Why Do So Many Women Choose To Identify As Feminists Because They Want Gender Equality Why Not

Why do feminists blame men for the gender differecens in this world?

Mostly because they see the patriarchal society that has existed, protected, and abused women as the sole cause of there not being a matriarchal society where they get everything they want. There are so many feminist that believe that equality, being equal, means no differences, and is just silly. Like being a strong woman means going butch, look at Hillary Clinton. Nuff said. They also don't want to admit that Christianity improved the female position in society, ever, and are trying to bring it down, because they associate the Bible with sexist tripe.

Why are there many and many people who are anti-feminists now?

There are more anti-feminists now because it's becoming clearer an clearer that believing in gender equality is an anti-feminists position. You can't want women to be advantaged over men as feminists do and promote gender equality, they are opposing ideas.

If you spend anytime here, you will notice it's typically feminists that label those who promote gender equality as anti-feminist. Christina Hoff Sommers says she's a feminist because she believes in equality for women, but many feminists say she's not really a feminist because she also promotes equality for males.

I don't think many people are changing their values regarding equality, it's just becoming more and more clear that feminism isn't about equality and that if you oppose sexism, that includes opposing feminism and all the ways it promotes sex based discrimination.