Why Do Users Hate On Each Other So Much

Why do people hate drug users so bad?

Why do people hate people who use drugs so much? They think of them like they are the scum of the earth. What makes the things people who don't use drugs so much better than a drug user. They don't know the purpose in life. We are all on this planet for reasons that no one really knows, so why is choosing to do drugs the wrong thing to do?

Why do conservatives and liberals on Quora just hate each other so much?

I don't. I wouldn't engage with people that I hate.We are at a very low point in American politics. I first voted in 1988 and over that time I have occasionally voted for Republicans but generally vote Democratic. I had serious disagreements with both Bush Administrations about specific policies and actions but I didn't hate W or his dad. One of the reasons I appreciate Quora is that it is a more or less neutral platform where I can engage with people who disagree with me.The enemy of the American people wants us to hate each other. Russian bots and paid trolls spread disinformation designed to stoke hate between the left and right the in the US because that sows discord and distrust, which only benefits Putin. Twitter Bots and Trump Fans Made #ReleaseTheMemo Go ViralWhen I was a kid, conservatives were constantly warning about Russian infiltration; now they embrace it. This does not sit well with me. I do not hate conservatives; I just want conservatives to go back to being conservatives again. I can't imagine Reagan trying to discredit the FBI but unfortunately, I don't have to imagine contemporary Republicans doing so. That they are doing it to protect a con man that has thoroughly snowed them while defiling what they hold dear makes me furious; I don't like seeing friends and family get ripped off by a deviant criminal.When I argue with conservatives on Quora I am not trying to turn them into liberals or to win points in some imaginary contest; I am simply trying to keep them honest.

Why do people hate each other without any reason? And why they can't do any good thing for them?

There's always a reason why people hate each other whether it's explicit (they know it) or implicit (they don't know it). Here are some reasons why I believe people hate people:1. Fear and It's Manifestations - We are insecure of something the other person has and we want or we feel we deserve, therefore that jealous, or insecurity comes out in the form of anger/hate. We don't hate people, we hate the emotions and fears they arise within us and project these fears/emotions onto them. To avoid the pain of dealing with our own emotions, we hate them.?2. Mutually Conflicting Values - I recently found out a colleague in office dislikes me. Why? I give money to beggars on the street and she is against it. Why is she against it? Because according to her values giving money beggars encourages them to beg more, so in her book - if the giving stops, the begging can too.Why am I not against it? Because most beggars based on those that I have spoken to especially young children - get beaten up, physically amputated, or trafficked if they don't generate a certain quota of money for a stipulated time period, so my values say that if I can prevent the kid from being hurt further by donating to them, I will do it.Whose right here? No one. We just have different perspective or values operating here for the same situation. However, it's our lack of tolerance for each other's values that makes us dislike each other.3. Subconscious Biases - We all group with certain biases, beliefs, distortions as children, and carry these beliefs into adulthood. When beliefs or biases that are hostile towards people with certain behavioral, ethnicity or physiological characteristics, are triggered they make us dislike or hate the person even if we don't completely understand why we hate them.