failed bills. Democrats refuse to vote on it. Both sides used this to whip their base into a frenzy.Do you ever get the feeling you’re being played? I do.I imagine Congress being something like the Wile E Coyote cartoons, Ralph Wolf and Sam Sheepdog.This is one of several cartoons with this same theme. This one is called “Punching the Clock.” It’s only 2:53 long and it so clearly illustrates what I’m talking about.Yup. We are all being played.

Why are some Republicans so eager to believe Trump's blatant lies?

Perhaps the better question is "Why do so many Trump supporters seem uninterested in facts?"  The answer is quite simple. I have long been convinced that some people treat their politics like their religion; almost like a cult.  i.e., "Never question the doctrine, nor the leadership it represents." Trump has connected with a uniquely nativist strand in the GOP.  It is a bizarre coalition of populists, nationalists, White nationalists, 21st-Century Perot-ers; and even a handful of non-Republicans of color. It is a tenacious bunch that has festered for decades now.  One that, ironically, doesn't seem especially interested in traditional conservative values like free markets or Christianity.   Yet their goals, oddly enough, overlap with some of the utmost social conservatives (e.g., supporters of Ben Carson and Ted Cruz). This "confederation" has delivered a crystal clear message over the last several months.  They will never concede without a fight, and they will gladly fall on their swords in unison before they acquiesce to another McCain '08 or Romney '12. Much to the chagrin of "establishment" Republicans everywhere, these so-called outsiders are in the majority. Ergo, Frankenstein is on the loose and the soul of the GOP is up for grabs.

Why do Republicans repeat themselves so much?

Because that is the Number One Rule to follow written in Stone in their How to Be a Republican Handbook.

All Republicans are required by their by-laws to repeat the same thing over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again.

Any Republican falling to do so will be black listed by their own party.

Why do Republicans say Obama has a spending problem when Bush outspent him completely?

You forgot to add the most important part Bush completely outspend Obama during a GROWING ECONOMY!!!!! There is a huge difference. Obama inherited the biggest recession literally since the great depression and still hasn't caught up to Bush's debt number even though bush resided over an EXPANDING economy. Repubs are sheep!!! Plain and simple they cannot and will not actually think for themselves they are ridiculously stupid!! Sorry but its true.

Are the Republicans lying about Planned Parenthood?

The video was an utterly biased con job produced by two committed anti-abortion activists who used every subterfuge in the book to trap PP personnel into saying things that could then be edited and shown completely out of context.  (Kind of like Michael Moore movies in that respect.)  It is good to see that they themselves have been indicted.Their "findings" were glommed onto by the Raving Christian Loony sect of the Republican party who promptly jumped up on their soap boxes and started preaching their beliefs to anybody who would listen while annoying the hell out of anybody who wouldn't.  Business as usual in that part of the world.Having said that...  no, "the Republicans" aren't lying about Planned Parenthood.  Those Republicans who already opposed PP were willingly taken in by the video and used it shamelessly in support of their beliefs, but that doesn't mean that they or any other members of the party were "lying".  Duped, perhaps, and maybe dumb, but I see no evidence of knowingly lying.

Why do Americans think Republicans are better on the economy?

There are two things people love to believe. (1) They love to believe that they are victims, thought no fault of their own. (2) They love to believe that someday they will be rich, and their wealth will come to them because they deserve it; not because they took advantage of anyone else. .Republicans offer one easy solution to the problems of the world, all of which are comforting lies to too many people: Anyone would be able to become rich by working hard, if only we would stop coddling the undeserving poor and by letting immigrants steal our jobs. If the government will deport all the undocumented immigrants, and stop taxing people to pay for welfare-giveaways, and stop trying to regulate businesses, then all deserving people will become rich.Democrats tell a slightly more truthful story, but they are unwilling to take all the difficult steps needed to shrink the growing wealth disparity because the Democrats need contributions from the wealthy to get elected. So Democrats end up blaming no one, which is unsatisfying to voters. Saying, “life is fundamentally unfair, but there’s nothing much we can do about it but take the tiniest little baby steps” is better than making things worse, but it is not a satisfying message.Too many people believe the comforting Republican lies, so they vote for Republicans, who generally make things worse. Then when Republicans make things horribly bad, the voters have no choice but to vote for Democrats to clean up the mess. Then as soon as things are a little bit better, people go back to believing the comforting Republican lies.