Why Do Republicans Think Just Becuase You Disagree With Someone They Should Be Impeached

Why do people think that Clinton was impeached for adultery?

Clinton screwed up. It was in the 20th century. Republicans used it as a weapon to try and defeat him. They succeeded in turning American into the Jerry Springer show which brought shame to all americans. These neo-cons are idiots. To compare a lie about a personal sex affair to lying about reasons to go to war is ludicrous. People died, lots of them in Iraq because Bush lied. That is a far worse offense than Clinton. And how many of these republicans fell when the sex witch hunts began... republican Livingston comes to mind. And then you had republican Strom Thurnmand and his indiscresion with a black woman. So, before you cast your stones... Let he without sin cast the first stone.... now we've got republican Foley running the protection of exploited children for the nation getting caught with minors? Why didn' t the speaker of the house crack down on this guy? Why don't the republicans clean their own closets! I'm no fan of republicans or democrats. I don't trust any of them. I know one thing. And that is whenever we let one party run the show this is what happens. Best to spread the power out. Give the dems congress and return order to the nation.