Why Do Some Old People Not Look Old At All

Why do some people look older than their age?

likely, your astrology natal influences are responsible. they influence our appearance making or assisting us to look youthful or older , beautiful or plain. Saturn/Capricorn influence in the chart, depending on the influence's whereabouts, can make one look naturally older for their years. If interested, you could look to see if you have either a Capricorn Sun, Venus, or Ascendant (sign), and/or Saturn (planet) in contact with (aspecting) your Ascendant, and/Or Saturn in your first house. Saturn aspecting any planets in your first house also. Or just a strong Saturn or Capricorn in your chart in general e.g many planets in Capricorn or Saturn in contact with (aspecting) many of your planets. Or planets in Capricorn that fall in your first house also. Saturn within 10 degrees (conjunct) your ascendant is very strong since the ascendant is considered lord of the appearance and the conjunction is the strongest aspect because this makes the planet very close (to the angle or another planet).

quite confusing to those unfamiliar with the subject but it often provides us with answers to our WHYS.

Saturn (rules sign Capricorn) tends to give a maturer appearance since this planet governs time/old age and likes to be taken seriously. early graying or dark/mature hair colour, creases round the eyes, long or square face, prominent bone structure, thin body, dry skin, skin problems etc are common features for those strongly influenced by him/the sign he rules. Its also common for these people to get better looking with age, and possibly younger looking as they get older.

there are other life factors that can age a person though that don't necessarily involve a strong Saturn influence in a natal. lifestyle choices, illness/medication and life experiences can age a person, rather than just looking older for your age. we all age anyway with or without strong Saturn in the natal.

I look a lot younger than most women my age. I live in California where life is nice and most people have a relatively healthy lifestyle. When I go back to Kentucky where I grew up, some women my age look like they could be my mother. Part of this is genetics. My mother and her sisters looked really pretty until they died, not many wrinkles. One thing they all did, and I was taught to do, is to take care of my skin. I also don’t smoke , Don’t drink, don’t suntan and generally stay out of the sun, and I want to add I don’t have any unfulfilled dreams.When I look at some people I know that are Dutch, they haven’t aged very well, So that is genetic.When I was 21, I worked with a beautiful older woman named Mitzi. She gave me some advice which I have lived by. She told me to never skimp on my moisturizer and to always wear a good bra, That I would never regret it. So even when I was broke through college I used High quality face care products and had very good bras. I am almost 61 and I have never regretted it.

This topic fascinates me and I wonder how much research, if any, has been done in this area. You don’t have to go back to the 1930’s to see the difference. Any high school yearbook you look at from early twentieth century to about 1986 or ’87 you will notice that the seniors almost all look like mature adults - probably what 30 looks like now. The change seemed to begin and was really noticeable in my class (1988). High school seniors today look like kids, whereas those before 1988 looked like adults. It’s not the clothes, the hair, or trying to look older. You see the differences in the faces alone. I was just looking at some high school yearbook photos online from 1978–79 and it’s very clear that the teenagers of that generation look considerably older than the teens today. I believe it has something to do with nutrition - are we really healthier today than back then? With all the diabetes, obesity, cancer and heart disease now, you would think that wasn’t the case. There is so much processed food today - maybe even more so than before. I can’t say for sure, which is why research needs to be done. What could cause the aging process in an entire generation to slow down? What happened in the food supply or environment around 1970 (birth year of the class of ‘88)?

Why do I look older than my age?

its probably your figure is developed and that makes you look older at 14. When you get 18 or so you wont look older because your age will have caught up with your developed body. Then people will be saying you look younger when you get 30 or so like your parents. Dress young and you will look younger too. For example, dont expose your cleavage in low cut tops if you dont want to hear those comments about looking older. You must dress like an older teen. Most of the young girls ur age that I see dont dress their age at all!

I was one of those people who always looked older than my age. I started babysitting at age 11, often for kids who were just a few years younger than me. I was always told I had an "adult" face, and believe me, I was considered average to unattractive pretty much up until I was in my 20s.Guess which one is me? I had just turned 10 in this picture.Now, I daresay, I am often told I look younger than my age. Part of this is due to the fact that my face is still a bit full (when I gain weight, it shows up on my face first), which smooths out the wrinkles. I also have very oily skin. And I've lived practically my entire life in the Pacific Northwest (as a night owl), so I've avoided a lot of unnecessary sun exposure.However, I feel it's got something to do with bone structure, or face shape, or something. Here is a photo of me taken in the summer of 1985, when I was 18 (I'm on the left)....and here I am in the summer of 2009, at age (do the math) 42 (also on the left). At this point, I had yet to get Botox (full disclosure: I now get injections on my forehead and between my eyes approximately once every 6 months).My nose is bigger, the area around my eyes is more sunken in, my eyebrows are much more sparse, and my face is fuller and (because I was about 15lbs heavier than in high school) but I think I look more or less the same.Note: It's not the same woman with me in the photos; though both are my age -- one was a high school friend and one was a college classmate.

Been to many countries, seen many places and met different ethnicities throughout my entire life. One common shared secret I found among many is more the lifestyle as well as how you feel in your day to day basis. I have found to believe, you can change your epigenetics with your own inner power of beliefs, attitude and your (Qi, Kundalini) or your vital energy.I find people from Asia and Middle East have fantastic skin due to their diet, usage of spices, environment, almost in all Asian cultures family plays a massive role, people tend to have higher emotional ability than let’s say individual societies in the west.Some tips, where I have been told and done the research which can slow down your aging process.Meditation - According to Harvard university research, they have conducted a research project, where they applied various mindfulness and meditation methods and it came back with great results. Eight weeks to a better brainDiet - Eating healthy does not mean eating fruit and vegetables. They are certain fruits, vegetables and products which is not designed for your body. The secret I have got to know is people need to consume locally and daily. Which means do not refrigerate the left over food and eat it for a week. Learn how to cook, use spices. Things like black seeds oil, green tea, black grains, turmeric, saffron, cinnamon, spices of all kind have high level of antioxidants. You need high antioxidants so your body can produce new cells to not only look young and energetic but also feel young.Happiness and Music - Learn to play an instrument, go to that weekly belly dance class, yoga class, learn how to feel good. Music plays a great role in our lives. Practice listening to Mozart for an hour once a week or any type of music without lyrics.Fasting - Learn to fast for 10 to 16 hours a day. Give your body a break and let it digest that burger you had last night. While you’re working out at the gym, learn not to eat for at least 10 hours, especially after 8 pm.I have seen my family members practicing these habits while they have received tremendous results. I hope this helps.

Why do i look older than my age?

You know what, if you were in a different area of the country or around a different group of people then you might not "look so old". You really dont look old as far as like, wrinkles, ect.
But everyone hits puberty at the same time, so especially around your age, some "kids" really do look like older teens.. Until late into highschool I was always considered to look older then the rest... but about senior year of HS into college, I looked like the rest of the people my age. Because everyone else was maturing, and its not like you matured a year or 2 early so youre going to look 40 at 30.... When you get older its harder to tell the difference, but when you are younger, theres SO much of a difference between lets say a 12 year old and a 14 year old. a 14 year old and a 16 year old, or 17 year old--- so it just seems like a ridiculously big deal.

Dont worry, it will all straighten out,..

Why do old people wear clothes designed for old people?

Old people dress like they do for the exact opposite reason why younger people dress the way they do. Young people dress to attract attention (either from the opposite sex or from older people who they know will 'have an opinion' about their style). What upsets young person is to NOT be noticed so they pull out all the stops to receive attention and don't always care what kind of attention it is - they just wished to be acknowledged as 'existing'.

Older people have 'been there and done that' probably many times and no longer crave that kind of attention. We dress appropriately for our age and our styles change gradually over the decades between 'youth' and 'old age'.

You must live in a very strange place if all you see worn by older people are beige jackets and khakis with white loafers. I never see any of those. All the older people whom I know look smart casual or really smart (if dressed for something special). They don't dress to attract attention as such but do wish to be appropriately dressed for whatever is the occasion. We left behind the "I must be noticed for what I am wearing" stage about 50+ years ago - and so will you one day. You will get up one morning and realize that there is more to life than wanting to shock others or be praised for your outfits all the time. There's a life to live with more important issues than clothes and attention seeking.