Why Do Some People Wrongly Think Fascism Is The Opposite Of Communism

Why is fascism considered wrong? In theory, isn't it an effective way to establish order and loyalty to the state by its subjects?

Because, as a system, it enforces unity as the overriding social value and any threat to unity is met with crushing force.To get a better understanding of fascism, it useful to go back to the origins of the concept: the "fasces" (tightly bound bundles of sticks, often with an axe blade) that were used as symbols of the Roman Empire: within a society does have value, and the fasces is used in the symbols of many democratically driven countries... including the United States. The eagle in the Great Seal of the United States holds a olive branch in one talon, but a bundle of 13 arrows -- bound like a fasces -- in the right talon.I think that being alive is a "right" thing. Life abounds in variation and differences.  For all of the divisions we may have, we must respect the rights of all other people to simply be alive since that mutual respect is the only thing that upholds our own right to be alive. To deliberately eliminate differences is an offense to the nature of life itself, and therefore "wrong."This is why freedom of speech, religion, press, and assembly are so fundamental to the American experience.I believe that people have free will and that the ability to make choices is a fundamental part of the human experience. Living in groups does require compromises and trade-offs, and -- although we may not always agree with the collective decisions of the group -- we choose to grant our consent to the group's actions as long as our voices can be heard.If, however, the fundamental right to disagree and speak one's mind is suppressed with force, then I personally would resist the imposing regime with every bit of strength as I could muster.

Why is "Fascist" a dire insult but "Communist" sort of acceptable?

Like most people I don't have much time for either.
But the communist system was far worse - much higher body count, even more repressive, lasted longer and spread more widely.
It's even doing it's vile work today in some countries!
And yet if someone claims to be a communist (or one of the other camouflage words they use like Socialist Worker's Party) nobody seems to mind much.
Whereas, the imaginary fascists in our midst are constantly troubling all shades of the left.
And of course if you are not a left winger and distrust the power (or competence) of the State you are automatically a fascist.
Admittedly it is amusing, but does it contribute much to a rational debate?

Why do people equate Hitler with being right-wing, when he was in fact a socialist?

some of these answeres:
"right wing communist"
"totaliarian is always right-wing"

"There is more that binds us to Bolshevism than separates us from it. There is, above all, genuine, revolutionary feeling, which is alive everywhere in Russia except where there are Jewish Marxists. I have always made allowance for this circumstance, and given orders that former Communists are to be admitted to the party at once. The petit bourgeois Social-Democrat and the trade-union boss will never make a National Socialist, but the Communists always will." --Hitler

Why was communism such a lie? (warning, rant ahead!)?

why do people not see the billions of flaws within communism.i laugh at how some people are so stupid and inable to admit how wrong they are.
especially when it comes to communism.

most people think collectivism will save humanity, but in an ironic way, it destroy humanity.

capitalism is superior in every aspect imaginable.

search up


and by the way.

america is currently a fascist corporatist state.

we are not capitalist anymore.

please comment below :) !!!

Is fascism an economic system?

"Admiral-Bell" has given the best answer, but I would disagree with part.

Fascism is always economically part of the Capitalist system. Not all corporations in fascist countries are/were government owned. i.e. Mercedes Benz, Zeiss, Krupp etc.

Fascism is a political system that is totalitarian and politically on the extreme right of politics. There is always a group the fascist government uses as a scape-goat for crisis. In Nazi Germany it was the Jews. In Spain and Italy it was the Communists. In Yugoslavia the Fascist Ustashi (Catholics) used the Serbs (Eastern Orthodox Christians) and Kosovians (Mostly Muslim) plus the Communists as their scapegoats.