Why Do Some Parents Act Like Swearing Is Such A Huge Deal

Why is swearing such a big deal?

Because most people are dumbfucks who will find anything they're told to find offensive offensive. They've no truly individual thought-process, they just repeat what they've heard from their parents, their friends, or whomever. You get called unintelligent for using such words, but I submit that the people who say that are the unintelligent ones. Were they truly intelligent, they'd have realized that there is virtually nothing inherently offensive about these words, nay ANY words. What matters is, as you say, the INTENTION. I can make an offensive statement out of virtually any words, but it's not the words themselves that make it offensive.

Going back a few sentences, I've got to ask how using profanity means you lack a strong vocabulary. What makes these words in particular so unintelligent, because SOME RANDOM PERSON decided that it was so? That's pretty damn arrogant if you ask me, I wasn't aware they were God or anything. I could pick any random set of words and say, "if you use these words you are an idiot and lack intelligence," and it wouldn't make me any more right than these imbiciles. So if I use the word "dog" instead of "Canis lupus familiaris," I'm an idiot, right? Humans are truly foolish creatures.

How can I stop being rude to my parents and talking bad/swearing/getting angry when talking to them? How can I just be nice to my parents?

I think the first question is why are you acting or reacting like this?For years I have said that I never wanted to show a shred of happiness in the presence of my parents because that would in some way give them the satisfaction that they ‘did a good job’. I think a big part of being ‘nice’ is accepting them. And realize that a lot of your reaction is coming from the ego or sense of pride.(I am mainly saying this because this was the case for me) But the reason for you might be different.Start small, and uncover why you are reacting the way you are, just slow down and breathe and become present. You can still be not nice, but just be aware, learn why this is happening.(I would suggest meditation and spending some time in practicing it. Having a regular practice has helped me a lot.)Meditation made me slow down and control my thoughts better. You might be doing it already, so sorry if I am preaching to the choir here.So yeah I would just say take it slow, breathe, and take note of the trigger events. Why do the things they do and say bother you on such a level. And then take it from there. Hope this helps!

Why would it be such a big deal if we correct our parents on their cussing?

Generally, it’s frowned upon to correct your elders.Let me ask you something - why is it such a big deal if they do? Are you just aching to correct them on something and landed on that? If you don’t like cussing, don’t do it. If you don’t want to hear it, leave the room when it starts. I’m afraid you are going to be leaving the room a lot.Did you know people who swear are more creative and more trustworthy than your average non-cusser?Why don’t you just ignore it as you would if you were in a crowd and someone let loose with a string of colorful phrases? If you correct them you won’t look triumphant - you’ll just look self-righteous and there’s NOTHING more irritating than that.

PARENTS: Is It Okay For Kids To Swear?

I've noticed this new generation of youth lack morals. All they care about is idolizing the "jersey shore" kids & FB & Myspace/Twitter. They don't know right from wrong & even 2 yr olds are saying the F-word. So many so-called "parents" cuss in front of their kids & then tell their kids it's wrong. Some parents (I have seen it several times) laugh uncontrollably as their toddler uses vulgar language. How is that funny? It's disgusting...

Why do adults have kids if all they are going to do is mess them up & create more disfunctional adults in this declining society?

How do I deal with kids swearing in school?

My brother is ten years old and he says that he always hears kids in his class swearing. Once I heard him say this I immediately told him to ignore those who cuss because if you start hanging out with them, then you will join their group and start swearing just as much as they do. Then it will become a bad habit and one day when your around us, their will aways be a chance that a bad word will slip out of your mouth.Cussing is absolutely unnecessary in life. It may make a person look big and bad, but in reality, those who cuss all the time will get no where in life. Cussing makes a bad situation even worse, it is a sign of disrespect and immaturity. You don't need to cuss to make a point.Ignore those who do and say bad things.Imagine this, would you hire someone who knows acts professional and knows how to make a point without the need of swearing or hire someone who needs to cuss and swear in order to make a point?The more you stay away from negativity, the more peaceful your life becomes.Hope this helps answer your question :)

What's the point of not swearing in front of children (8–13 year olds) when eventually they will come to know about those words?

Swearing is a habit that can hurt the kids later on in life.  If they get used to hearing swearing, and they adopt it themselves they lose some facility with the vocabulary and grammar required to communicate under stress.  It will also creep up in their vocabulary when they are looking to describe something and the words just "don't come up" (well, f**k, you know, that s**t... you know what I'm talking about...) Why is this a big deal?In the workplace, they will be judged as unfit to be exposed to clients and executives.  This will limit their career potential.The habit of using swearwords will come through in job interviews.  It's a quick way to get rejected in favor of more presentable people.Spouses of friends will consider you a bad influence and perhaps someone not deserving an invitation to social events (weddings, birthday parties, etc).  The kids who copy swearing will be assumed to be raised in a less than proper home.  Hence "bad influence" on your kids, to be avoided if possible.Yes, we live in a hypocritical society.  Most TV shows, movies parade: swearing, extramarital and casual sex, irreverence, disrespect of religions or God even, fraud, murder, rape, molestation, abuse... makes heroes out of criminals... in light of such a background one would think that swearing would be a pretty light flaw.  It is what it is.  Parents try to shield children from swearing same as delaying the first cigarette, the first time having sex, ... because what society parades as ok and cool and what it judges on, aren't always aligned.

Why do adults still make a big deal when teenagers swear?

As a parent of a teenager the reason I occasionally go Hey! Language! is to get him to realise that it was a bit much for the situation. (usually gaming on the xbox with friends and getting mad at dark souls, but since my husband swears at it too.. I don’t harass him too much) Its mainly either your parents don’t swear and don’t want you to, or they don’t want you using that kind of language in a setting that you would be looked down upon. Using foul language offhandedly doesn’t make you sound cool and grown up it makes you sound uneducated to certain people. I used to tell him if its something you wouldn’t say in front of great gran don’t say it in front of others. It works for the most part, he doesn’t say things like that in front of adults especially older people and is a bit more mindful of what he’s saying and to whom. The delivery leaves a bit to be desired at times but hey, teenager. lol.

What your view of Children actors Swearing or using Profanity in Films?

I'm not talking about like older teens, such as high school age kids but say kids 13 and under, Swearing/using profanity, Sexual jokes, and stuff like that movies.

I've never seen Kick *** in full but I've seen a few clips from it and found it honestly disturbing.
Overall I have mixed feelings about it, obviously in big productions the actors make a lot of money and even in small films there is money made. The parents give consent and agree to there child delivering the lines in the film, language. At times they dub words in for younger children I know, I think the youngest actor I've seen curse in a film, was maybe about 9 or so.

On the other, I don't know if I'd want an son or daughter of mine doing that, it's debatable. I realize it's just acting but still.

It seems to me, it's mostly horror films where Children seem to have lines with vulgar words in them. Like the 2017 Version of The Movie IT. The one kid, who looks about 13-14 year curses constantly in the film and the others occasionally do. Robocop 2 comes to mind too with one character, who is about 12 and use quite a bit of profanity, I think another kid in the movie does too. The Good Son- macaulay culkin drops the F bomb once.

I did see a couple of smaller films(dont recall the names), one was a horror film where this one Kid about 11 curses quite a bit and another drama film, where 2 boys occasionally swear throughout the film.

Do you find it realistic or just for shock value.

HELP! 6 year old swearing (BIG PROBLEM)?

Please I need some help. My 6 year old has picked up some foul words from friend at camp (he ain't comin over to my house any time soon) At first she would swear at things . I would plop her little butt in timeout and then she would have to copy the dictionary definition of the word 5 times. or I wouldn't let her go to a playdate

Well today in the grocery store I wouldn't buy her gum (I hat that stuff) she starts this pottymouthed tantrom calling me a f*cking b*tch and many other choice phrases. I took her home explained to her again we don't say those words gave her a sound spanking and put her to bed at 6:00.

I have also tried positive reinforcement. She had a marble jar and when she would go a day without swearing she would get a marble. If she went Monday- Friday without swearing she could pick something from the $ store. After 2 weeks she only got to day 2.

HELP! I will not have my 6 year old cussing me out in public (or private)