Why Do So Many Psychos On The Internet

Why there are so many misogynists on Internet?


Listen, missy. If you cannot handle the internet, then leave it. Everyone else can't be bothered with your BS.

The truth is, everyone gets targeted in a rude manner due to the groups they belong in. Whites, blacks, Asians, Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, men, and so on. But the second a woman is targeted for the "same" behaviour everyone else has to deal with, then it becomes a big deal? Do women such as yourself honestly not see why men want places where females are not allowed so they can hang around and have a good time? It's exactly this. If the same behaviour that happens to everyone else happens to you, a woman, then it is such a big deal, it means everyone is a misogynist.

As for Facebook, are you serious? My page is filled with all these annoying pages where women upload pictures that actually say things like this, and I quote "A boy becomes a man when he hugs the girl that just hit him"...A boy only becomes a man if they hug a woman that just assaulted them.

Not only that, but Facebook is filled with groups such as "Men are stupid, throw rocks at them", and "Women are better", and so on. So don't even try to say Facebook is filled with misogynists when there are no groups that are like that aimed towards women.

Joke about homosexuals, blacks, Asians, whites, Christians, Muslims, and so on. But dare treat women with the same treatment everyone else has "OH LORD!".

Tell me again why men would "not" hate the majority of women with such a mentality? Because if anything, it is mentality like this that women have that increasingly make me dislike them.

Why are people so mean and rude on the internet?

Totally..agree with you..amazing..the sadness in this me,nor who I am..I just try to help best I can to my own ability ,and walk on* .. These people are insensitive,lack compassion or the ability to truly will be their cross to be true..They lie,deceive..never living what is true heart..and their spirits suffer in their own bitterness,envy and jealousy ..destroying their own being..never feeling the inspiration..that can be found,lived..when you simply,know your own heart..and,live it..for real.~*

Internet stalker?

You should consider being more careful. Talk to some people about this who are close to you- so they know what's going on. If it get's too severe, go to get higher help (i.e. the police). Some people are just like that, perhaps she's insane.

Why is American Psycho rated 7.6 on Imdb?

Now for example, you have Pablo, an average guy with internet access and unfortunately for this guy he lives an hour from any cinema and has to wait for DVD releases a few months later. Pablo loves comic book films and see's that the new Fantastic Four film is coming out in a couple weeks and because he loves the Fantastic Four comic line so much, he hops onto the internet and gives the film a 10/10 without even seeing the film! This is where a lot of websites go wrong with their rating system, regardless of whether or not you have a seen a film you can still rate it whatever you want and when this is the main rating system it affect others attitudes the film when someone like Pablo has given it a 10 when it's actually quite a bad film.Now with much regret, this is exactly what IMBb is centred around. As much I love IMDb and the flow and features of the site, it can give a potential mis representation of a film where there just doesn't need to be one.Now lets look at SCORE 85%!

Why are people so mean, especially on internet?

It's starting to bother me.
People are just down-right mean, rude, unfair and shallow.
Especially on the internet!
So many people criticizing others, telling them they are ugly, stupid, gay, fat!
Even celebrities. Now these famous people probably don't go onto the internet and read what everyone is saying about them, but WHY do people even HAVE to be so MEAN?!
Why does everyone call Justin Bieber gay? I'm neither a fan nor a hater! And if he was gay, then WHY IS THAT SUCH A BIG DEAL?! People say Lady Gaga is "ugly", "trashy", "stupid", "crackho", "psycho *****", "slut" !!!!!!!! What the heck??? You don't say things like that about another human being!! Take Lindsay Lohan, everyone is "mean" to her. They criticize her, spit on her, say really hurtful things about her. But she HAS PROBLEMS!!! She obviously has a problem with alcohol and drugs!! Shouldn't we, in that case, be feeling SORRY for her? Hoping that she'll make it, that she will get better?? Instead of calling her names and telling her to kill herself and that they hope "she rots in a closet" (yes, i read that somewhere)??? I DON'T GET IT!!!

Why not spread LOVE and HAPPINESS??!!! just SMILE at people, GREET people, give compliments to people, and tell them that they're good at something?? Make people feel better if they are having problems?? Encourage people?? APPRECIATE people!!

I hate this world

Do cops have internet in their patrol cars on their laptop?

We dont' have computers in the cars in my department.
I know you're just Trolling - trying to be annoying, so maybe you actually realize that police officers get days off too.

You're on the must be at work...right?

Why do so many people on the internet call someone autistic as a generic, "insert here" insult?

Autism diagnoses have soared the past decades, whether through an actual increase, better diagnosis, or more broad definition of autism. Everybody knows about a couple of very typical autism aspects, like focus on detail, and compulsive behavior. These two alone have become almost synonym for autism in the common folk's view. Raging outbursts (also an aspect of severe autism) is certainly not regarded as 'autistic' in common language. People have derived a stereotype of certain psychological conditions, in the same manner as redneck means an aggressive, uneducated man.Now my son is severely autistic, and yet misses certain key aspects, like e.g. he never has sudden outbursts of anger. He looks so normal people expect him to react normally as well, but he can't speak (not a single word, caused most likely by brain damage from seizures). He will just look at you. He's a very handsome kid, and that makes people think he must be smart (don't know where that comes from).Of course in the beginning it hurt me when I heard people say "yeah I'm autistic like that", as if they have to bring down the diagnosis of autism to a single aspect. Now I realize it's something language does. Autism is more common now, media talks about it more, and people extract some obvious highlights from it, to be able to use the word for something.The same happened to 'psychopath'. Psychopaths are not raging lunatics, on the contrary, they don't feel a thing. Yet, if I start yelling at people, getting really angry, they'll start calling me 'psycho' or 'psychopath'. It's almost the complete opposite of the definition. Probably due to portrayal in popular media (scary movies obviously) it's taken a turn in the wrong direction.Hopefully people will keep reading about autism and realize that 'detail oriented' is just a small part of it.

Why do so many people want to be seen as psychopaths and self diagnose online?

I disagree with all the answers so far, while I don't deny that "feeling special and different" or "getting attention" plays a role in this, I think the main underlying reason for this is The Prisoner's Dilemma. Let me explain.Being a psychopath is objectively better than being a neurotypical since emotions don't hinder your logic and selfishness. From a self-preservation and self-profit point of view, being a psychopath would be preferred. But, that's only true as long as there are very few psychopaths out there like yourself! So in order to get maximum profit, you need to be a psychopath while others are neurotypical. That's a classic case of Prisoner's Dilemma. If everyone is a psychopath, well, welcome to hell.Now the question is, why would people pretend to be psychopaths when they are not? Wear a mask for long enough and it will become your face. While they can technically never become a true psychopath, they can still get close enough. The proof for this claim is sociopathy.In my opinion, people who pretend to be psychopaths or wish that they were are simply being illogical (or logical depending on how you look at it) in a case of prisoner's dilemma. What do they think is the most profitable choice ? Betrayal.

How can the Internet be destruction for children?

Though, Internet has got many things to educate children , for example , available study materials and so many things that are considered kids compatible entertainment. Yet , there are major risks associated with large access in the web by them. There are many unsuitable site which can destroy childrens’ progress both mantally and physically. Sites which contains adult objects , and some online psycho games may distruct their way of thinking. Over use of internet can make them gradually less socialised. Additionally, long stuch with gadget or computer will deprive them from physical activities like, playing outside, hanging out with friends and mates and so many things that are important for sound and healthy life. So, the parents and other elder members of the family should have more care in this regard. Some steps can be followed to discourage using internet by kids which I love to follow are;Encourage on reading paper based books more than digital books.Don't allow them using internet unattended.Don't let them use individual phone and pad/tab.Try to restrict password of wify if you have.Concentrate on their moral developments, ethics and being specializing.Spend quality time with them up the end of adolescent period. Parents have to take care of it more.Block offensive and objectionable sites.Actually, now in this era of globalisation, its really difficult detach children from using internet. Possible cautions should be taken for resisting major distructions.