Why Do Tonsil Stones Hurt

Do all tonsil stones hurt?

So I've noticed 3 spots on each of my tonsils, on my left one, there's 2 small ones. 1 of them is bigger on the back side and I can only see it if I gag, lol. The right side has 3 small dots too.. What I'm wondering is do these stones have a stage where they don't hurt until they're bigger? The big one on the left has caused pain the last week and seems to get worse, while the right side feels fine. My left lymph node is swollen too, making it painful to put my chin to my chest

I think i have tonsil stones?

my right tonsil gets a lot of 'junk' in it and sometimes it comes loose and i cough it out and its white/yellow and it smells. i looked it up and i think i have tonsil stones. but i also have a few bumps on the way back of my tongue that i never noticed until recently and it hurts to swallow. i also get coughing fits and its annoying. do you think i have tonsil stones, or should i go to the doctor to get tested for strept? do white-ish spots on the back of my tongue come with tonsil stones at all? btw i dont seem to have swollen lymph nodes on my neck

Why is there a hole in my tonsil after I pushed my tonsil stone out?

If you see some small white or yellow small stones in your tonsils, they are actually not stones as my friend told me; my friend is a physician by the way, these white hard substances are food which has been pressed and deposited into your tonsils a long time to cause infection, if you use a Q-tip to dig them out, they look like small stones, they smell very bad, terrible smell, because they are rotten foods. That is why you have bad breath. See your doctor if he or she can help you. Maybe a surgery is needed to remove these tonsils. Consult your physician and ask his or her referral to see a specialist, an oral surgeon.

How do I remove tonsil stones?

I can totally relate. I discovered I keep getting them and I notice them when it feels like something is caught in my throat when I swallow. The best thing to do is make an appointment with your primary care doctor (not a dentist just your regular doctor) for a tonsil stone removal. They most likely have appropriate instruments to remove it. However I have been able to remove them at home myself but I don't recommend it cause it is difficult and you don't want to injure yourself.

Best thing to do is gargle daily with hydrogen peroxide mixed with water (half and half) or mouthwash. I start by gargling with mouthwash or the mixture of hydrogen peroxide and water. Then I take a regular Q-tip and dip it into the hydrogen and I take a flash light and aim it down my throat, while looking into a mirror, and I quickly dab the tonsil stone with the Q-tip (the stones will look white or yellowish and you will see them sitting inside one or both of the tonsils. If they aren't white or yellowish then have a doctor look at your tonsils cause it could be something else). The hydrogen peroxide and water mixture seems to help dissolve my stones. OR dip the Q-tip into a cup of any brand of soda because soda is very acidic and can dissolve things. Doing this can cause you to gag a little so if you gag a lot just have a doctor take care of this for you. I find holding my breath while dabbing the stone prevents gagging for me.

I keep dabbing it every few hours and press hard and wipe the stone quickly. Eventually I am able to knock it out of my tonsil using a fresh Q-tip (that has been dipped in hydrogen peroxide and water mixture) each wipe of the tonsils. If you knock the stone out and you can feel it in your throat quickly grab a cup of water and gargle then spit into the sink and you won't swallow it. However if you swallow it it won't hurt you. I now make sure to gargle with water or mouthwash 2 or more times every day every time I brush my teeth and haven't had another tonsil stone for months.

Make sure to use only a soft item like a Q-tip to touch your tonsils. If gargling and touching it with a Q-tip does not work within 2 days then make an appointment to see your doctor and tell the doctor's office why you are making the appointment (tonsil stone). Good luck!

Do tonsil stones cause your throat to hurt when you are tired?

No. Tonsil stones are accumulations of stuff in the folds of the tonsils and are in an of themselves not a problem. There can be problems with the tonsils however, but tonsil stones are not in my experience a problem per se.

Tonsil stones and sore throat?

I've been coughing up tonsil stones this past week, and since I can't take them out myself without gagging, I only gargle with water and hope they come out on their own. Most of them have at this point except for one I can see. When I was sleeping the other day, I was waken up by a coughing fit and a feeling like my tonsil stone was coming out, but it never did. So I just gargled, brushed my teeth again because it smelled and tasted awful, and went back to bed. But when I woke up in the morning, my throat was incredibly sore and dry. I thought it was because I just needed to drink something. My throat feels immensely raw, sore, dry, and it even burns a little when I swallow. I couldn't even drink cranberry/grape juice because it stung my throat. I've been drinking everything from cold milk tea, warm spiced tea, fizzy soda, water, and fruit juice. Non of these made my throat feel any better, and even the broth from chicken soup hurt to swallow.

Its been a complete day and it still hurts a lot. I even took an allergy pill to see if it would help, but it hasn't. What can I do to ease the pain?

I would love to get my tonsils removed permanently to get rid of my tonsil stones, but I've heard that doctors don't do it anymore, and the pain after surgery is longer and more painful the older you are. I'm pretty sure seventeen is too old for this to be an option. They even refuse to remove my mother's as she suffers from the same.