Why Do Some People Kiss My ***

Why Do some people Kiss their pets?

UHHH cause there so darn cute!!!Okay well in my opinion, i kiss my pets cause they like getting affection and cuddles. I guess it makes my pets feel loved.My pit-bull is always waiting at my door the second i get home from work, she sits there and waits. When i walk in she sits there until i pet her, and give her a kiss on the head.Now if i don’t give her a kiss, and just pet her, she will sit there at the door and wait until i am showered, eat, and then ready to sit down and watch tv. She will sit at that door until i walk over, give her a kiss on the head and cuddle her.She wants a kiss. She will wait an hour for a kiss. My other dogs and cats are not nearly as dramatic as she is but they like attention as well. I kiss my pets to let them know they are loved.I would do anything for my pets. Within reason!

Why do some men kiss with their eyes open?

Hi,Some men kiss with their eyes open and I can te you a few appropriate reasons that MIGHT be the case as I also used to keep my eyes open while kissing my ex.Lack Of Trust- During this intense and intimate moment usually people try to make the most of this moment. They want to capture the kiss in their minds but at times there is a lack of trust that does not allow us to close our eyes and that's because we want to see if the other person has closed their eyes or not or some other psychological reason.Witnessing the kiss- Sometimes it's just beautiful to experience and see your significant other so close to you that you just want to see their face while you kiss.Fear- This is a childish one but still happens, the fear that someone might see or maybe you are not a good kisser might not allow the man to close his eyes.So I guess these are three reasons I can tell you.

Why do some people kiss with their eyes open?

So an assassin doesn't attack us from behind while our eyes are closed. I always scan the room for assassins before closing them to kiss my wife. Honestly, I'm not joking. I'm also a project manager for a hearing aid company. It's not like there are a lot of assassins out to get me. But I promise her, when she teases me, she is safe as long as she is kissing me.

Why do some people kiss their cats and dogs with their mouths open? Aren't cats and dogs mouths unclean from all the genital and butt licking they do?

Not sure what you mean by having their mouths open. Do you mean they are making out with their pet or something? Eww.I’ve kissed my dogs on the head or snout many times. Maybe occasionally kissed a wet nose. Pretty sure my mouth was closed though.I’ve let a dog lick my face, and probably some dog spit ended up on my lips and from there into my mouth. Presumably a very small quantity. I wouldn’t do it often, especially not with a dog that isn’t my own, but it is an enjoyable experience to have a dog shower you with that kind of affection which can outweigh the “eww gross, dog spit!” response.I’m hoping my immune system is up to the task. At least I feel I’m less likely to get sick from a dog than a human, given that most transmittable pathogens are species specific.

Why do some people kiss their thumb when making the Sign of the Cross?

In movies and on TV when characters make the Sign of the Cross, some of them kiss their thumb at the end, some don't. You know, forehead, chest, left shoulder (if you are right handed), right shoulder, then some people stop, and others continue by finally kissing their thumb. WHY??

I grew up Catholic, and went through 12 years of Catholic school, and NEVER saw any thumb-kissing. What's it all about?

I could understand if they had a rosary or a holy medal in their hand, kissing that at the end, but they DON'T.

Obviously, Yahoo! Answers is the ONLY place to take this important question :-))

Why do people kiss the mirror when they see their reflection?

they think they are beautiful,they are satisfied what they see

Why in western country some people kiss their dog in the mouth?

By the same reason people kiss each other, because they are in "love". A better question would be, why do Humans Kiss?You never thinked about this? kissing is something that we just do, because other people do, our biology is not the guilty in that, kissing is not necessary to evolution and yet for some reason we still doing it.Some studies try to explain kiss as a better way to check if your mate is "appropriate", when you get closer you can share more pheromones and it helps you to find a quality mate, but still, just a theory.The explanation why they kiss their dogs in the mouth, is because they love their dogs and kiss is usually associated with love.

Why do some people think that kissing is more personal the having sex?

because kissing is an is intimate on both emotional and physical levels
think of it u can pretty much tell the kind of perosn someone is by kissin them n well its also the first thing u would come across in a relationship is the first kiss it happens one time and i think is very special
sex well theres over a 1000 different positions so many times u can do it over n over then theres oral so other than losing virginity... sex is sex when it boils down unless ur married n all
but a kiss has more meaning... like i can say i wannna bang u and make u screeam...
how romantic is that rite?
but on the other hand i could not say anyhtign while gazing into my lovers eyes and softly embrace her lips against mine
see much more meaning and more romance and intimacy....
thats my opinion

Why do some people consider kissing their cousin in lips is not a good thing?

Bro actually they are emotional foolsIGNORE THEM