Why Do Senior Citizens Feet And Legs Swell

Can a person with damaged arteries and veins in the leg caused by a car accident ever walk again?

Vascular surgeons can fashion arteries using animal and human vessels (sometimes they take one of your own other arteries and use it to repair damage somewhere else). There are also grafts made of dacron and other polymers. In the acute setting after trauma,a vascular injury is typically repaired right away. This gives the best chance of saving the leg.The prognosis greatly depends on where the damage was done to the leg (the closer the injury to the groin, the greater the risk of ultimate amputation). That is because there's only one major "highway" into the lower extremity called the femoral artery. If it is injured and closed off, there are collateral pathways from other arteries in the deep pelvis. Unfortunately, it takes a while for those accessory to grow bigger and replenish the flow necessary for tissue survival. So if the repair isn't done right away, the outlook for restoring full function is less.If there were an accident that took out a major vessel such as the femoral, there might be additional soft tissue damage. In the setting of poor arterial flow, wound healing is greatly compromised. This increases risk of amputation.The other factor is the age and physical condition of the patient at the time of injury. An athletic young person could potentially avoid amputation better than a senior citizen with diabetes and atherosclerosis. . If the question regards an individual with a chronic injury (months to years), the chance of rehabilitation and resumption of walking ability depends on what's left of the arterial tree. The veins don't matter as much unless the injury was so severe the patient has ongoing leg swelling.

When ever I lift heavy bags or weights my fingers itches and swells up immediatly. What's the reason?

This could be related to urticaria: skin swelling caused by localised pressure. If so, you will have to ask your doctor how to go forward. Two suggestions that may or may not work in your case are to wear lifting gloves (obviously), and cut out dairy products. I have known people that suffered from urticaria due to an otherwise undiagnosed allergy to milk, which was significantly reduced by avoiding milk and similar foods.One way to test for urticaria is to have someone run the edge of a slightly sharp object across the skin of your back. The edge of a coin or ruler or something similar will do. If the skin swells up in a ridge after a couple of minutes then you will have confirmation of this. Someone with a significant issue can have others play noughts and crosses on their back, it's quite amusing unless you are the sufferer.

Swelling in hands of elderly?

He needs to go to the doctor as soon as possible, my right hand sometimes swells up so much that I can't turn a doorknob, zipper up my pants, even washing my hair is very painful. It hurt so badly that I thought I had fractured my wrist. Doctor had me get an x-ray, no fracture, no arthritis in my hand or wrist but instead it was caused by degenerative bone disease in my spine. I had no idea that my spine affected so many places on my body. Later on it started happening to both right and left hands and wrists, and sometimes my whole arm would swell up, all this still from my spine problems.

It is a terrible thing to lose the use of ones hands so it is important to find out what is causing it. anti-inflammatory drugs help almost immediately as they bring down the swelling.

How is life after a total knee replacement?

Knee replacement is very rewarding surgery both for patient and doctor in terms of satisfaction. VAS a pain score has maximum difference in this operation that means one have maximum pain relief compared to before operation state.In India presentation of patient with arthritis are very much late. By the time patient comes to doctor clinic1. Bones forming knee joint femur and tibia are worn out, you can say more than 50%2. There is associated supporting muscles contracture (shortening) and weakness of muscles.All these factor leads to difficult postoperative rehab procedures.Also increasing age and cardiac and lung conditions also worsen the rehab procedure.After knee replacementBone pain goes immediately and stiff muscle pain takes 2-3 weeks to go. More severe the arthritis longer period of rehab and pain episodes.Ideal age to go for knee replacement is 55-60.So it is advisable to do knee replacement at an early stage to avoid postoperative pain and for early recovery.Note: this is my professional opinion and should not considered as clinical advice.

Do compression socks really make a difference for long-haul flights?

Travelers who sit or stand for prolonged periods of time could be at risk fo deep vein thrombosis, or dvt.The problem of low-mobilility on a long flight can become serious quite fast. When blood flow is low, it puts the person at a higher risk for blood clots.Not only are they important for travelers but they are extremely important for pregnant travelers. They already have issues with swollen feet and circulation.For more helpful information about compression sock benefits, check out the infographic below:Source: ATOM Compression Wear

Who were some Southern Women of the Civil War?

I think this may be of use!!! Hope it helps!!!

*Try the "Hearts at Home"*