Why Do Some People Learn Things Faster Than Others

Why do some people learn things faster than others?

Everyone is better at different things and smarter in different ways.

Why do some people learn to drive faster than others?

some people like driving, if you like it or the idea of it, you will learn faster than if you don’t like itsome people get more scared of driving than others do, for them it is harder to learnsome people have more coordination than others do. When you first learn to drive, even in an automatic car, you have to coordinate the steering with the gas and break all the while making sure not to hit anythingsome people have played some video games that while not the same thing, teach them better coordinationsome people have better driving teachers than others or respond better to a particular teachers style for those in the same driving class

What makes people with higher IQs learn things faster than others? How does their mind work?

I define intelligence as the ability to process information efficiently and to make new connections. So that tells you a lot of your answer. Intelligent people can take two separated bits of information and much more readily see the connection between them. Sometimes a whole pattern of connections can be understood that gathers a lot of information that seems unrelated into a single concept.That and just general speed of processing information are in my opinion much of what intelligence is about.As to how it feels it feels normal. Sometimes I will come to a conclusion quickly about something and others don’t understand how I did or why i did; or want to argue that I’m jumping to conclusions. (and maybe I am… I do sometimes and sometimes I am just plain wrong). And sometimes to be honest I make what seems to me to be a dirt obvious comment about something (I usually try to wait and let others make observations first) and find no one else has made that connection.So the inconvenience is that I often don’t know whether I’m saying something that is above people (because I think people are genuinely smart) and they feel I’m being obtuse or lording it over them or whatever when I don’t explain; or so obvious it annoys them when I explain. And it’s actually harder when you work with people who are already pretty smart.Or as someone once pointed out, “They might think you are condescending. That means you talk down to them.” (This is a bit of humor with the bite of truth to it.)I had a boss once who was pretty smart. I found in listening to him that I often did not understand what he was talking about. I learned to not worry about it because in time it would become clear to me and he was usually quite correct about what he was doing. Then again a lot of his other employees were endlessly frustrated because they couldn’t figure him out. It was a learning experience for me because I think sometimes people see me that way.

Why do some people learn faster and what can we do to increase our concept learning and memorizing abilities to the same level?

It's about effort. No one gets it easy. You just don't realize how much effort they put in and how intelligently they put that effort! For eg. People who get things easily in class pre-study the stuff themselves. They already know what is goin to happen in class. That implies when the professor teaches they find it much easier to identify what they don't understand. Normal people work on the contrary philosophy- creating study backlog. Hope this helps.

Why some people grasp the things quicker than others?

Why? There are a number of contributing factors involved in learning any new skill of course; so therefore my comments aren’t really taking into account each individual person’s characteristics and opportunities (or lack of) in life.Generally speaking, and based upon my experience of helping thousands of people learn to draw in a very short period of time, I believe that the fastest way to lear to draw is to engage in as near to Perfect Practice as you can.This obviously means having a great art coach/instructor to provide constructive and kind critiques on every single stage of your drawing journey. You need to know if you are doing your drawing exercises correctly. This means being told exactly where you are going wrong and more importantly, how to fix those areas.I know for sure that ineffective criticism doesn’t help anyone learn to draw fast.Its no good someone saying that your art is at fault and to go back and redo it - without any explanation of exactly how. Thats ridiculous. Anyone who gives out any form of criticism should be ready to offer a solution.You should have each technique you are learning, carefully critiqued so that you can practise that technique correctly. Then you will improve very quickly.A great book to read on this topic of Perfect Practice is by New York Times Best Selling Author Daniel Coyle in his fantastic book titled ‘The Talent Code: Greatness isn’t born. Its Grown. Here’s How. ‘

Why do some people learn slower than others?

Given the right environment and means of knowledge access, I suspect we all have the potential for genius, to learn fluidly and easily.I suspect the greatest impediments to this are childhood trauma (household violence, mobbing, bullying, exclusion), the educational methods applied (short-term ‘cerebral’ exam-driven rote learning vs open, ‘assimilated’ self-chosen task-oriented learning) and the degree to which we are schooled to think in simple, visual models (assimilation 60,000 times faster than text).A child exposed to harm will grow up clinging to the safe, the known, the familiar. Learning is impeded through fear of failure and over-attention to detail. Their learning is marked by doubt: they tend to see ambiguities where none were imagined or intended. Communication is more difficult, frustrating teachers.Someone learning through own motivation will progress more quickly, will become skilled in filtering out the immaterial, and will learn to achieve concrete goals rather than simply acquire knowledge. They are better able to select their own collaborators on such projects, and, where necessary, to work independently.Visual models are an abstraction of ideas. Moreover, anything that can be visually modeled can usually be classified. Learning is often akin to doing a jigsaw puzzle. There will be times when essential information is unavailable. Shifting mental model grains is helpful to recognizing and working around these shortfalls, the cognitive structures greatly aiding in relating what is learned to prior knowledge.

Why do some people age faster than others?

There would be lots of reasons.
-would be genetics.
-environment..if you go out in the sun a lot you get wrinkles and look older, if you smoke you get wrinkles and look older etc

-I think there is something to to do with the amount of fat on the face too,people with more tend to look younger
- people think that getting lots of sleep and looking after yourself.
my friend says having kids makes you look older!!
I am 38 and my workmates were astounded when i told them that recently. they thought i was in my late 20's...i know i look younger than i am and have been told that since i was in my teens ( getting asked for ID a lot was annoying however). I guess I am lucky.

Are some people just better at learning languages than others?!?

Kind of a silly question, but I've been in Japan for 10 years and my Japanese just sucks (!) What's worse, Japanese really seem to enjoy reminding me of this :( I seem to do much better with drawing, painting and other forms on non-verbal communication, which makes me wonder if certain parts of my brain are just not being used in order to learn another language. If that's the case, then please give me some tips on how to exercise my brain so I can see some progress!! *sigh*...

Do you think that some people mature faster than others?

Im only 18 and I feel a little ahead of my time.Why do you think that is?I think its because I fell in love with a beutiful 25 year old women.But she wont give me a chance for us to be together.But thats just me.