Why Do Rich Men Brag About Their Money And Then Complain That They Can

Why is he bragging about his money to me?

This guy keeps texting me often and I'll often see photos of him on facebook riding his expensive bike or posing next to his BMW. He's got a degree but is unemployed at the moment. His parents are quite wealthy, so I presume he gets his money from them.

Anyway, before texting me he will often change his display photo on whatsapp (to either one where is showing off his muscles, his bike, his travels etc).

Why does he keep showing off his wealth so much by changing his display photos all the time? I know it's none of my business, as people can do whatever they want to do with their money. But I just keep wondering why he does it..

Why do some people always brag about how much money they make?

It's because they are insecure and unhappy. It is quite possible he could be jealous of something you have, not material speaking. Some people feel as though most people get jealous over material things that they own, so it's kind of like "look what i have" is equal to " look what i can afford and you can't" sort of thing. Yes, it is rude. Yes, it is annoying. It's just how some people are. It goes past pride, you can work hard for something like a nice new car, and be proud of it and say "Hey look at my new car." But rubbing it in people's faces constantly, is just so ridiculously annoying and it will repel people away from him because of it. Tell him how you feel, if he still does it, you just have to understand that's just the way he is, just say "hey how are you doin", and don't talk to him otherwise.

Why do men brag about how much they make or what they have?

When a man is doing that, I'm really not impressed. It's a turn off and an insult to ME because he clearly thinks I'm some gold digging, shallow, whore.

I don't think he's a douche, I think he's immature and has never involved himself with a real woman. It shows me that his expectations are low, and he's superficial. It shows me that if he DOES have all of those things, and he give me a taste if it... He will think that he owns me. Almost like bartering. For me to be able to experience his life, I have to give him some of what's between my legs.

I don't have time for stuff like that. I don't have time to try and teach men BASIC things their mother should've taught them.

Why do men brag about their cars ?

It's not that he thought you were turned on by the cars, it's that he was telling you that he was rich - which in a lot of men's' minds that is what a girl wants.

So I'm assuming he was trying to pick you up. When you didn't say anything to him, he blocked rejection out by insulting you.

I have not heard of the . . . obsessiveness about vehicles due to lack of size, but I suppose that makes sense on some level. Like, trying to cover an insecurity with objects and material goods. Maybe he thinks if he can buy the girl gifts and jewelry and what not then she'll love him despite his size or medical issues or if he doesn't have stamina.

What he doesn't see is real love, unfortunately. Real love, if he lets it happen instead of trying to avoid it, will change his views on that . . . and prolly a lot of other things :)

Men want sex , women want money?

Peoples views on marriage are taken too lightly now a days. I fully believe you have to work on a marriage. Both partners need to put 100% effort into it. Some get married with the thought, if it doesn't work out, I will get divorced. Wrong attitude to get married.

I do believe your statement is true with some people, but not all. If that is what they think, then they should not get married. Things are always going to happen in our lives that will cause us stress. We need to be more dedicated and work on the marriage with God. It takes 3 in the marriage, Groom, Bride, and God. It takes good and open and honest communication, trust, respect, and work.

What does "when the rich wage war it's the poor who die" mean to you?

This is a qoute from a friend of mines on the meaning of this quote - Who had a serious thought. "I actually kind of believe it. While rich people, well the rude ones, swim in their money and brag about their new pools, the poor live normally, living a life and trying to get through, not bragging, but hoping to be rich. I like Middle-Class people, not saying that rich/poor are bad people, but it's like an all out war" - I basically called him a complete idiot for taking that interpretation of that quote. Was I wrong, because this is how i responded to him: "I thank you for your useless knowledge Garcia but I didn’t get the quote from Jean-Paul Charles Aymard Sartre. I heard the quote while listening to Linking Park’s Mike Shinoda from the song “Hands held High”. And it has nothing to do with what you’re talking about but it has everything to do with fighting a pointless war. A war which is pushed by upper class citizens because of the profits they stand to gain, with no regards to the lives that will be lost. The lives of lower class citizens who see the military as a means to provide for themselves and their families. Rich people and their offspring typically aren’t the individuals fighting in any war for that matter. But it’s usually the girl next door or the guy who’s having problems paying his rent and catching up on student loans. The father who’s struggling to put food on his family's table while “rich” people get fat off the backs of hard working citizens. When war is waged it isn’t the poor who’s pushing for it and the rich dying it's vice versa."

Why is it socially unacceptable for an attractive woman to complain about the problems that are the result of being attractive?

It's not limited to women, and it's not limited to beauty.If you are a privileged person in some capacity, and then you complain about the (minor) problems that come from this privilege, you may be perceived as denying or minimizing your own privilege, and that does not reflect well on you.How would you react to a white person in USA who went on at length about the problems he has experienced because of being white ?How would you react to a wealthy person who went on at length about the problems associated with wealth ?It's true that every privilege also comes with a set of disadvantages. There are disadvantages to being pretty and wealthy. It's just that they're so tiny, compared to the advantages. And when you minimize that, something that complaining about the disadvantages without mentioning the much more significant advantages, you come off as an asshole.Imagine a pretty woman who was asked out 3 times this month, complaining that the guy who asked her wasn't the one she liked the most - to a less attractive woman who has not been asked out even once by anyone this year. It doesn't help if she ascribes the problem to the other woman by claiming that the problem is just that she's jealous.Yeah, in a sense she is. But no, the problem here isn't her jealousy. The problem is the privileged person being completely blind to her own privilege, and instead complaining, not realizing that her problems are laughable to the person she's complaining to.Or imagine a person driving a Ferrari, complaining about the gas-prices to someone having trouble paying rent this month. It's quite simply an asshole thing to do. Yes I'm sure higher gas-prices is a genuine problem, but this problem is nevertheless completely laughable to anyone who is poor.Similarly, the comparatively minor disadvantages of being pretty and attractive are generally pretty laughable compared to the disadvantages you face if you're not. Yes the disadvantages are REAL (like the gas-prices are real), but being beautiful is still a massive privilege, just like being wealthy enough to drive a Ferrari is.

Why don’t most wealthy people brags about their wealth? I have a friend you would never guess his family was wealthy.

People don't brag about a lot of things to other people because they want to be open and friendly and agreeable to talk to.When I was in 5th grade, I started reading my dad's reading material, often 500-800 page books and so my vocabulary grew. My dad and sisters started making fun of my word choices. I realized if I wanted to have friends, I had better use simpler language in conversations or become isolated.With money, the situation is worse. Many people use “rich" as being a hateful person. To those people, anyone with money should give it all to others. Those more financially inclined can count how much it costs to live and how the costs escalates. You might think you have enough when you retire; you may learn you are wrong. Countries with Communist governments killed or physically abused people with more money than others. Their crime was wealth.In this day and age, saying you're wealthy almost guarantees hacking attacks.Also, people with good wages, income or lots of money soon learn that after you buy everything you want, its hard to know what to do with it. After that, its not money or things they want but experiences with others.So why not get rid of the money? Giving it isn't appreciated much, its a hassle, too. It feels bad to be cheated. And, being poor is uncomfortable so saving means security.I'm not rich, but I am self-supporting.

Why do men pay more for car insurance than women?

I see your point in that. It would be no different to base car insurance on ethnicity based on statistics. What are factors in the amount we pay for insurance is personal history of course, age, grades (if in school), whether or not a person has bad credit, along with many other things.
Most men are too macho anyways to actually believe women are better drivers.

8 years ago, an insurance agent told me that women get in 70% less accidents than men do.
In my opinion this doesn't mean women are "better" drivers, but we are definately safer on average. We aren't usually cocky, aggressive, and arrogant behind the wheel like men are. It's these aggressive types who get in the most accidents ruining it for all men.

Why do most rich people wear simple clothes, and why do people who are not very rich tend to dress more exoticly?

I had a professor once who did a lot of research on this. All people attempt to impress their neighbors to some extant. There finances depend on what they can do and how they will do it. This is oversimplification, but his research basically showed the following.Poor people impress by what they wear— clothes, bling, etc. That is because they cannot afford to display in any other way.Middle class people impress by what they drive— A trendy car, or maybe a boat or a bunch of motorized “toys” like four wheelers. They can afford the “bling” but don’t want to look poor. However, they can’t afford to radically change their lifestyle to show off.Upper Middle Class and Wealthy people impress by either where they live or where they go— Some live in nice show houses in trendy neighborhoods. Some are the “millionaire next door” types that live in a regular house, but take a trip to Europe or the Amazon each year. Having an expensive car won’t impress any of their neighbors but they can’t afford to have a college named after them.Very wealthy people try to impress by what they do. The wealthiest like to have buildings named after them, like Carnegie Hall or the Geffen School of Medicine. Think about it. What could Bill Gates or Warren Buffet wear or dive that would make anyone more impressed. Help develop internet access for all the libraries in the US (Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation) or buy ABC Television and General Motors (Buffet’s Berkshire Hathaway) and you have something.There are some theorists that say this effect actually works in the other direction. Poor people stay poor because they spend money on “bling” instead of saving for a decent vehicle. The trendy vehicles the middle class drive are usually too expensive, lose value and are bought with interest payments. This actually stops the middle class from becoming wealthy. The Upper Middle Class and Wealthy people end up spending too much in upkeep and property taxes on their homes. These people would say that the very wealthy became that way because they wae not concerned about how other people see their clothes, vehicle and home and concentrate on doing important things.Something interesting to think about.