Why Do Some Women Not Have Periods

Do some women never get their period?

If you haven't had your period by 18, then you should be worried.

15 is still a common age to get it, 14 is just barely considered a late bloomer. No, all women get their periods at some point. Some things can delay it, like extreme athletics, stress, being severely malnourished or severely underweight, lack of sleep...

If you haven't hit puberty yet, or you're not developing, only then would you be freaking out. You'll get it, don't worry, I know what it's like to be the late blossomer.

Why do breastfeeding women not have a period?

The more frequently you nurse, the more your body helps block the ability to ovulate. I did not have a period for over 13 months while breastfeeding. The person who said women "nowadays" who breastfeed have a period within 4 months of birth is wrong. In order to use the Lactational Ammenhorea method of birth control (breastfeeding as birth control), there are factors that must be met. See: World Alliance for Breastfeeding Action : WABA, summarized here:1. baby is less than 6 months old2. You haven't had a period (bleeding in the first 56 days is not considered menstrual bleeding if you are breastfeeding on demand including at night)3. you are breastfeeding on demand, both night and day (with no supplementation of milk, formula, food). Note: Many resources will say that this criteria includes NOT going longer than 3 hours between any episode of breastfeeding.If all above listed criteria above are met, Lactational Ammenhorea is VERY effective. Once Any of the criteria listed are no longer met, you are at increased risk for pregnancy and should not rely on it exclusively for birth control (unless you don't mind a possible surprise)!As a side note, Fertility may be impaired while breastfeeding in some women, even if not all 3 criteria are met (I didn't have periods for over a year but I did give my infant some foods), and so if one higly desires to get pregnant soon, but they have been unsuccessful at conceiving while breastfeeding, then they may need to incorporate more food substitutions in to the diet of their baby and nurse less frequently. I would not personally advocate weaning for the sole purpose of getting pregnant (but breastfeeding can make it more difficult to get pregnant). After all, the whole reason the body makes it more difficult to conceive is because it is receiving a powerful hormonal message that you are too busy with a baby already, and that another baby would be too taxing on you at that time.

Why don't women have their period if they're pregnant?

From the onset of menstruation until ovulation, hormones signal the ovaries to release an egg every month. The egg moves into one of the fallopian tubes waiting for the sperm to fertilize it while the lining of the uterus begins to grow and thicken. If the egg is not fertilized by a man’s sperm, pregnancy does not occur. The lining breaks down and flows out of the body through the vagina as menstruation or periods as we normally call it. If Fertilization occurs, the union of the egg and a sperm leads to pregnancy. Fertilization takes place in the fallopian tube. Over the next few days, the single cell divides into multiple cells. At the same time, the small cluster of dividing cells moves through the fallopian tube to the lining of the uterus. There it implants and starts to grow. Automatically your period stops during pregnancy as the lining of your uterus thickens and its blood vessels enlarge to provide nourishment and growth environment to the growing fetus.To know more, ask a gynecologist online, of your choice, download LAIMA.

Why do some pregnant women think they get a period?

Some women spot during the first month of pregnancy, as you noted. A small amount of blood is shed, and if they don't normally have a heavy flow, they think they had a small period. This is most common in women who are very slender, or who have been on birth control pills that were too strong.

Some pregnant women have a lower progesterone level, and that can lead to some menstrual flow during pregnancy. If the level is low enough, the body may not retain the pregnancy. (My mother had this happen 3 times back in the 60's, losing 3 babies between 3-6 months.)

WOMEN, why do you believe that a period is an excuse to get moany?

i wouldnt say they get moany mate, just they do have a bit of an unlucky week, i mean....what bleeds constantly for 5-7 days and deosnt die.??

it freaks me out but i just support the missus you do the same and yea she wont be perfect but she will be

Why do infertile women and sterile women have periods if they can't get pregnant?

Period happens when the uterine lining starts to shed (as the progesterone harmone drops). That is the menstrual part of the cycle. Most women, even if infertile, do not usually have a problem with developing a lining (which is needed for the egg to implant and to sustain pregnancy) or shedding it.

Most fertility problems are usually in the follicular stages, or during ovulation i.e. releasing the egg. Even if no egg is released, the uterine line does usually still develop and shed - that is anovulatory bleeding.

There are some fertility problems that happen in luteal phase (such as luteal phase defect) even if a good egg is released, but these are usually fairly easy to fix (with progeterone).

In summary, a period simply means that body is capable of develop a uterine lining and then shedding it. It doesn't mean that egg was released or ovulation happened. Some women may have problems with both ovulation and shedding the lining (so no periods) due to harmonal imbalance throughout the cycle.

Hope above was clear.

Do women gain weight during their periods?

Each woman is different when it comes to periods. What is normal for one may not be for another. If you normally gain weight in your hips or stomach first then when you retain fluid from your period that is where it is gonna go first. You should only get stretch marks if you gain alot of weight like over 30 pounds other wise the stretch marks are already there the fluid retention just makes them show more because the skin is stretched from the fluid retention. Also some women may never cramp when they have there period and for others it is so severe they need prescription medications. I will include a list of symptoms for periods. Like I said some have a few of the symptoms others don't or have others.

Menstual symptoms:

Low Iron
Fluid Retention
Thirst before period starts
Craving for Chocalate or sweets
Blood clots
mood swings
hormonal changes
some woment their ph balance changes and they get yeast infections.
Pimples that take a few days to go away

If you are prone to yeast infections or only get them while you are on your period make sure you don't use Always products. It has a plastic layer on it and it holds in moisture.

WOMEN drinking beer or wine on their periods?

I have been drinking for years. I'm 33 now and I DO NOT drink the 1st 3 days of my period. I am taking Motrin and you should never mix ibuprofen with or without NSAID with alcohol. It can cause your stomach to bleed!!

Some women do not drink when they are having their periods! I never had and every women I know don't because they make remarks like I can't wait until after my period I want a beer....I've heard it for years!

I have heard of women back in the old days before midol taking whiskey to relieve cramps but mixing it no......
It's normal I have heard it many times.

I know if I drink and start the next day I have worst cramps and bleed heavier. She probably doesn't won't to be out and drinking and start bleeding real heavy! It's good means she's CLEAN!