Why Do Some People Think That Dogs Lack Emotions

Why Do People Abuse Dogs? Whats The Point?

YES! People are so stupid about abusing dogs. I agree. We just adopted one that was abused and it's taking him a while to settle down. He can't stand it if my kids fight. Ugh!

Why do so many people lack morals and compassion? What can be done to curb this before it's too late?

From what I understand, people are not immoral and non-compassionate. Instead, they believe in moral subjectivity where they only have morals or compassion if it feels good for them at the moment.This is why you see society toss morals out the window in most areas, but demand that you follow exactly what they want in others. People think it is okay to control other people even though they would never want to be controlled themselves.Part of the reason is clearly that schools are being taught by moral subjectivists and actually by a lot of subjectivists of reality as well. This means they think reality, truth, and moral are subjective to each person. This is wrong for obvious reasons, why would a teacher be allowed to teach if they do not believe in objective truth?

Why am I more emotionally attached to animals than people?

Why am I more emotionally attached to animals than people?A2AI have no idea. I also have no idea that your liking animals better than people is a problem, unless you say that it is. I have a beloved nephew who had a golden lab named Cody while he was growing up. That one died of old age and has a tombstone with gold lettering out in the trees in the back here. My nephew grieved for a long time. Then his father died and left him when he was 15. It took him an unusual number of years to get over that. He forced himself through college and forced himself to work to support himself. He had a girlfriend who left him, and he grieved for a long time over that. In the meantime he has had for the past few years another great dog, a chocolate lab named Bailey who is his companion whenever possible. They are clearly emotionally attached, very much so. He now has a full time job with varying hours taking care of dogs at a big boarding kennel, feeding them, cleaning up after them, and playing with them. Sometimes he takes Bailey. Sometimes he leaves Bailey here sleeping for hours while his owner is away.He and his dog are clearly happy these days, and he is friendly when he encounters me and other people. I do not see a problem.That does not explain you, certainly. It does mean that you are not alone and that you may not have a problem due to your affinity to animals unless you think you have a problem with taking care of yourself somehow because of that.It is ok that people vary all over the map. :-) We do anyway, so we might as well accept the fact.Be well

Do animals feel emotions like human beings?

I have read somewhere that dogs will protect you even if it means dying. They call this an emotion greater than love. Anybody agree? Feel free to write comments, notes, comments that disagree, anything, etc.

Can dogs think like humans do ?

Dogs, like other animals, lack the ability to reason. People often do something called anthropomorphizing. In this case it means they push human traits and emotions on to their animals, like the person above who says "definitely."

Dogs do feel emotions in a way, but in a very basic animal way. They are driven by safety and food and if you were to die tomorrow your pets generally go on happily without you.

They do not have the higher level of conscious that most humans are capable of, but their companionship and the emotions they can convey continue to make them one of the most endearing pets.

Do people get pets (dogs, cats, fish) in order to fill the void, and lack of an emotional connection in their lives?

The first connection I felt was with all pets be it be dog, cat, fish, repltiles,parrots was as a child when I didn't even knew what an emotional connection means. All I remember was to be with them and observing their nature, colour, action & reactions & reacting back accordingly. Loved reading books about fish & fish keeping along with other pets, I think till that time to present it was Therapeutic for me as I am an animal lover. I have lost pets in my life too & I never got similar one again at least in terms of temperaments. I think its same like people love plants and love nurturing them. Its therapeutic to them too & the seeds to plants are like their babies۔ Same goes for pets in my opinion۔

What is it called when you can't feel empathy towards other people?

Lack of empathy is one of the most striking features of people with narcissistic personality disorder. It's a hallmark of the disorder in the same way that fear of abandonment is inborderline personality disorder."Narcissists do not consider the pain they inflict on others; nor do they give any credence to others' perceptions," says Dr. Les Carter in the book Enough of You, Let's Talk About Me (p. 9). "They simply do not care about thoughts and feelings that conflict with their own." Do not expect them to listen, validate, understand, or support you.This is exacerbated when the person has a touch of antisocial personality disorder. Then it becomes frightening, as in this all-too-common example. A woman says:He would abuse the dog in front of his 11-year-old daughter by repeatedly pushing the shocking collar and making the dogs wail. The daughter would scream and wave her hands and if I hadn't been there to take the control away from my husband I don't know how long he would have kept doing it.Let's look at what this means on a more moderate basis. Here are examples from partners of narcissists:He would actually get mad at me if I was sick. I said, "I sat here with you for days when you were depressed and couldn't get out of bed. And now you can't even be a little nice to me when I am sick?" My partner would hurt my feelings just when things were going well. When I would question him about it, he would make up excuses and tell me I'm wrong for feeling the way I did, and if I didn't like it there was something wrong with me. I could spend an hour detailing how I felt hurt and she would sit there, cold as ice. When it was her turn to speak, she tore down every word that came out of my mouth until I had to apologize for expressing how I felt. I ignored this red flag and made excuses to myself and others. Source:(Psychology Today)Live for others, care for them, love them. put their needs in front of yours, hurt when they hurt, feel pain when they do.This makes our world gentile.