Why Do Scorpios Women Chase Men With The Most Money

Do scorpio men chase for the woman they love forever?

So, I dated this scorpio young man for 5 months..I'm a taurus. Everything happened super fast and we fell in love. Head over heels. We live on different sides of the country and we're relatively we found out we wont be see eachother for a few months. He was acting super moody last time I was with him until I asked him what's wrong. He wanted a break. The grey area didn't work for us bc we were so used to speaking 24/7 and so he kept saying "he didnt know what he wnated" and he didn't want to break up because he doesnt want to lose me. Clearly it wasnt the right time for us to be together and i didnt want to be on a so called break. So we broke up. Without a fight or any "I hate you" , as a matter of fact, afterwards he said i love you. i dont want to lose you completely and I KNOW this isnt over forever. He also said that he isnt ever moving on and that he's not getting over me bc it's super hard to get over someone you love. But I'm not sure where we stand and we're both stubborn. He texted me the other day saying "hi bear" (my nickname) and we have small talk. but then i say somethin and he doesnt respond until the next morning. Anyway, do you think him, being a scorpio really does love me? We havent spoken in 4 days which is SUPER long for us. Does he need space? DOes he love me? Will he give me a second chance? HELP!!!

Can Someone explain the scorpio woman?

How do you know if they love you? - They'll tell you. They're not shy about commitment, and they fall quickly. When they do, they become possessive, overtly jealous, and they'll want you to be with them every second of every day. Not necessarily doing anything. You're just theirs now, and they want to keep inventory on you.

How do you if they like or don't like you? - They'll tell you if they like you. I've never had the patience to flirt and sit on my hands hoping a guy would take the bait. They'll chase just as quickly as a Scorpio male, and they're pretty good at it in my opinion. Plus, they'll actually talk to you. If they don't like you, you'll probably be able to figure it out without much help. They won't respond enthusiastically to anything you say, and they'll most likely just ignore you completely.

Are they distant? - Depends. To their friends? Only if they feel something that is unresolved between you two is creating tension. They usually don't make you figure it out, though. They'll tell you if they're mad about something. And they'll fully expect an apology for whatever slight they've interpreted, whether you meant to insult them or not. To their lovers, no. Not at all. Scorpios are passionate if nothing else. They'll tell you they love you if they love you, and they'll do what they can to make you happy. But don't expect a spilled heart soon after a relationship. It doesn't come that easily. You have to pass rigorous mind tests.

Can I trust them? - Some yes, some no. But that can be said of all people, can't it? I've cheated in the past - I was 12 and they were both so yummy yummy. But I grew up, I found the love of my life, and I've been completely faithful. I would not hurt him, or even consider anyone else while he's in my life. He's too important to me. My friends trust me implicitly. I have tight lips, and I'm a loyal friend. Plus I know the best way to lose friends is to f them over.

Why do Scorpio men not give a second chance to a relationship?

Not only men, women also. Scorpio is the least forgiving of all Zodiak signs. Sure, we can emotionally “forgive” - as “let it go” and shun the cheater, but we never forget or trust this person again. It applies to business relationships also - not only romance. It is just the way Scorpios are, we have a paranoid streak and we are not very trusting. Sure, if the person is just a ‘friend with benefits” and they slept with somebody else - we can take them back for sex (with latex protection from their body fluids), but not share our heart with them. Scorpios are very ‘black and white” - either we ‘play it cool” and uncommitted, or we go all steam ahead into full merging…and we are very sensitive energetically, so if the partner is not as committed as we are - we feel it really deeply. Scorpio is the most loyal friend or lover of all the Zodiak signs, but we expect the same comittment back…

Do Scorpio men in love ever let you go?

If a scorpio is deeply in love and let someone completely inside, then no. They wont let go. They will fight with everything to be with that person to a point that we will drive the other person crazy. We love with everything we have and we demand the other person fully commit to the relationship. If the other person pulls away, we will get possessive. Until we have finally had enough, we will let go.I dont let many people in. I take my time looking for the right person. I take months to get to know that person, slowly, looking for any sign that person might show that will change my views of that person. WHen we can come to a decision to finally have a date, I spend half the date looking into the eyes of that person to see if they will let me look into their soul. Is this a good person, is she sweet, kind, does she have a good heart?As the relationship progresses, the needs of the relationship need to be met. It needs to grow. There is a need to a sense of closeness. Some people cannot deal with this and want to end things or back away. It is all or nothing. We give you everything as long as you give us everything in return. When I say I love you…it means more than the words. I do not spend a lot of money on gifts. I would rather make sure we have a secure financial future. If it gets beyond 6 months and we connect and share everything, marriage will be in the future. Knowing me, I will give gifts, but they wont be extravagant in nature. If a woman wants everything out of me, I need full commitment. She does not need to buy me anything. I need her heart and soul. She has mine.Dont give a reason for a Scorpio to expect you are playing games or are not engaged in the relationship. He could still be upset about a prior relationship or he may just want to share his past with you.

Do Scorpios guys only date Supermodels?

That's a good question because 3 of my closest friends that are Scorpios have only dated models but the sad thing is that they are cheaters.

Do Scorpio men secretly plot if they want you?

Its unrealistic to make a generalized statement for all scorpio men. However….! If they have Venus in scorpio then short answer is YES. However yet again… it depends on what their sun sign is in as well as their mars sign. This will have to do with how they express their interest; whether they are more obvious about it or more quiet and behind the scenes about it! Sneaky sneakyyy.i actually once had the pleasure of witnessing a Scorpio man in pursuit and he was crazyyyyyyy. Extremely driven and a hardcore planner behind the scenes, he knew what he wanted and boy did he go after the girl.. or was it the sex he was going for? Probably the latter. Anyway, a few times he made it so that she had to depend on him, and had no other option but to go on a date with him. He preyed on her tendency to feel guilty and she finally let loose to his persistence. Some ladies might find this kind of manipulation disgusting (like me I’m an aries gal) and some loved it. There’s something so incredibly attractive about a man hunting for you and then catching you in his snare.. whatever floats your boat!Im positive not all scorpio men are this way, it really depends. You gotta take note of his behaviour and go with your gut on what you’re comfortable with.On the other hand, i know of another scorpio man who is more gentle and he’s been single for many years as is waiting to find the right one. Hes been giving on working and making money.. slowly working his way up. Scorpios are always focused on something whether it’s career, sex, money, attaining independence are some examples. And when they have a hold on something they won’t let go until… who knows! Incredible strength and focus are huge with this sign, a blessing.

How do Scorpio men leave relationships or breakup with you?

Let me start by saying two things:I am a scorpion (I have four planets in Scorpio in my astrological chart).People are more than just their sun sign. In western astrology, you would need to know details of other planets (like venus and mars) and which houses and signs those planets are placed in someone’s chart. You would look at the seventh house and the third house (respectively relationships and communication) and also the placement of their moon (to see how they deal with things emotionally). You would also need to know the planet placement in terms of their connection to other planets, empty houses/signs etc. You might even look at the charts of both partners. Astrology is actually quite a complex thing to navigate. You would get this information by casting a full chart using the exact date, time and location of birth.Now that I have those two things out of the way, I can tell you how I operate when a relationship ends which may or may not be true for the Scorpion that you are enquiring about.I have an inner circle of family and friends who are very near and dear to me but, there is a process involved for any new person that I meet. Some will never make it into that inner circle but for those that do, I trust them for life. Woe betide anybody within that circle that betrays me.I have been known to cut people off, like you would cut off a dead branch. But first, I would have been very honest and open with them as to why I wanted to do so. This would not necessarily be a long conversation but you would definitely be left with no uncertainty.Sometimes, this has come as a shock to the other person because, I would not necessarily verbalise all of my feelings and thoughts, just the ones that are relevant to their part in my life. I am quite intuitive and know more than people think I know but sometimes the power is in what you don’t say, rather than what you do.If someone breaks up with me, I would go through a process of analysis. That would have been someone from my inner circle so it can take me a while to heal. Like the phoenix, I eventually rise from the ashes, open and willing to love again.

How can me as a pisces woman attract a scorpio male?

Im a scorpio male and i only 50% agree with the first answer. First off, dont TRY to do any of those things to WIN a scorpio over. My mom and my childs mother are pisces and the biggest, really the only issue i have with them is they are not straightforward with their feelings, they prefer you just "catch on" or "read their thoughts" or they talk around an issue, instead of just coming straight out and communicating "real talk" without someone having to guess or read between their lines. They much prefer to wait until they are hurt for that to happen...then they will let it all pour out.

The reason they'd get hurt by a scorpio in this situation is by trying to DO and BE all the things on that list above. I'd see that as trying to manipulate or be fake, which no offence, but pisces also has a tendency to do when they are in their "game playing" mode. He will not like this...i agree with someone elses answer, dont try to be anything on a list...just be yourself. We like geniune, real, honest, loyal, smart women. If you are those things, you dont need any of that other crap, just be yourself. On the other hand, the stuff about how to lose a scorpio man is right on the money! Any one of those things on that list would send me packing....especially being cold aloof and acting like you dont care. Very important with us...gotta let scorpios know you care. Hope this helps, and good luck. I think you got him already! :) so juz keep it real. Im rootin for ya.

PS: here a secret that you may not know about scorpio males:
We dont like our women to wear make up...naturally beautiful women dont need's seen as being fake to us. I'd never tell a woman im dating that though, she just prob would nt last long